Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 19

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WHITYFPME PIWSS, WEDNESDAYp OCTBER 30,1991, PAGE Satety tips'for trick-or-treaters by JiI Mlntosh A feast for old car buffs 'TOU mu&t becryl pioces, cari go for $600. W. That was the opnin of mr pte eea mint-condition thn n Iron we eund nswt 8000 price tags. frol the ongThanksgiving Tn sare also hot, into the weekend. My' friends had visited thouanaof-dollar I picked up their familles and enjoyed their one cast iron toy tai, about eight turkey dinnera inches long, anrput it down just 1 dragged a Wagon tbrough a as quickly whenIsa the price: miiddy fieldi in' the rain. And $3.000. lov~ ovry inute ofit. ~Te ste wa Hershey, For $1,500 you cari have your P!nnsyvania famous for ver wn gspmo o 2O0 chclt.For one weekend evey a entdebak r sgn for your pew&ae¶n-§ e41 r te 1 w ~ Js hnwe thought we'd largest antique car flea market. mBo it al owthdoemr buy 2 bdpond i riinally To say itsfez " snt nough. gvn away fe at Fard With myr than 100 acre and daerl ps.H.pd $110 US. 6,000 vend"rs it is .uribelievable. W. got oc. day Of ram, a Alocal paper estimates that thuiidrtoem. Luckily Id visiting every, hooth and -s-how car broughtalog mIy 1>1110 licker, My> Ioud r=ur a 381-mile waslk. ruber wofUir boots, my basebail Ibleeit, bocaus. over cp<.kep tean off my three and a haif days, 1 did KIa) and my ovos. My exatl iat.nubad sad I lookea 1k. a big, second look bora, and we even got fired of Packards..lI a show this aize, cars suh as Stutz, Rdls-Rqyce and even a Tucker - the very one Jef Bridges drove in the. movie of &Ma name - wore on hband. Big names moan big money, and when, I admirad one Duesenberg convertible, its owner caSual mentioned that it was worth one-three: $1.3 million. Surriingy, the biggest money in in the amailest items. One cf the. hottest sellers right now i. pedal cars.Tes, the same one you b.d when you were a id. If yoSwere 1k. meyou rode ourm tbrough the. mud and bagod it Off trees. A rusty one,- with missing 0f course this was the. day we" lost the car - not bard t. do, when your. parkod on an alrstrip with 2,000 othor cars - and walkod an extra two miles ini the- mudlook1irig for it. .Crazy?Ylou bot. But I did come back with a new shifter kncb for MY c 47, and hotel roservations for next yoar's event. You juat candt koop a car buff down. Besides, bing a crazy car fan bas its moments. Last week, a friend dropped byr for a visit. When ho lé efh turned a little tco s harply ithe driveway. I beliove I cari truly say that but; Wednesday, I was the only person in alof Durham Région to read a newsae that was run over by a M ?« The mst frightening part of Halloween i.- the incroased potential for automobile accidents involving young pedestrians. Thoughg many costumes are certain te roesemble Nixija Turties, the Canadian Automobile Association offers some suggestions that should neît b. taken lightly.-, I CAA Toronto maintains that the best advice for drivers out on HalloWeen night is to be aware of the. unexpected. Headlights should b. dlean and turned on at the flrst sign cf dusk. Drive defensively,- limiting speed'on residential streets, Înd use extra caution when pulling in or out of driveways. Be on -the DRI VING SAFELYLI wîth RANDY RANDY McLEAN 15 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIAUZES IN TRAFFIC SAFET.Y.- Mr. Mctean has revlew ed thousands of individuai motor vehicle accident ' reports and- his- close worklng relationshlps y1wth poice~ni.,gvrr~eteft ,,aswco' ations.týindustry !d hepubilc.