By Malo Bocherlinked with a new secondary - A newi Durham Board of Edu- school, may ho roady for 1994. cation' administrative building, To be located onthe north side ~AAAEUS~ 1756 SEAFOOD and ST1EAKHOUSE -.1180 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 436-9333 e 436-9065 - *Roast Prime Beef (Canada Grade A) Broied Seafood Plate -. n 7 days a week* Banquet Facilities Available ------------- ... I 3 fireplaces, great location iflWhitby. * £ £ s)U $2999900.00. 9I 2%M - GAES 1 know Whitby! 1 live in Whftby and have specialized in Whitby Real Estate for many years. ForD-PND.LErel etae dic, *to *oliaton Cai OS RYBRW. vii el .u The location on Taunton Rd. will provide the best accossibility ta, most parts of the'regi'on, ho says. Bron says the estimated cost for the entire project will be between $40 and $50 million.' Part, of the funding for tihe. soodaxyschool will ho covered by the Mnstryof Education, says Brown. .Ho say s the rest of the project will cost the average taxpayer $6 per year for 20 years based on a population of '60,000.- AnY in- creamei population will iower the -amount per taxpayer, ho Brown says the board will iikeiy soîl off its property- at the current administrative centre at 555 Rossiand Rd. as well as its of Taunton Rd. between Ander- son St. and Gardon St., the'new, centre will beo'one maijor building combininpg the adinitrative staffb, and a secùndary' school, according ta Whitby trustee -Ian Brown. «Some part of the building will ho common ta b oth. such as hieat-* ing, mechanical. facility, cafe- toia, daycare and a storage area,» ho says. The shared use of, some of the facilities niakes economic sense, ho says. The. secondary school wili hoid 1,400 high aschool students in. a two- ta three-storey building of more than 184,000 square foot, ho says. The administrative centre ta serve as a major resource place for al staff, will ho a four-storoy building ofover 150,000 square Te4he. ntr site will cover approximately 24 acres and will also include two piaying. filds at tho north end Of te property and parking space for abut 600 vehi- clos, ho says. RELIABLE, DEPENDABLE. FUN...SUBARU« "1991 JUSTYI 1991 LOYALE lU SUARU MOTORS 1705 DUNDAS ST, WHITBY 4 <IY2,between Whitby & Ajax) ,43 ,m6 66 Du nharton office on KingetonI Rd- ini Pickrig The n=wentre wl loso the noed for the. board to rent Office" locations in the- Whitby Mal and on 'Hopkins St.,, hoi 0 row says the -one location will also reauce the duplication of services such as, FAX machines and travel costsa aong the facilities. . -- Construction is expected to begin late next suxumer withà occupancy for the administrative centre in the s;prmu*g of 1994 and the secondary schooli Septem- ber 1994, ho says. <i h ~heproectas been i h pannstagea for ton years, ho says. used as an office building by the Durham Board of Education may ho turned inta a histarical school for students. Buiit in 1874,. the building could ho a place for students ta visit and participate in hisitory lessons, says Whitby trustee Ian Brown, boýard chairman. Ho sa:ys children couid dress in old-fashioned clothes and sBee how tbings havo changed in the iast century. It could aloo used as an informgatin n tre,' ho says. Rick McDonneii chairman of LACAC, says the buildings pro- servation is an indication to, stu- dents of the importance of honi- tage. .Ho says it couid ho used'as a pioneor achool, museum and archives for the schooi hoard. History classes couid ho taught' in the building -and, some organi- zations could h ave displays overy month, ho says. LALCAC wouid like ta see it preseve o ite," ho says. Brown says thore may ho park- ing problem if the building romains on site. «We oertainly will not demol- ish it,"» ho says. The estimated cost ta, move the building is about $250,000, ho says. Brown says the building bas ta ho moved to either somewhere else on, site or ta. an Off-site location hecause of the new pro- posed administrative. building and secondary school, with con- struction oxpected ta start in about a yoar. Brown says. tho board will meet with 'LACAC ta discus what ta, do with the building. if M.1I.1&1Pq*& .IAh tl-âS I. h WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLD? 7good reasons to cali. Lilian North " She can 9-ellyour bouse " Fuit time salesperson " Experience (l2th year) " Whitby office " 11E/MAX Number One Real Estate Company* (Fnancial Post) Q Lists on Oshawa & Toronto Boards QI Approx. 2 5,200 members on both boards to help get your bouse SOLD! Historic Sinclair school may be used for history classes For service and resuits ask for LILIAN NORTH sales representative RE/MAX Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. 668-3800 Res. 668-7479 ER ', ' * . ï p -- 4 #" * tf -,I. 4 1 ' By Maro Boucher The od Sinclair schooi, now. 1. ý î 4, tes go nul