WIM'YFRP SW qSAOCTOBER U819910 PAM 7 PAGE ';SEVENý The, 'marsupial' elections This week we are goinq to talk about Ilitice and éections. This is a clever wrtors ploy, to M keop uns ....oz from talking about home decorating. The* roason w. shouldn't talk about homo d =crtig Well it han todo with ...'no maam. You cant trickmotee EfetioSm, id, the marsupial kind, are Meovoiy thro yoars This-i. bocause of a quaint Australian customi known asnkangaroo ballots, similar to kanoearo courts. I. origin of the custom bas been ot in Astas arlmy history. What happons in a marupal élection is tuis. sevoral people, or more than one, strvo for tho big pLAze. Which isn the-honour of being mayor for three yoarsgo Sehohp toit. . An éeoction is in no way 1k. wallpapering a room. Wallpaporing a room is something that can b. don. on a Saturday, providingth sun aimes not too ad Or ______________________________________ certain sprig ovents are not on tolovision. Wallpaporng on Sundas is prohibited by an anciont tolovision. law caie NFL foal. (Anybody dumb enough to watch football deserves to spend Sunday wallpapering.) Wbile some people want to -become mayor, other le strive for other prizes called council seats. Somearbi council seats, whuch means they also sit at the Region,an littie council seats, meaning they don't get paid as much. Why these are called prizes we are not sure. Thome who have hod the positions wll dlaimi th.y ain't no prizes. Those who elace about politiciens dlaimi that politicians ain't no prze ithr.y ohma u 1 Eithr wa, boh myor en& coucillor once elected, claim to b. overworked and underpaid. Tey then vote theinselves a rais. and, according to local forklore, quit working. Supposng someone was to run for mayor. This would mean lie wouldn't have to wallpaper a room at ail dur'mg tho capijn. Provided, of course, that certain people with decorating ideas accepted pohitics as a valid alternative. That candidate would neyer get a room haif papered and then find out that the rt of the papoeris allsptchy and written on with markera, and not fi t to paper a coundil chamibers. Theri the mayor-al candidate would not have -te take the remaining paper back te the store andakfo replacoment. And would not get a oeil froin tho wall pr store saying CAUB'fflENCS CLAMS AT WHfl'BY CO)LL9GIATE ImITUTE, CIOBEB 1888 that the new stuf came in but it is ail ade and spotichy, This clans was taught ly publie chiol inspector James MacBrien cf Port Peri. Tihe school to.stood on Coiborne Strot whoe the Wendso Place Senior Citizens' apartmients are today. Tii. school was built i 187213 and eihd in 1975/6. Try te imagIn e a pliticien returning somo four hundrod tw ucvAuiâaphoto dollarls worth ofwalppr in a green garbage beg, and emorging fimthe. decorator store with thirty dollars of Incid.ntally, there is no truti tote rumour that ne Otro , on.Ji savriigfragnra ir n okepra aayo pvncial law makes it mandatory for municipalities -- or i * $5,.72tao, C t$6,i2d6r4igfo eealc.ken okeee ta aay0 that marsupielities -- te bast candidates in rev.rsed $,7 e$,6 aiphabetical order eveuy second election. This was trieci once te give people wiiose naines 1begin with î heIM.&y OtobArS1, AGO dii f h ZY, X, W, V, U, T, 8S... etc. ... an even chance. frinti. TursAy,(TobeAN191916 oitInEti Instead, a new prvicial law decrees that in odd- W1B AET N HOIL numbereci élection years (1991 is on.), votera are r.quired te *A freiglht train was d.railod nomr Whitby Junction on (tbr1 ie ielboo mark the ballot while holding it u id down. Thia should *Dr lko Beaton and Amy Winnifrd Rosa w.re marrnec in a military w.dding at St. have tue saine effeet, and give Zy , Zwyer, Zwiers and *AiidrewPs --esb4yteran Churci on October 17. Zwichers an even chance. A meeting wlll b. held today in tue Town council chambers te fori a Whitby branci of tuie Good RoedsAisociation of Ontario Coemty. Yoei have my wrd. *e Whitiy bas 101 pupils at the. higi ochool and 332 pupis in the. three publice chools *~ivf(q hUdwÂ1T¶'~<l