,~Tt~\ CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN~OWHITBY NOTICE 0F PASSING AN, INTERIM -1CONTROL BY-LAW UNDER SECTION 370OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that on September 23, 1991 the Counicli of the Corporation of the Town of Wib adopted By-law No. 3049-91 being a n amrendiment bo Interlm Conto By-law No. 3029-91, under âeclion 370of he.Planning Act. 1983. lnterim Contrai By-Iaw No. 3029-1 wes adopted ta prohibit the use of tends, buldngs or structures on al Iand zoned tAriulurl Aunder ZoningBy-law No. 1784, as emended, othorthan certain ues as specilaly outlined ln the by-law. Interim Conro By-Iaw No. 3029-91 we ioadoplad ta restiiotland use ln. the area described whle a review of the zoning by-Iaw rovisios eplig bt this erea le completed and any necessary necmleetah Town of Whity ff Pa. ne nce mlmn h By-law No. 3049-91 amends lnterim Control By-Iaw No. 3029-91 by exempting the. property municlpality known as 4250 Andersan Street, Whitby, from tie. intenm contrai provisions. The Agricultural *An zone provisions of Zoning By-Iaw No. 1784, as amendedi, therefore again came lnb force and-have effect in respect of thus particuter property. ANY PERSQN OR AGENCY may appeai to the Ontaria Municipal Board by fîing with the Clerk befacre 'aeme 22, 1991, a notice of appeal setting out the abjection bo the by-law and reasons ln support of the objection. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on By-lmw No. 3049-91 may b. obtutned by contictlng tdue Town's Planning D.partm.nt, 068-M80. The fuil by-law as adopted by Council la attached. DATrED AT THE TOWN OF WHITBY TIS 16TH DAY OCTOBER, AD., 1991.- Donald G. Mlckay Cterk of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whiby, Ontario Li N 2MB BY-LAW NO. 304"41 WHEREAS, Secton 37 of Planning Act, 1983, provides that where the council of a local munlcipallty has dimected mhat a revlew or study be undertaken ln respect of tend use planning in a defined' erea of the municipelity, t magy pas s a by-là w tobYé in effect for a period of time specified in the bya prohibitiing the use af tand, buildings, or structures within tue defined area, or portion thereof, except for such purpases as are set out in mhe by-law; AND WHEREAS, mhe Couricul of the Corporation of the Tcowýnof Whitby has adpted an lntenim control by-law, belng By-law No. 3029-9,. F uiant bo the proisions of Section 37 of me Planning Act., 1983. to iumu1t tme use of tla tnds zoned *A: Agricultural under Zoning by-law No. 1784; AND WHEREAS, Subsection 37 (6) of tue Planning A 1983, permits tue extent of the area covered by an interim contrio by-law to b. reduced;, AND WHEREAS, the. Council of me DCorporation-of tue Town 0f Whitby deems t desirable toaemend tue intenm contrai by-law, By-law No. 3029-91, bo exclude certain land from the provisions of tue interim control by-law; NOW THEREFORE, tue Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whtby enects as foltows: Section 1 o By-law No. 3029-91 la revoked and the* following substituted tuerefor: 1. In accordance with die provisions of tue Planning Act~ 1983, ail tends zoned PAO AgricuIbural under Zoning By-law No. 1784 are defined as an tnterim control amea tu mhe tlioWing exceptions: (a) mhos. tends municlpelly known as 4250 Anderson Street, Whltby, shown as me *Subject Propertyu on Schedule 'Aw ennexed bo By-law No. 3049-91. BV-LAW READ A FIRST SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 23RD DA» 0F SEPTEMBER, A.D. 1991. CLERIC -I WIFLrBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1991, PAGE 31 :rUa the bug, ge afluaIaEJim Anyone can benefit fr-om a flu shot While it's moat important for those in the. high-risk'groups ta get their flu shots, there are many othera who should consider getting immunized, such as people who liv. or work with anyone in a high-risk group -- nurses, doctors and other healtii car. workers; people who work in a situation where ilu cen eamly spread -- teachers, day care workers; people who provide essentiel cornmunity services -- police officers, fire figliters; and anyone else who wishsta edc their chanes of getting influenza. If you do get the flu, the. oniy way ta cope is ta let it mun its course. The Canadien Public Healtii Asocation suggests you sty in b.d, tae aspfrnn ta rehieve the. aches and pains and drink lots of fluids. The flu cen last froam thre <laye ta two weeks but if your symptome last eny longer, se. your doctor.. And