Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 37

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-uicp wHfrY PM REEPRESS, Muicpal eletion '1 COM3, 91 AEA Cenre ard C uns lor JOHN DOLSTRA KEITH HARBIS Âge- 36, resident of Whitby for 12 years Quality, auditor for General Motors alunm radiator plant __ 1. Wh le a apoitlmerni? Wai psy tucmeuesw" eu ynadmtev sufor ceenule M= th.enitht ean? m Souldach lucr eassh 'veetinlu loWetdoit aesud? Ww ouje e urmaf itm mch a sesson? le a politician worth as niuch as a fireman or policeman te the Town 0f Whitby? I do not hlieve 0o but a politician is penhaps half as important to, the Town when you taes inte, account that a politician's duties include repre- senting the people, administrative duties and managerial duties. Tii. police and lire personnel work the equivalent 0f a 40-hour week and earn approedmately $50,000 a year; a councillor, worth olybarf as much, may oly work 20 to30 hours aweek. Therefore, commensurate salery would ho apprcoxmately $12-13,O00 a year. At thimpeent time, during ~ rcesinI 'do not hoelieve that itis inthehest interest of the. TownIs budget te advocate a raise. If the economy reovers and it infeasible for a =yicrease, I would strongly with voting a pay increase béhind cloeed doors.1Iwould personaily remove myself fio= such a session and I would have no choice but te refuse the increase on principle aione. tii.population a whow ?Do yO e hi honla mo mufiutepro uniy fer publeinlput? De jeu hi tnt ativereupyrs gepavolbe a h.lp oa hbluotr ete i M=:;palgovrnmont Acouncior is elected te, represent tii. wishes and views 0f the. constituents% but tiiere are times when an issue may arise where the wishes 0f one constituent may ho in coriflict witii what is best for the entir. community (suci as in the case 0f spot zoning).. It is the responsbility 0of the councillor te, report the. activities 0f the. council tote .constituents go the.public understands the. reasons why a decision was made. There must ho an informed councilor and informed conistituentes o that informed decisions can ho made telmake i centre ward a htter aa te live in. The. public does have the opportunity te have input on issues, but I feel that there are too many instnces wiiere tiie public'. concerns and questions are not answered. The councilors and Town staff have a much brooder knowledge 0f issues that arise then the, general public doms.ns it in imperative that tii. pubic's questions are addressed before tiie issues are sent te council. Public involvement is fundamental te, local government. Local goverument is the. closent 0f ail governments te tii. pople, most aware of their needand Âgfe 32, resident of Whitby for tbree years Planning and real estate consultant 1. Wiiat la a politdan vorti What puy tucaes euwuld yeu adyccte for couneMmlor ve tiie nidtires ean? W gould cii lucres..h vo"e lu clesetidoorsesions? Woult jeu potunaUy renove yeursel f i=embc a sesson? Woul jeureue a crs.vich bot bon volet ai=nchaseson? Ap lan 'sa worth is naeesuedy his/her ability te work as a catalyst for positive change within tiie community by utilizing his/her talents. I would limit pay increases for councillors te no more than the rate 0f inflation for a particular year. Ail voting siiould b. held within a public forum, especially when considering pay increases. I will nover participate in any sessions 0f council or à sub-cornmittee thereof, whicii conducta itself hohind cloeed doors. I would refuse any pay increases that exceeded the rate of inflation for a particular year. tii populatons a vi o e? De jeuhtmnh suffctnmopptutj febr public lupu? Do jeu fui ttactve rfetuSu' amm«pa vul h lp or a budraue te the municial eveMumet Every cuncillor bas tii. resoniblit telisten te ever individual consituent who wisiies te aveul himselfherself 0f a coundillor. Every councillor is ae obligated te offer ail reasonable assistance te any inquiring constituent. 