Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WH1TLBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESI)ÂY, OCTOBER 30, 1991 FAMY ACTION COUNCIL Te ii.mily Action Council & People Against Pornogahy i recgnziig hit RbboW eek '91 fom ht 27toNov. 3. White ribbos wil b.displayed by people in every community fromn Coast t oaot as a national protest against the presence of ponography in society. The. Famîly Action Concil & Pol AganstPorogrphysponsorth campaign for Durham Région. For fuirtiier information,, contact Family Action Council. PAUKISON SUPPORTý GROUP Parkinson Suapport Group, Durham Region Chapter general meeting wiil be on Nov. 4, 7:30 to 9:30 pan., Cedarcroft Place Retirement Home, 649 King St. E, Oshawa. General public invited. A tour and refr-eshrnents are included. For more information cail 666-8576 or 668-6580. DJRHAM ASSOCIATION The. Durhamo Association for Family espite Services would like to welcome ail interested community members to attend the annual general meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 9:15 p.m. at the Michael Starr Building in Oshawa. To haeéligible to vote, membership is required and may- ha purchased i advance at the. association office, 209 Dundas St. E, Suite 304, Whitby,'telephone 668-3812. Agenda items must ha submitted in advance. cES APBEVENTION The. neit ,meeig of the Cesarean Pvnton Support and Education group will be on Monday, Nov. 2, at 146 Mill St.3, Oshawa. Topie will ha Midwifei Car..' For more information ci 430-2343. FOUNDERS TEA For the All Saints' Anglican Church 125th anniversrywek- end, the eveninq guild wil ost a ¶Foundei>s Tea kin*the parish' hall, Saturda, Nov. 2, Jte 4 p.m. Ail parishioners and former parishioners -of- Ail Saints are mvtedt attend, For more infor- mation cali 668-5101. ]INTERNATIONAL TRAINING IN COMMUNICATION The. Firat Oshawa Club 1TC wil meet on Tuiesday, Nov. 5, 6- p.m.- at Hong Kong 'House, 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Cost of dinner is $14. The theme wil ha ' Celébration Etiquette.' For. mare information, cail Pat at 725-9375 JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY Thi. John Howard Society of Durham Region invites com- munty geniesto meet their stat;toi~fadliie ad receive inoMo o herprograma Frida, ov. v-1, 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Non -roffiit commnunlt groupei which are bscIn Whitby or have a substantiai Whltby membershlp rnay place their upooming meetings or aotivlies on this page at no cost. *kiucwi aWBkI,, Iln. 1~FiidIV mim. A ATTIPiED in appropriate period cos- oelebrating the 125thi anniversary of turne are (frorn left) Jeumifer Dewar, Ail Saints Church in Whitby. The Johnathon Schultz and Mamnie Bar- mvent wiil be held Nov. 9 at Trafl- low, members of the orgnzigcorn- gar Castie SehooL. mittee for the gala dinner and dance Peter Tomblin photo BABYSJi1TR TIL41NING Tihe Oshawa YWCA will hold a bahysitter'training course on Tuesdays ýfrom 7 to 9 p.m., starting Nov. 12. Cail 576-8880 for more information. 