-. - ~ ~ WHITY fUE RES8 WENESAYOCTOBER 28, é991, PACE 15 ha ekected by the separalB chool French- language eleo- t"ra greup from Bock, Oshawa, Scugog and Whitby) Whitb MAYOR TOWN Lynda EBuffett Tom Edwardm Gery Emm REGIONAL COUNCILLOR Rosa Batten (3 to be electsd> Marcel Bnjnelle (incuffnbent) Joe Drunmm Jamnes Prest EASTWARD Denmis Fox - (incumbent) Geof Rson CENTRE WARD John DoIstra Kelth Harda John Lazenby Robert Palm Shirley Scott John Southemn NORTH WARD David Bronan Den Nitcheli Bdan Wck wEsTWARD Judi Lengfleld Dave Wal HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSIN (4 membera l ha electe) Ralph Blank Roert Brewerton Gerry Cox incumbent) John Hughes BibI Lawler Gord W. Mifflin. DURHAM BOARD 0F EDUCATIN (3 trustees le Patty Bewman ha elected) (incumbent) Aiban Gunn John Hamition Paul Hutchinson Tanya M. Koch Deug Land Robert McCbeery Geore iosh (incumbent) Neil D. Smith DMJHAN SEPARATE SCHOOL BO0ARD (3 trustees 16 ha. eleled), Joe Bugelli Frank Cannataro Viec DiCarlo Judy Morrs Tom Odman (Incumbent) Matn Tupi Marc Belcourt, Robert P. Bisvert Roland C. Coiinolly LousAutur J. Langos. Marc Lapointe Kathy Yok Apartment complex PROM PAGE 3 She said it ie better if the' aji on dees netgo before the Tieis the only way that it can be deait with most effec- tively," she said. Counciller Dennis, Fox said residents have te understand that the Rowsland Rd. and Brock St. N. area je the future growth cerner cf Whitby. Hee mmd the Town weuld "be laughed out cf the 0MB" if the mattp went that te that forum. He mmid Whitby je agown town -and apartment buidigs are a part cf that growth.' Mayeor Bob Atteley said the Grand Oaks plan was a geod development overal and he fully supprate application. e said the officiai. plan laid eut in 1973 the question of denaity. Couniller Jee Drumm was the only one net in faveur cf the application, saying there is ne market for that kind of heueing. "I dont 111w empty buildings in ourcommunity,'he'said. $15090O00 d'amiiage, fire éat Kurz A fire at Ku rz Foode at 9620 Baldwin St. last Sunday after- noon caueed about $150000 i damages, according tthe Whtby eDepatent.' Terewa nobody i the build- ing at about 5 pam. when the fire bro-ke out. The fire ie believed to havýe been caueed b an electrical source, said'the fire department. According to a spokesperson for Kurz Foode, the building has already re-openied. Town aims: for subsidy on work at bridge By Marlo Boucher The majority cf the reconstruc- tion cf the Kerr bridge on. Coch- rane St., north cf Lockridge St. muet be completed before the end cf the year. If more than haif of the proect is net completed by Dec. 31, ýthe' Town may lese a subsidy fromý the Ministry cf Transportation, Town operations commîttee lear- ned Monday night. The mini*stry approved a mai- mum cusd f $40,000 for the PrTIetbalanSo fthe cost, paid by the Town, will be $142»Ã"5.* If meet of the preject je net finished by- Dec. 31, the Town will be. respnsible fer the codte cf the bridge after Jan., 1 and lose the reat cf the subsidy. The Town approved the tender cf U450,906 froém Dam Con- struction Inc. for the recenetruc- tien'cf the bridge. JOCESLYN jOUNSON of Wbitby, one Daniel Naccarato, Meghaui Rist Hill1- of the home car. providers for Wee ary I1reland and Karen Mitcheli du .r- Watch, serves Keith Horwood, ing 'Week of the Child.' Peur Tomblln photo Bylaw restrictions on atellitedihes By Mro Boucher A new Town bylaw will restrict the number and installation cf satellite dishes. 1 A resident may have only one dish while commercial, institu- tional or industrial zones may have more than one dish. Themaximum height cf a satellite dieh on the greund in any zone is 5.5 metres from the ground te, the tip cf the dish. The maximum height for a fiat roof installation is 5 metres from the roof deck te, the tip of the Foster parents honoured The Children's Aid Society of Durham Region held its annuel Footer Parent Recognition Dinner and Awards Night at the Dnipro Pavilion in Oshawa on Oct. 16. Mable and Richard Willets cf Why were honeured as 20-year foster parents. Ail foster parents were- entertained- by the Ukrainian Sokely Dance Ensemble and O'NeiliJazz Band. Regarde and areaton were expressed by Howard Smith, pesdent of the board of citors, Morton Marder, executive director and Ronald MacQueen, president of the Foster Parent Aesocatien. A special. presentatien was made te Eva anad John Catton cf .Enfield who hav, been' foster parents fer' 25 years with Durham C.AS. Derelictfrr ot FROM PAGE 1 ted for small-craft uee. However, Robinson has filed an appeal.' ]Robinson beught the PEI in 1986 with the itention of selling it es a fioatg generatin station te one of the Cribean islande. The 71-year-old vessel, with transformers on board, had been ueed as' a power station fer dredging operatione in the St. Lawrence after it had been a ferry boat for many years. Sims teld. the court that i- cidents rélating -to the PEI in- clude a firem" July, 1987, and another'on October, 1988, the vessel's moorings were broken in January, 1989, and the vessel sunk te the bottom cf the har- bour in December, 1990. Sims said it wae «mnore than an eyesoren and ther-e were "lei- uimate concerne about the pafeity cf the vessel. lie added that the &Second world war hae been fought and won in less time than it will take teget! the ship eut cf the -har-. IYS VEH'ýr ,rlà "T Au !4 Ail other dish installation will have a maximum cf 0.3 metres above the tep cf the roof.' Councillor Marcel Brunelle suggested at Mondais pa 9in committee meeting~ that1 the* minimum height ofthe dish b e added to the report to be presen- ted at next Monday's Town coun- cil meeting. He said that with technologica' changes, dishes may become smaller in the future. DISCU&S YOUR ~OGT IWITI YOUR .M.P,. REBNE SOETEINS 1m1Pe ç" invites you to bis y vox POP FORUM (Town Hall Meeting) October 25> 1991 7:15 .9:OO Pm <-~* 41 L1~ DURHAM ROMAN CAfIOUC SEPARATE SCIIOOL BOARD Ajax Mu nicipal, Centre CORPORATION 0F THE ..... TOWN 0F WHITBY IMPORTANT, NOTICE 1 î 91 LEAF COLLECTION PROGRAM Lea me have been banned at the Landfil Silo and a a resuft, Mun ipailies have not been permftted te cola* leaves as part of UieIr Pou~ r garage serice The colected leaes have to ha taken be a Spea arrangements have been made Ie coilect your leaves and. delever them to acom adn ie rvie nd -'aed eu Io CLEAR PLASTIC_ GARBAGE -BAGS OQUI andpgee i, curbmide collection on the smre day that regul a gl collection pace . Leaves Ilaced out for collection in any other typ of bag or container Leaf coflectien service wîfl extend frem Cappr *al~ the week of Oclober 28th for a period cf tive weeks. Lavswil ne ha coellected prior b the designated timne. Wea cite yeur continued co-operation i n f program and if you wish er iiformaton, please cal us. PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATIONSCENTRE. 0684.M7