1Eveiy councillor is obligated te acknowledge the. community' consensus on issues affecting coundil.- Every councilor iâ obligated te vice tues consensus et council whetiier or not he(she egr.es witii tiieconsensus 0f opno.Every councillor is aloo olg ted e lonestly voice his#ier own opinion te couneil on tiie business before council. I feel tiiere is not sufficient opportunilW*for ulic input, but I ai elthat w htiput existe is ueually politely ignore&. Ratepatyers' groupe-are a good politiodche ick, and balance eentpolitical procenses whicii oudotiierwise go forward without any constructive criticism. lhey are the eyes and ears 0f tiiose ithe~ community wiio, for on. reason or another, do not have the. time te avail themselves of tii. political process. baiet oyorcouncil s ai aidaviiw"tyS 'Direct democracy' is an integral plank 0f my campag platform. Thus, if my opimon were at odds wththe maj ority of my contituenta, I would n.cessarily vote witii the majorityr 4. Do yS ttnkWMtbyb govarnmont bas beo tS. serue l In pasi f s.vit cues veuW" peumok? D pbdh tint m sclnng befer nimallulle te Sl u narsia itMYs teinimu ai a h dapebra t muu a ci ROBERT PALMER Âge 42, resident of Whitby for llyears High sehool teacher 1. What la a poltican worth? Wbat péey lures.. would yoii advocate for councillors over the next tht.. ean? Siould .uch increamos le voted in closed doot madone? Would yoea personafly removo youruelf from uuch a session? Would you refuse an increamewWhi had heem voted att sii aa.eason? The true worth of a leades, cen be'determined by evaluating the wisdomn of the decisions which he or shle makes. Pay increases should be 'based upon the performance of the leaders and the economic times. Given the severity of the current recession, it is unfair of politiciens t6 demend sacrifices of citi<eenà while raising their own salaries. To lead by exemple is essential. Therefore, I support a pay freeze for councillors for one year. Fuature 'increases should reflect the. council's success in controlling taxes, spending money wisely and serving constiWuents promptly. All discussion and votes on salary increases should b. held in public sessions. I would not remove myself from such sessions. If an increase were voted upon, I would put the money back nto the community. 2. =bt rusonlllIus oju aconloar bas Moad niiulcnttot nitvrt the. population as a viowa Do you fu e i wMffidmt ooppwooety t~for publie tiput? Do yen àd tint active atuyera' groupa voulti b. a blp or a hinoltane.tu the. municipal govermoent A councillor' first duty i. to respond te the concerns of his or her constituents. Beyond that, the interest of the Town as a whole must ho acldressed. Presently, opportunities for public input on issues exist; however, many residents are not aware of these opportunities. Poor communica- tion frm planners and politiciens is% in great part, responsible for this situation. Neighbourhood forums, initiated by councillors, could make resilents more aware of community 11sues Active -ratepayersW groupe would ho i-Avaluable in providing input into the decison-making procese Their views on* concerns -ehould ho actively sought by the leaders 0fthoa Town.Ï7 & r ySkDw thât jour evm pesllmeona specllc tI.e breoouz uc vsait te viith th m*dorty otyeur const"ýituotavil ay voua y=0 If an issue arose hofor. council, I would vote in respons. te the wishes 0f the rmajority. The igeneral will' should preveil over my own position. The only occasion where this should not occur would ho if the. wishes of the majoity were to produce direct iiijury te the miniority. 