-ýolhaýVeYëglvtefl huiamta true * overvièw of traffic safety issues. problerns and solutions in Canada. Tbin ahadact ýaccordingy Now is a .good time toastart ' thin irigabut New Yker reolutions A gond resoution t., improve your driving, and almost -ariy other activity you chocs- t. undertake, ina.te <Think Ahead and -Act AScorily.' Great athietos often seom t., start t. react t., situations before they occur. Tbat's because they cari sesplays dev.loping and ýarticipîate ha miighthappen neit. Tho sme ,is true forsuccews in business. It doosnt mattor whother the- game ie hockeyi, beaketboll, chous or whether the- business in a faxily store or, a multinational corporation. The ability t. think ahead is probably the single most import skill for safe drivirig. Unfortunuately, many cf us appear t. b. aêleep aùt the wheel or at lea" daydreamig. If you want t. know why there are so many accidents.n the road, watch lhow people act ef the rcsa. Consider the following typical examples cf poople not thinking ahead. Exampbo 1: Three people are walking side by aide along a sidewalk taking up the entire width of the idewràk. Another person is woalkcing in the opposite direction towtlrd the group. Ail three lookout for cildren darting eut fro= between parked cars. A right turn on red is especiaily dangerous, as* excited pirates, wizards, and witches may ruri unexpectedly acroas the intersection. . .' Pat Curran advises parents of SEE PAGE 21 members cf the group continue in a straight lin., side by side, forcing the fourth person ofthe sidewalk. It doesnt matter if the person is forced off onto a muddy boulevard or into a snow bank. Ini facti, it probobly weuldn't matter if there was a 200 foot cliff on either sida of the sidewa]k. Very few cf us think t. movoite a single file or make any attempt te share the path with the other person. ERxaýmpe 2: Near on. end of, a 100-ft. supermarket aisbe is a special displayifior a diecounit item. Tho displagy-is about twofoot wide anid two foot long. A person with a shopping'cart cornes inte the aisle; 0f a i the possible places te, park thi aUhIsWpig this -person will choso obave it rxght bosdatheseca iuly ïthe narwst pont i theeiirs.aibe, makcingit impossibleà for othor shoppers te paseby. At the. chockout counter tii... sanie people usuan llywat until ail their items have bo.n rung up bofoethoy start t. saearch for their wallet or urseas iïf it isa sme Ind f surpris. that-they haetPR-ay for their groceries. Exemple 3: lI a high-rise office buildina, fivo peopbarwothe gourifloor waiting'% i. ebeva er.Teywac the floor -indicator ights asà the. levator cornes down fr-om-.the top stopigt pick up pasng.rs. at sevoral floor. along tue way. Just bofor. it arrives at ground level ail ffivo poople, on the ground floor crowd iii front cf the ebevator door blocldng the eit. 'Although they have don. exactly thesane tbing ',,hundreds, rnaye tousx~d cftirnes. before,- they alway seeed spise; ' dte ofid that thora arepepeo thi. elevator who would like te get off. Wbile this typaof thoughtless behavieur cari be annoyirig in the situations described, aboyé, the .really frightening aspect la that meat ',fthose peciple have a driverd licence.- etheir actions off the road are any i ndication of their levol cf attention on the road, it's ne wonder there are on average. more thari 150 traffic. accidents a day in metropolitan Toronto alone. AUl of theso annoyarices anid mariy cf these accidents could b. avoided if w, ail made a cornmitmont te Think Ahead and' Act Accordingly. Drive Safely. OWASCO'S ANNUAL CAMP. CHAMP SALE Save Thousands $$$ d% Hurry In For Best Selection & Savings!. [-AND OTI-ER TYPES TO CHOOSE FROM 1 EXAMPLE' 89 GM Traveaire, 20 ft. motoîhome, roof a dash, air, cruise, shower, oven, fumace & lots more. Ser. #0544 go GM Getaway van conversion, fully Ioaded. Ser. #2457 $279595 $251995 OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. FOTRNO 1425 Dundas St. East~ WhltbY F1 ý Exp erience the Owasco Feeling. Proven to serve you BESTsînce 1972 An *1CARE* and OMLSERVICEAAR INNER JoAoo Ajax/Pickering/Tor. 683-3235 Oshawa/Whitby 668-9383lo Extendeci servic~e hours Tues. and Thurs. until 7:30perHW ~~om -C U MiP ýjpryice Body en (Canda USA, Zuropeýt * y - I 85 W GLOCamper, auto., beige. $185 Ser. #5536$185 87 VW GL Camper, auto, red $7 metail. Ser. #3617$148 90 VW GL Camper, auto, P/L, $2, 5 factory warr. Ser. #1186 - $299'5 91 VW GL Camper, stan., cruise,5 silverfactory warr. Ser. #7870 $229795 91lVWGL Camper, auto., air, PIL, cruise., factory warr. Ser. #7847 $2D5995 plus many more qu ý,r -1 #âàtýït v1w rý ami

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