remember, düragging yourself ta work ien't dong anyone a favour. You risk ca±ciing a secondary infection, a nd you'll.he. spreang the virus. %~cLsors .AIR DESIGN- f molN"TUESM&,WEcï.l- We',carry RFedkin, Dikson esin Prodcuots FROM PAGE 25 heart, iung or idney disease, and those with diabetes, cancer or aneemia. The danger lies in the. fact that tii flu leaves its victimes susceptible ta other infections, the. Most common and muet dangerous of which is bacterial -pneumomna. .If youre in a Ihigh-rialc group, your body bas a taughi time fighting off an iliese like this. Many people end up in, hospital and Borne of them die. Ini fact, itfs estimated . that about 5,000 Canadians die each year as a resuit of flu complications; more than 80 per cent of those people are over 65. Beat the. bug Considering the. dangers, itfs surprising that only about 30 per cent âf people in the high-risik groupa get a flu slhot each-year. Part of the problemi is lack of awareness, which ie why groupa like the. Lung Association are actively,, prSmoting flu imnmunization. 'When we)re faced with a life-thireatening iilness thats preventabie and people are ignoring the treatment, w. know we've got tu, get the word out," says A. Les McDonald, director of health education and programn services for the Canadien Lung Association. Side effects minijnized There'e good news on that issue. This year, the provinces, with the exception of Quebec.and British Columbia, bave purchased a muchl es reactive flu vaccine for general use, cailed eplit virus vaccine. As the name suggests, tii. virus used in this vaccine -has been split and, wýhile it works just as weil as the traditional vaccine made fromn the whole virus, the. aide effecta have been decreased dramatically. Studies show only about 12- per cent of those receiving the aplit vaccine experience flu-like aide effects. Some people wiil stili get soreness at the inection site, but it disappear in a day or so. Fuvaccines are considered extremeiy safe. Split vaccine cen *b. given ta, anyone over. age six months; whole vaccine is safe for those over aged 13. Bath vaccines are effective in preventing' or reducing the. sevrity of influenza. Flu vaccine was first developed in 1937. Since then, each year scientios predict which strains of flu wil ý revent and grow those etrains ini *fertilized chicken,.eggs. When enougli bas been grown, the virus is removed, purified and kliled. Usually thr.e virus strains' are combinied in the final flu vaccine each year. By Conut. Grant Arnold Durham Regional Police Crime Stoppera and Durham Regional Police areagn asking for the public's help in solving -a bank robery that occurred in Claremont on Mà y 14. At about 1:35 p.m., two men entered the Canadien Imperial Bank of Commerce located at 5006 01d Brock Rd. N. i Claremont. One maie was armed with a iong-barrelled'rifle or shotgun, and stood back.and acted' as the lookout, *hile the other maie, armed with a knife, approached the teiler.- Afler demanding and receiving, somne cash, both suspects Ieft the bank and were seen leaving the'area in'a stolen red GMC pickup truck, licence WJ 1348. The vehicle had been reported atolpen the da.y earlier Ini Brougham, Ont. ýand was -later recovered in Balsam after -the robbery Su t *1: white, male, late 2% '&10"-', sandy brown, short hair wearig eyegiasses with Wak rime, armed -witha iong-barrehled rfe or shotgun. Suspect #2: white, maie 20a, olive complexion, brown eyes face and head covered wid1 a camouflaged fabric disguise armed with a knife. Crime Stoppera wili pay up ta *$1,000 for information leading to the,.erreet of these two bandits. Have you any idea who they are? If so, give ýCrime Stoppera a oeil. You will not be required to identify youraelf or-have ta, go ta court. The Durham Regional Crime Stoppera hotline ie 436-8477 (that'. 436-TIPS), and is open 24 hours per day, seven <laye per. week.'The phone number cen.be diaied-from inoatareas of the regon -fre. of ch. If-this number is long distance, you cen colectnd o r r imoeil pp . Oeils will neyer b. traced, >b SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW NO. 304"-1 -7;ql -7-1,7777, - 37 ý z, ýý 111!!I!" ý Il - ý -,, ý, ý -ý;7777-r- -7ï7mý> ziF7 ý 77-77-7 ý'7"77777= -' 771'l-e i<77-ý,j;F7:5;7 -i GIFT CERTIFICA TES A VAILABLE! u"FOR :tCOMPLETE FAMILY HAURI CARE" APPOINTMENTS NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY E-xtendjeci Hours -Thura. & Fr1. 601 DUNDAS ST .W. WHITBY (Town Plaza) .4-