'TIMWARP' DANCE The Kinette Club of Whitby prents dise jockey - Craig Sihat a" Tîme Warp' Dance. Friday,, Nov. 8 at Heydenshore Pavillon, Water St, Whitby 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. For tickets cail 668-0189' or tickets on sale at Miracle Food Mert, 601 Dundas- St., Town Pla2a Saturday, Oct. 26, Saturday, Nov.,2, 1 p.m. te 3 pam. TIckets are $15. HOCKEY MSWEAfflDANCE Th. BrooUhinWhitby minor Hockey Auiliary is holding a Hockey Sweater Dance Saturday, Nov. 9, 8 p.m. te 1 a.m. at HReydenhore Pavillon. Thie cost, $25 per couple includes buffet, and disc jockey at Peacock Sports, Blades & Sports Pii or from any auiliary member. MONTE CABLO NIGUET The Durham chapter of the Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario will hold a charity Monte Carlo Night on Thursday, Nov. 7, 7 to il p.m., at the Moviola Caf., 700 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Cost, which in- cludes admission door prizes, refreshinents anâ $30,000n in playý money, is $20 per person. F or more information or tickets, «ài Kevin at 288-2221 or Arthur at 433-6534. BIXDCK PARENTS The . Whitby-Brooklin Block Parents Assocation wiil meet on Nov. 14- '7!20 n-,r -- at thm VWit+i DANCE The WMhb Clean and Sohar dance wilhaeld at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Brock St. N. in downtowvn Whitby, on Friday, Nov. 1, 9 p.m. Cost is $6 per Rerson, $10 per couple, at the AZHMMR The support group for Alzhei- mer families will' meet on Wed-. nesday, Nov. 6, 1 p.m., at the YWCA;- 199 Centre St.S. Osh- awa. Ail car epvers areweiIome. For more uomaincal576- 2567. UKRA1NIAN CELEBRATION Asart of a*ivties markn teCntennial (1891-1991) of Ukrainian immigration to, Canada, thé. wfll ha celeb- rations at the Lviv Heritage Centre and Odessa Pavillon in Oshawa Nov. 8 to 10.. At both locations there will ha exhibits and demonstrations (icons, religi- oua art,* costumes, embroidery, ýwoodariEster 'customs, weavin).Theofflcial Qpening Ï; at il 9-m. on Nov. 8& Lviv isat St. George' Ukrainian Catholic Church, 38 Jackson Ave., Odessa is at St. John's Ukrainien Ortho- dor Church, 31 Bloor St. E. âmeO Tonby Silipo, the new Minster of Education ini Ontario, will ha gueet - speaker at the annual meetnof the Durham Industry- Education »Counil üon ,Mondaýy, Nov. 4 at the. Oshawa Golf Club. Cocktails at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6p0m. Coet in $35. For-more information cil Shelley Craig at 725-6330. Maar an rf hw UCW BAZAAR The Westminster United Church Women bazaar will b. held on Saturday, Nov. 23, il amn. te,3p.n., at the church, 25 Manning Rd. (between Thickson and Garrard roads). There will ha novelties, sewmng,- candy, home bknwhite elephant, knittinrgand plants. Lunch is avail Ie unti 1 pan. in the. tea room. Ail welcoe. BAZAAR A bezaar wil ha held et Sunnycrest Nursing Home, 1635 Dundas St. E., Whitbhy, Saturday, Nov. 2, 1 to 4 p.m. Thiere willhae home bekring, -white elephant,ý craftsceamics, Iboskplants, slent auction and tee room. AUl poede go te, reeident's council BAZAAR A feUl bazaar wiil b. held Seturday, Nov. 9, il a m. te 3 p.m. at Providence Place, 100 Glen Hill Drive S., Wbitbyr (one 'block wet of Thickson Rd.). Crafts, baked goode, plants, woodcrafts yesterday's treasurers a-e -w-nad ilehm BAZAAR There will ha unique craftis, folk art, knitting, balcing homemade candy, preserves anJ much more et the Ail Saints Village Bazaar, 301 Dundas St. W., Whitby, Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 a.m. te, 3 p.m. There will b. a silent auction, a tea room and, a hearty lunch will ha available. Admission is free. For more' information caUl Jackie 668-0467. CRAVT, BAKE SALE A craft and bake sale will be held- ar the Brooklin ý Day. Nur- sery, 14 Church St., Býrookbn on Saturday, Nov. 160, 10 a.m. te 2 p.m.Adiso is free, lunch is available. SCHOOL BAZAAR Tiraelgar Castle Séhool will hold its 'International Charity Bazaar" on Seturdayl, Nov. 2 from 1 te 4 p.m. et thi e hool, 401 Reynolds St., Whitby. There wil ha internatioal foods, hand- crafted