4. Do yS tink Wltby.gaverlUbl asmbeon t.. @@c'urInu lthe psua Ifsau vintch.n"ea oulti je ucha? Do jeu fuelthat uzattenu eming bWM oumcil.h.ubeh.givonmon Ppublcity te the oo.muniLy as a viole Wold yeu atveositnt amdas, ruoca nd bacground Informationb. mode avrilablete intocas iti iuos a minimum et a fow op a bfiereia meting. at vhich tbay von being dfrsen WbViitby' government has not SHRLYSCOTM Âge 61, resident- of Wbitby for 28 years 1. Wiat tsas pottidan Wertii? Wit ps.y increase v oju atvocate fer cannelle rav tha ni iea Ute? mEoWulmcii lucrm essh voet lu loSet tior aussional W"uM eu pmrsUnalwj reu. oursof i= rmâmch a sesson? Woult jeu refusa au incrmesa blciib.d beon voed t shai m d eson? A municipal politicien i. worth tii. effort, common senis. and car. that h. or she contributes to the. municipal decision-making process. As I expressly state in my campeign brochure, I advocate a tex freeze on council's pay for tue next term. Actually, tue hotter solution would be te establish an independent committee te eddress tue- matter 0f pay for coundcil. If this conimitte. wes in place," I would abide by its decision. The. decision for remuneration for council should not ho voted on in closed-door sessions, and I1 would personally remove- myself fr-om such a process and refuse" any increase that was adopted. 2. Whai spn.iblitiedo yen hi a ceuMMilo bas tevatt individus] onsiluontsmal tevard tihe population as a viole Do jeu hi tho n l siaffIideni eoppertunity fer public input? De jeu hid tuat active rateay azgopa uidd beas help or s bindrance t nmunicial oarmoMnt One muet balance an individual's concernse gainst tii. collective interesta of the entire coinmunity. While I feel, as a matter 0f principle, that one has te temper the. ward's interests with tuose 0f tiie large conununity, that doms net necesserily mean that centre ward's intereste muet ho sacrificed. If tue advantage te tue constituenté of centre ward is significant, I have no limitation in advocating my'eonstituentes position. mher. Are sufficient oppor- tunities, for public input but, unfortunately, there is a lack 0f public paricipaton ini the muicilpcess. I would endeavour te pomte public attendance and participation in tue d.cision-making procese. Ratepayers! groupe may bring forward information on a specific issue not otiierwise apparent te council. I would appreciate ucii input. Ir lfpuomnevth.tjeour wRpositlonnS a .peclic lam abaiea cunti vs w u a viiwtu h mm*ritj cijur conitiet vich »Yp W"iYen Given tbe nature -of municipal politice, ne is net always ahi. te det.rmine what, in fact, is tue majority viewpoint. An effective relevant information and makes the. decision in accordance with bis or ber conscience and tiie best interestts 0f tue ward. 4. Do ' hi,& Wbltbyb pgoromontbas be. tee I aia te npage ifs. vint clanges veUlIC jeS mokel De peu b h tnt mat aibo ceuni] ch. ge in n » lldety te commuulty m a viole? Wuld peu advecata tint agends, ruuats and bacigrennio Intm h maie avolshlate Inturuletd iùla - iimum ea ahi doja I E 'lb. eailalthvitlch"tlîy I unersandthat personnel JOHN SOUTHR Âge 38, resident of Whitby for six years Disabled i. What la a polican vorw ?Wbat puy lmucrass ouit jS admtve.fer couniliv o«« the. nonitires ju"sw iudMi uh mnses h. vetu lu claue d timr.udond? Would jyS peouonaIly remov. joureiff i=em mvia sesson?' WWud jou refuse an in««ue vici inti bou Vo t ai mci a see? (a) A politicien is worth the. time they spend workcing te help the. community. (b) lhe calculated inflation rates per yeer. <c) No need for carrying en such sessions. (d) No, forl1would want toknow what was stated at such a meeting and b. there te ho abi. te express my own views. <e) I would stte whether or not I feît the proposed increase would ho a reasonable and sutable increase for councillors. 2. Wiai reqmonlbiituede jeu hi m auoiltu bua tevardaIivi" mmleoatmntMdn teard the. populleMURn a vh.leDo Yenbd hi ti macitoppeciuty fer.public lput? De y fel tut «ac tivpaa greoffvenu h. a hlp or a bindeniu tetaemunicial evSWOmot SEE PAGEA?7 JOHN LAZENBY Did not respond to, ques- tionnaire 11 ~. ~ IAA* a .. a. A..~ *. b~TM j.

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