PAGE28, WHMYBREEPRESS, WIM»NESDAYiOCTOBER16., 1991 C . A......A ------- ...............UE *E W A i __ __ __ __ GUITAR LESSONS. Beglnner and advanced. Acoustic or eiectnce, Cali Lou, 666-1979, Whitby. PROFESSIONAL GUITAR, LESSONS LeamIo play in vailous stywe: ROCK a BLUES HEAVY METAL -, JAZZ Aisé, bainbcopse&arrange 3-VEAR APPLIED MUSIC DEGREE $1O/hafhour $18/our ffSeos Inqlifdea o0*ypIM" DON'T MISS OUT 683-0107 Begiumei kSlom ISL CUSTON CARPENTRY - French doors, bars, roc rooms, trim, etc. Ian, 428-1287. Hînudoctor "we make house calis'" *small household repairs faiI fix-ups KLEAN KUT UPHOLSTERY - re-uphoistory of antiques. Ail klnds of recovorlng, your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Ovor 40 yrs experience. 430-7568 Whitby. DURHAM'S B EST. C. Gibb Construction for ail your renovation noeds. Additions, renovations, french doors, customn trim, wainscotting, rec-roomns, etc. 436-9845. OLD FAMILY PHOTOS? Neea additionai copies? No nogativo noeded. Quality copies made cf your favourite pictures. Robert Aldsworth Photo World, 576-5123. VALERIE VAJDA Whitby 430-9131 Bowmanvilb 623-6395 FALL SPECIAL Low Rates, Quality Work .Drywall &Taping -Rec Rooms *Fancy CeiIing Designs *Plaster Moidings Cali AI today for your free estimate 666m-1657 *Painting - Storm Doors Do»ug Hart Kgenobvatiolos 725m-4718 WhRby's Horae Hardware 701 Brock St. N. 430-0344 J.VeS. IINO - AlumlnumNlinyl SWding aSoffit, Fascia, Eavestrough eWindows, Doors, Renovatons *Fiee Estimates Cili John Van Siagsmon 666418 aAftw 5 p.m. 668-8134 *RECYCLING GLASS, CANS, PLASTIC SOFT* IDRINK CONTAINERS AND-NE WSPA PERS *CAN HELP REDUCE 1 I PRESSURE ON jLANDFILL SITES AND INCINERA TORS, AND CONSERVE iNA TURAL RESOURCES.; IL. . . . .. . . . . PAINTERS PLUS - Service and uality are.flot an accident. For 10 ff and no GST, callBi11 or Gori, 404-1224. HANDYMAIN - dlean yards, basements, cut trees. Something to solit? Ploaso cal 655-3007. GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green clea no mchemicala. Homo"s and office& W. 'offer <ýýthor-in-a dlean " ready, for inspgetlonl). Al employoes are polico-socurity checked. bonded & insured. Member cf Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). STORAGE SPACE availabl. Reasonablerate.Cnsio,8 Lakeridge Rd. -Good for boté, cars, etc. Cali Dianna 649-1812.- REC YOLING ONE I,4 I TON.0F .j NEWSPAPERS SALVES 19 EIE ..... .U QA F __________AY.CAU The Wee Watcêh system providles supervised private dlay care for chlldren 6 weeks and i-oder, full or part timel " Unschoduîed home visits ensure -"Reliable, local back-up covers Provider U quality care for your child Illness or holldays Fly tralned Provlders recelve - Complote insurance coverage W atcfro ongoing Agency support - Incomne tax receipts For more Îffonmation CaIIOUD6m39,9 a icensed <Agency ['CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE it Driving Lessons $16 per lesson $30 per road test Esquire Driving 436-9254 KITCH ENS LTD. 605 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-51 62 Est.35 is. ~~ OLD - TO 1cF NEW, WE DO COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES interlock Paving And Fencing 15 VEARS EPERIENCE ITS FAST - IT'S EASVI ONE CAIL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALI. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS, CRAFTWORLD ARTS & CRAFTS. Thursdap ta Saltrds Oclaber 17-19. KatraEast TraitaCanue. Piraring. Broch Raad North. Admsiln $3.50. uaiier 12 FREE. (519) 351.8344. ANNUAL ART AUCTION. Ovor 200 slgned. iramad, and mmbao.d adata pinte. Baean, Doa8îde. Romance, Lumbaro and mata Salurdato. Octahir 19. IOam. TIeti abai Gallery, Guelph. 