items, books, plants, fashion showl, baked goode, Christmas room, free babysitting and much more. Ail welcome. HOBBY SHOW The Hobby Show, organized by Ted Curl of Whitby will ha held at the Toronto I[ternational Centre Nov. 1 te 3. Tii. largest hobbykcraft show in North, America, there will ha more than 185 different crafts and hobbies represented, including the. inter- national woo;d carving competi- tion. BAZAAR ,Hadassah-WIZO (Oshawa) i. p lanning te hold ita bdggest baaron Wednesdy, Nov. 6 at Beth Zion Synagogue, 144 King St. , East, Oshawa.. Door riz include a Siar sofa and a Roal Douton figurine te ha raffled off et 3 p.m. Hours are il a.m. te 3:30 -p.m. Delicioue new lunch menu. Admission is a book of 5 raffle tickets for. $2. Chldren are free. Boothe.' Country Kitéhen, Nearly New Boutique, New Tqys, New Fbrcs Trivia te Treasures, Jeans and a large selection of new books. TEA AND BAZAAR mhe Salvation Arm Ch*istmas Tesaand Bazaarwi1b held on Sady Nov. 9, 1:30 te, 3:30 #;ou * .1m., ai 11"y 'JUOU er . LVGarfDAA Aluaa iAAef. ABMSY TIG im., ai; the Balvatîon Army, Mz ATh eOsawY CaMeETING mupIci al buildingcomiittee BAZAAR itS. hh. Tii Osawa Chater 0froom T. or more information FALL BAZAAR The Westminster, United ntS.Whby Amnesty International meets cail LyndaDrake at 666-1203. ~ eir'AtVt Church bazear will b. offlcially Wednesday, Nov. 6, et St. Lukes Th . . . opo Atii.Ened t il a.m. on Nov. 23 by Pebtran Church, corner of WOMIEN OF DISTINCTION Cetewl ahlagisaRvCarles Swan (in-term ena- R.ossand and Park Roads. The Tickets for the lOth annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 2 fr0111 bler). The church is at 25 Man- St. AndreW's Presbyterian meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. The YWCA Women of Distinction 10:30 amn. t 2:30 p.m. Th9wl ning Rd., between Garrard and Church et 209 Cochrane St., meetn will feature e speaker Awards dinner on. Nov. 7 et Le ha tables ful of bagan& Tiuikson roads. Lunch will ha Whitby wiil hold their annual discussingls experiences In Gala in 'Whitby are available Christmnas decorationsa, <', availabel in the tee, room until 1 bazar on Saturday, Nov. 9,11:30 Afhaisanbefore and during untl Nov.. 1. Ouest speaker is hand knits, novelties and a bake pM. There will ha noelties, arn. te 3:30 p.m. Lunch wMilb. te Soviet invasin. New Meureen Kempsten-DirkeE;, vice table. There will b. sometbing for home bki& sewing, candy,$30prautan 15pr memberi -a nd'guesà'arèalwâys ' peudeùt"corporàt&àffairs for eve ryonè plus atea rooMx-.Cone' -plants, and whi'téeÉ.haz -.Any child underage 10. Therewil 797. *QK ai eu U~88 or t heocentre et 801 st Bra iakm gonden FUND RMG EVENT The UniesiyWomen's Club of Oshawa and. DititWM hold its annual1 fund-raising event Io prvide cholarhip or pot oraiing a day of duplicate bridge ocn Saturday, Nov. 2, aý St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., -Whitby. -Tickets are $20 per peruon and iunlude lunch and przes. Abu $2,500 io awarded each yartoa situdent continui* t, i education at the twost-Seconidary level. For more informtionand tickets contact Nancie 432-5451. CHESS ASSOCIATION The AWHPAWO. Ches Association is holding registragon for its next - Tuesday eveninga tournament on Nov. 19 '(play begins Nov. 26) and its next Thursday eveninga tournament on Nov. 21 (play.begins Nov. 28) from 7 p.m. to, 10 p.xn. at Sir Oliver Mowat . Coilegiate (staffroom), 5400 Lawrence Ave. E., iý block west of Part Union Rd. For ,information caUl Brian at, 723-9i529.

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