PAkGE 10, W BY FRW,. PIRESS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1991 Guys andDOIS' By Marie Boucher' Tickets for the musical 'Guys and DoIls,' presented by th e Whitby Courthouse Theatre at the Centennial Building starting Halloween night, are selixnglike hot cakes, according te LMon- taine Trading Post. A, spokesperson'for Lafontaine says most dates for the musical are sold eut already. 'Guys and Dolîs' will feature many of the fameus tunes from the classic Broadway musical. "It' a crowd pleaser because cf its great comedy and great music," says director Michael Roantree. He says even without the, muithe 1pa swell-written. «It'ésachalenge te put-it on because Whitby, has a samall theatre, s asRantre He saystere will b. about 25 musical numbers ini the show, including 'Luckbe a Lady,' 'Sit down youre rocldng the boat' and 'frke back your mink.' Rcantree has dfrected "Any thing Goes' at the. Oshawa Lite Theatre and, 'Kismet' *at the WhitbyCorhoue Theatre.' Prducer Lamie Rosen -says there will- be a small orchestra for each performance. "Vie will give WVhitby the best show that w. possibly can," says the winner cf a best co-producer award from Theatre Ontario for Whitby Courthouse Theatre's almot sod ot 'Noises Off.' Rosen says a musical isi more difficuit te put on than a play because it inrvolves céhoreogaphy, an orchestra and actors. ýý Choreographer Niki Allard says she is excited to wcrk with the musical for the second time. She did the choreography for 'Guys and DoIls' in Port Perry last year. "It was really. fascinating te see the actors domng the choreo- raphy because they can really dance,» she says. Allard says the play %i larger than lifer and sort of a period piece representing the fiftieo. Musical director is Tomi Millar, the co-founder cf :Millar Lights Theatre Cc. in Port Perry. H. has directed musicals for the Oshawa Little Theatre, Scugog Choral Society and Millar Lightà Theatre Co. 'Guys and Dols' is based on a bock by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows, with music and:lyrica by Frank Loesser. The play starts with Nathan' Detroit, -played b Howard McGaheytr oimdaymca tionen m &eYrk for îa-crap game. .Sky, Masterson, played bay Kevin Dashney, is one cf the crap p1ayra with Nathan. He eanehs nickname "Sky" TANNING CENTRE *Tanning with twin or triple facials *Swimwear *Crazee7wear REGULAR TANS FOR $55a I <(Both Locations)I 101 Mary St. #203e Whiby 84 King St W. Oshlawa 66656043664 2 MI. CHAEL Roantree (front, second from 1Ieft)> Tom Milar (behlnd Roantree), Niki Afard (front4, second from rlght) and Lamie Rosen (behind Alard) are shown. wlth oust members of, 'Guys and D)olWs,'Utp'omn presentation by theWhltby Courthousle Theatre. PSU 1%n THE PROSPECT 0 F WHiTBY LASER KARAOKE With Ton y & Roz Wednesday October 23 and Thursday October 24 STARTS AT 9:00 PM 158 Broek St. N. (At Mary Street) Wbitby 666-5092 IimDEAWAY BINGO DAILY MATINEES DAILY EVENINGS Weekend Late Binigos Special RqooiM for Non-smokers 65 Sunray St. (n. off Consumera Rd., 1 block w. of Thickson) 668-9029 MY fSISTER'S PLACE RICK DICKARD From out of town wth a great soundi Thurs. - Sat. 9 -1 arn, Sunday Matinee 3-5 pm,, Sunidayl7-llpm 339 Malaga, Oshawa 576-9121 CASEY'S BAR & GRIILL Friday October 25 &Saturday October 26 ROCK WITH .'IMI' CASEYS 2ND ANNUAL HALLOWEEN BASH Saturday, Oct.26th 1100 Dundas St. E. Whitby ý666-3300 Ie1 T H-E LION & UNTCORN BILL Y BRANDO Friday Oct. 25th and Saturday Oct. 26th 112 Coiborne St. E. Whitby 666-3034 THE PROSPÉCT 0F WHITBY Friday, Oct. 25 and Saturday Oct. 26th ROUTE 66 SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ 6 6-I10PM FEATURING "Th1e John Deehan Quarter' as seen on TV 158 Brock St. N. (At Mary Street) Whitby 668-5092- THE TOP 10 CD'S 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1.Eric Clapton 24 NIGHTS - Wamer 2. Crosby, Stils & Nash C.S.N. - Wamer 3. Robbia Robertson STORYVILLE -MCA 4. GunsNW'Roses USE YOUR ILLUSION 8I - MCA 5. Crash Test Dummies THE GIIOSTS THAT HAUNT ME -BMG 6. Tom Cochrae MAD NUD WORLD - Caçitai 7. John Molenoemp WHENEVER WE WANTED - Poly. 8. Bannie Raitt LUCK 0F THE DRAW - Capi 9. Ozzy Oboume 10. Nataie Cole UNFORGETTALE -Watr COYSTIS & NASH C.S.u'Ne 4, CD BOXSET Whibyrtt' wors n Ajax Whitby artite, Ruth Read, Mary Elen McQuay and Sea Mcuay will have art works at an exhibition on Saturday, Nov. 2 at the M c'inage Gallery in Pickering Vilapein Ajax. The ,exhibition of a mal cri- gma1 art. works will' 'include Ratd's ofis, Mary "Ellen McQuay's hanid-colcured prints. and Sean McQuay's paintings. Other artiats wMthworks at the show are- Roweëna, Dykins- Bridper,.of Oshawa,, Francine Fortier Moher of Oshawa, Anas- tasia. McEwen of Oshawa, Karen Buck Mackintosh, of Cannington, Nma *Fitzwilson of Toronto, Dia'ne Henderson cf1Picker*ng, Anne' H-llingwrth Of Pik e îig Lynne McI1'ride Evans Uxbridge -Jackie Ohora cf West Hill, D.V~anessa Perry,,of gtouff- Lotti Thomasof P'ckenUd ~andis Visunt c roo e4t1L ~' -,77