519)>4324-0310. KIOSFEST '91 - A magicai wortd of tamilfur lea larnng. For tIrai tuan Oed daide sand pirsnw.,wii (nr yperlorman ces and posiew ali thala naw la the ward af chiidrin. October 18, 19. 20, 1991. Automoovo Buldng. Exhibitioni Place, Tornto. CENTRAL ONTAIlIO.WOOO SHOW. Oclober 18 20. MuIra East Trada Congre. Brock Road Narth. Pickiering. Semitiari, domontriliona, compéition&, moral Admission 85.00 Crydorman Productions (519) 351-8344. NOVEMBER 2.4, CREATIVE SEWING AND NEEOLEWOHI< FESTIVAL. CExhibianPlace. Toonto. OsconegrCaradas targeti shawcasa of the a aat supptiéa&a chniquesalor aewing. itnining, quilting, aplnaiggweavlng. rug hooking. onrbroidary. crîlîs à mare. Onar 300 orlriblila.handrads aI frite hoWloa demaasiasorta handacan worksfrape. cotebrir soport sarornars. laihian shows. iteardi for Canada' lestat <amîer.. Wrî a 89.000 aewiag om nt tla(416> 470-7057. AUCTION SHEEP'AUCTION - Ocloher 19, 1991. 12 noon. 67 Purabrid Sulflka Plus Equrpraeat L arklisld Faim. Baiubara ansl aIfitWy 28, wilchIlotigas. (705) 93".153. FLEA MARIKES CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET. Open Sundapa. l0-Spm. Anique&, cotîacîrbles. epotra cqrdi. Vendlng apace anailable. Businest oppoirluroes in aur matfli i.aindth he Itel a iîrsm. (813) 7522468, MOBILE HOMES MOTORIIOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORIIOMES. tnvnnoip LIquidatIn Sale, 40 unito. Nearid uoed. Al stizes admrnas Ail prices slashed. CatI 1-800263-79551 North B3roir liV. Port Perrp. Ont. VACATIONITRAVEL 13AHAMAS VACATION. Enjop a cuise ta the Bdanias loi S daya and 4 nighi. 8173.60 US. per persan. Cl 602) 350. 9014L 'Restrictons appip. 'ticansed and banded. SELECTIVE SINGLES Transi Regîsiy. V/haie montiibns deuign the trips and an>op saannga an gtoup tates and single supplément&. Annuel Fée. 2245 Dunwîn Diva. Misssauga. Ont. S 1A3.(416>8201442. . .- ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE STROIIE Complications, Chronlc ASTHMA. MGRIANE Effectiva Aternative Medicine tealments bpaitoanitiaoal aopariocd apecilîra. M. Henrp Jayakodp flAc <Md.VSAI: HNAC <Jupan): FAcF SI> Tronta (416) 516-7881. FOR SALE LINEN HOUSIE INC. Goosadorun Duvet& lrom 889. CiaO Susan Abitdgaadrdltour WEEIIY SPECIALS. 1.800.661-3896.241v. service. SYMPHONIA: YOUR CONCERI-HALLI Compact Diuh (mianrTu 80 amnues) and Magazine: liin.cancerl performances - Iaadlng Artam: Arrau. Rubinstiein. Sogoii...l SI?70iasue Sl60.00Paar. Ordagr: 1-800.8w8346. YOUR DOG WON'T STAY HOME? We hava the answaîl Amézin OElactoonta Darda lisrahurain. Siworha Détails: PAC. PRR#. Bancroft, Ontario. 1<61 ICO. 1800 NXEASII Fao (613) 332-1375. NOMESTEADER OUTDOOR WOOD STOVES Iatute cati grate. pull Oul aaia, casi doo ntaild. metalciait. large inqukieIsinitd. (204) 325-9072. BARN CLEANER CHAIN Hoair A Epa. Supar TbugIt aird Parie tram $7.99/. Camlat la sa élan ls. S/ri aotyhre. Husky Faim Équpmna. Aima, Ontario, (519) 840-532. SALES HELP WANTED MAKE A FORTUNE mihing alliera fhappy. TIra ultimata fuIddIr tg oi la coogaalrg huatdredsofaInaru appariwtailea tilIt inceodblyIp G11,1IiCOMES. Uigendy r ad sales people. 1.800 253. 1 9W. WiIOLESAt E FIRM inca 1976 irow seoha 2 roprosantafnos n pour atoa. Dispay anrd service merdiandwInel estabitihai talait accounts. Minimum wehly îarninae potentiel $600+. commission, Cas (418) 763174, (4167562156. