Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 34

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TOM EDWARDS: Mayor FROMPAGEAl I have been prevented fiomciting my point ofview. ri. An.yS Mu.tlfiod vlth " Vepco amd type of develcpment in Wbltby? Ar.you uatlflod that It ia vei cecldWba1 preblma have 700 MeM o do 700 fiasiso There bave been occasions in the peet few years when developinent han excee,'ded our capacity te cope with it, but fortunately they are limited and are soo overcome. The mgjor impact is usmUey felt by those who bave fîret moved inte a subdivision and are faced with the inconvenience 0f living through thesubsequent building process. Nevertheless, in the recent yeers 0f-high inflation, if we lied not experienced such higli growth rates, our tex burden would ha dresticelly increesed. Whitby's expansion must be et a controlled rate, but it would be wrong te bring the shutters down now we are sefely inside our boundaries. The Town 0f Wbitby bas many attractions to, people frein other Canadien communities and from elsewhere. Our obligation should be te welcome thein. &. NllBYlmu ("otil my bock yard ha. bocome a commun pmblen ln muncipal politica. What vould y00 do t. psevent it etavoid It? As pointed out above, the tendency is te want te, hold on te, the quiet enjoyment 0f the things weal love abut our, tewn. This resulta in exemples of the NMY syndrome. This is why we must elect councillors who bave the courage' of their convictions, who after due consideration and consultation are prepared te, make decisions and stick by them. " The recent concerns experessed by_ the residents of Byron St. was a prime exemple. It was necessery te, assure those residents tbat their views -were being heeded and acted upon. As a resait, we have a street section which bas been, upgraded 'te a high degree without dinmshingj the cherm 0f ita naturel ana heritege setting. Everybody involved is happy with the reslt -- an achievement which appeared impossible at times. 7. Where do 700 (calthe.balance .houd axial betveen th pdkvate proporty riglua of indlvlduala and the collective rlghta of a communlty or nelghbourhood? Do you fcel th municipal goveramazit uhould develop mechanflmia to .nfozce tghter proportyastandards? The'veet majority of Whitby residents respect the rights of their neiglibours, but certainly there is a need for noise and similar bylaws te ensure that people cen erýjoy their properties in peace. As chairman of the clerk's department some yeers ago, I introduced theproperty standard bylaws for the Town 0f Whitby. There was some hesitation te be overcome because some menibers of counci] were afraid that the bylaws would be applied in a heavy-handed mariner. I pointed out that I had medical reports that there were fanilies in' the Town of Whitby where cidren were living in homes with earth floors and, in another case, humans were living in what had been a large dog kennel. The bylaw passed and it lias been handled with extreme care. The current bylaw staff conduct theniselves in a matter which does the Town proud. 8. Do you (cl tint design controls ahould be Implemented in sanie cases to ensur that nev construction vithin exItxng developed area conforma ta eciatlng buildings or do you feel that controla presently in place under 1h. offciaI plan snd zoning by-lavsamarelaequate? Within reason, controls should be established to, provide conformity and compatibility with eisting buildings, especially ini the heritage areas of Whitby. However, nobody should ba taken by surprise, and -before sucli requirements are introduced, residents should ha aware of the full impact of measures such as the Official Plan or the zoning requirements. 9- Do You féel thal d" ambience of the aId core ara Of WhitbY la Im Portant t. the communty and if s whvit sperfiS.:tepa vould you advocate to. presorve It? Ini the 19609, it wes my privilege to lead the fight to retain the old county courthouse as our Centennial poect. The adjoiming jeil Mad been dèeolished and the county wbhh ould pn*etctama on privaI. uaWO m Aithougl the Town, as a mnatero oflicy4m, hg&,, wiy roads, the intent was really created in the Regioei of Durham, highighted durinir the which would give us a 25- to discussions on the, lyron St. 30-yearbreather to deal with the improvement poect. It was MY obvious pending garbàge crisis. privilege to PbejPat 0f this The sanie people who spoke determination to retain this loudly against this concept, are valuable adjunct to the today blaming. everyboy but environnmeit. themnselves for the :imninent My support for this chisis we are i. The media was,, worthwhile itent is demon- largely sulent on the'issue, and we- strated ini the decision not te use went merrily on our-way, tippin lawn signa in' this campaign. I our garbage in Metrois landflhl have made this