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I 900-76 pay pet cag numbeos aviiilable <or Carladians,,in die US. Use aur piograma. croate VoueO own. L0w atari up, huga) profits. (416) 775-8715. x27. BURNED OUT?... Citer ooisndsd..bogsd. lsd-up wil/h our cuIront situation? Use iis opptiunily and pour expertise toi bicorne iînancially indopendont. Cali (519) 758I3923 (24 hi. mrsci edmessage>. IIAVE YOU EXTRA BEDROOM(S) end enjaypepople? Join Global Network B&B Hosto.'Prositn profitable à fun.. Phone (403)>211-1321 Bide.A-Wei lied IL BreakfasttIntilace., Catgsry. tilMitED VWIOLESALE OFFER , Speial purchasi. Cotiputo 4* sallite &ystom with/CKU recalver and dîcoder 81.955. 5' $2.195. 2 WitiiCKU oecelner699, 3 8852, i 8683.(<403) 382- 5158. VANCOUVER ISLAND R.V. end Auto Business foi sale, Opoîattng 26 prafitab atieo. Four actes. 433 <t. malaga. Mi lime promidses. BGilLaliontiawnet. (fl 604 (604) 3903039. M1E ORIGINALJUICEWORKS* VENDîNG Machine. Earn cash prit aildoi, viading fruit juices. OId South. Dow Drap. Md7akra., Suiisi.t.itpions. <avoalmint iom $14.995. tala Canadawlde t- 8W-465-5006. 1 1. EXTRA INCOMI Grow baitworroaIn poue basomnent or gar age. Ododiss o peratiomtriOw Investiront. Marital guarantoeadi Frite information. Eatip ird Ecology. Srrrill, Ontario, L0R M.0 (416) 6434252. MORTGAGES #,ONEY TO PAV 0Dit51SI Éait a *buimnesi Badccradît? No Probtarni No Ouali<plng Hatoeasi Baorow $1.000. rapap $134. monthipi CalilIntransicori Financial 416) 6509455. Susy? t. 800-266-1429. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PIiOPERIITES TO BE SOLD lot unpaid taxas. Crown Land anailabiirp. For arlormrriart nbath wite: irapeflîea, Depi. CN. Box SM8. SinF. Olawa. K2C M3. PERSONAL. WOULD YOU 111<6 to correspond wl/h unatilched Chrîsoan peoplo icroso Canada: ail dinoninatiorta, al nationalises. for, companionshrp or marliea? ASHGROVE. P O. Box 2058. Chase., OC.. VOS 1IMO. STEEL BUILDINGS ROCK 130TIOM Stsal Building picas direct front lacioay. Fr6. overhead dmosowrn puochaalflg ouf 25j%30 fot 82,13W or 30e4O) lor $4.»643 Otharset simiar savngs. ProinterEcoeaspan 1' 800668-S422. SIIAN.TECII STEEL. BUILDINGS LTD. Ouîehry buidings ai an" alloodiabia puce. woodlted or abstereol.large or imali. Dont tfaie chances. 0ta othé ipedaisîs., 1 800561-2200. BLST BURI DING PIICES -SISt irartwsiiTppo -.exi quona.i - 32x48 85920;:4Cz64 88558;.SCoOS $15».331:50a20 $2.270. non axpandabloead($). 091er iai avadlabia -. mied sitea Paragan-.24 Houri 18002638499. SI IEL BIJItDINGS liscausa aI a auccasslul Piowing Match. the laclory ha.s liocaied us 30 addiioal buildings go ho dispased of. Casamm for bobl solecton. Futurs Suai 1.800468. 8653. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES <aXIERIENCE FANM IFE trn Europe. Contact me Itarnasionai Agriculiural Exchange Asaociation ai 1501 - 17 Av@.o. W. Calgary, AB. T2T 0E22talard oui haw. CAREER TRAINING 15 TRUCICNG FOR YOU. Li(a discute L il.l-roducinrrg oinded programa m ed Cri ursesi. ColtWibiaiodu 11-80»285-7173. Mariai Training Spatamae. LEMIN AUCIIONEERING ai dmt Soulhwestern Onaro Scirooi- of Aucionsering. F4molcdise: Novembar 9-15. Information. conact: Sauihwesîern Calarl Sctoail aI Auctioneia. R R Ir5. Woodsloch. Ontario. 1445 M.91519> 637.2t15> BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "bCROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a solder market. advetfise throughout te egonalmenmbersh o! the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associat ions CeIa Olro 55 newspctpers - $160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 nowspapera -SMOfor 25 words NIl Canada 572 newspaprs - $974 for 25 worda . For furiher Information please cail the Whilby Free Press Classifleda *.668-0594 > oDyaling (tape & flnisNing> a OM Ro 0oosoBasemients eTetue preyngý' ePahïing (exterioîltedr) * Tdim Fme etma 576-7503 lem 41 4 The Mutuai Gro.up HERB TRAN call for quotation 725-6564 rQup WINDOW & SCREEN REPAIR available at: à à "