decision after sites at comparatively low cost. conferring on the matter with My Today, we are just short. of being campaign team. We discovpred swarnped. by an avalanche of our that a candidate using 2,00lawn own making. signs in a municipal -élection Whitby bas been a leader in destroys the equvaent of six recycling., A test project was mature trees. Multiply that by established here and, based on the nuxnber 0f candidates in the resuits 0f that the matter, Ontario and imagine the was extended to the entire rein ecological effect. I have made a start iei hi Forty'per cent of the waste in direction byref raining from, using Canada, cornes from paper or Un-recycla)le lawn signa in tis paperoardproducts. Pollution election. It is regrettable that my PiObe clams that because 0f the opponents did not do likewise. ingredients used it is impossble I&. UiudcaUndib. bnet? Au t1. vrd»t& cw te rcyce lan sgne Desitethe A few years ago, we increased risk te decision not te use signa Our regional representation by entails, I amn glad we made the one member i order te correct an gesture. I hope it epreads. imbalance at the Region. There il. What l 70r vision ort 1h.WbiIlb7 have been some.complaints that wutcrfrant? Hov Important la public acoead? teà adhma ra Despite the excellence from a )uaita the eastr ward sagrae planning perspective of the puaintaFheohrwrs Harbour Isde (Coscan) ee should be very careful about development at the old the ramifications of adding te the McNamara marine yard, I was present council, because it is the olememer fcoucilte >telikely that the other wards will against it, because it did not grow as services increase 1end contain public access. The irony is reduce the ixnbalance. that he dveloer inthscase16. Why do ySu ted itint th generai publie la se was prepared teprovide ail-round Snilorhichmight afleviate that attitude? public access. The federal and provincial i2.~ ~ ~ o the phvam c fil can or the levels of government have failed !Z BLdIn? ow .hould it Lepaid Wo ? te live up te their election As chairman of the comnitteeprms, and thisvs rise te a te provide this as our Centennial frneelg f bdoniment. project, I teke great delight i the Candidates for municipal election notion that because of our should be very wary 0f meldng concern for our history, thousands- promises "that they cannot hoppe te of Whitby resdents yet unborn fulffl, or we, teo, shail earn the will erjoy the grandeur and the 9corn being experienced by our heritage of this lovely building. colleagues at the senior levels. If I amn successfiil in getting At this level nearest te the my proposed music festival in voter, we have an obligation te be, operation using the Centennial forthright and honest with the Centre and Heritage Whitby as a electorate. We should have too backdrog, we* can add te the value mcreptfor the people we of this building by giving it the represent te make Promises that substance it deserves. will neyer see the light of day. If the resdents 0fWitby 17. Aire any a ddliual Immu..hlch Jou; value this building, we should be fou ane ImPortant? prepared to, donate te it. Mayor There is a need for* this Town Attersley bas made a magnificent te pool- its resources as neyer start to this campaign and with before. Ini 1991, many of our the proper bacing, the fund cen residents are hurting and we be esteblished by private must bring ail 0f our talents donation. I would like te see this together te flnd solutions. building avoid being in It 15 not just people who are competiton with other projects for without skiils who flnd it difficult tax dollars. If we do not exert te obtain employment. There are ourselves te rserve this People in our midst who hold 140-year-old builEg, we sliall engineeringdgrsadwh neyer bave one tbat is 200 yers have extensive job experience old. who go . nonths without 13. D)o y70 W (can oare@tuted or thnt employment.* govmmet Ia tSco xpnave? If aither, vhat W edasalscr changes vould7yS adyccato? Wha bout aW ntdastbl, ecr freeze? ln vbat agms do 700 (sol that significant environmieft fromi a financial CUts l in ditures could h. niade? Do yo m point of view te pass on te our vhoaa§wee revenuesmlbb.nceed What in yaur pWatzoiz m runare au children. If elected, I want te tp assmênt? the resources of our citizens, in .Whitby has in Past Ye order te unearth employment achieved zero increases, but only opportunities in our Town. in times 0f extremely rapid l. au i prtcua dffretite yu-o growth and relatively low iterest yor oponenis? r-ates.O n those occasions, we paid It has been my privilege te members teegional council, I im cerryin ot' h tried te persuad the council te responsibilities as mayor.of, our provtuaty jo4fiJ *te towne as we.. move tewaids the -Pr a.b on !t1S éntiiy.ýd- ' r~i, I -uni il

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