Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 41

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WH]TJIY)FREEPRESS, Municipal election '91, ,QOTBER 40 ,,99ý o>GEA9- Cetre Ward Cou illor I SHIRLEY SCOTT: Centre ward FROMPAGEA5 and property matters are deait witii 'in camera and, èxcepting these, 1 believe. ail other municipal business should b. open to the.public. 5.Ane yS a1diaflwlthn euan d lype cf devlapuitluWhIh~?ArscuMffled tal Ilel veRemtrleiwIpudnahaveynmer do jeu ferms? It in my understanding that development in the P" ti. i lin. witii the officialiplan that was adopted ini 1973. 1 Ook forward to not only my participation, but also that of the. general public in the new Officiai Plan that is currently under' study for the Town of Whitby. 6. NDOIMBYb.nt ln my back yard)hba becemee a commun problem Inlunicipal pollUac. WInt W"ulYO do tprevuiitor aveddila Evexyone is conoerned about matters affecting theirroet and ne'gboWhô& at we have to do instowork together to achieve a solution for each problem b~y taking into account everyone's best interest. 7. >Whnm do ySjed theluin lac ad eia balvemilUn 1idvt. prepsly regts et Individusnla Knd lin coUletim etsg o f a cemmnity or rddàghbrbedDo jyS fe lhnmunicpa uvu nuit ld develop rmdlecs ta mùfr -- jandauule? It lias always been a prictity of mine to preserve and protect the individual property rights of a homeowner. There are occasions, however, where someone's use of a property adversely affects a neiglibour or a neigiibourhood. Obviously, thon, we have to balance the ndiv#idual's -rights versus those of the. larger populatiaiL 8.Do ySu ieltatdesign emurl. heuld be impinoetl lumare nselu umrotintv censtruction vithin uditing dvinleped aa enfermalute indigbuldioga r dojyS fe that ceatrola praM* nluPheu he inemdal pla amsi anby4av ae adeqeta Exstng deign controls appearto;be workung quite well. Recently constructed buildings' are aestheticaily - pleasing, compared to the. quit. unattractive construction w. witneed jus a short time ago. &. Do jyS feel thal lin amiance cet1. cloc re amm of Wlmbjin impoutant tlU ln emmunltyamd if se vint aecfie laa ud epsW UM Sadvmte te prusre lt? Absolutel!l The old cor. is crucial t. Wmhy's survival as a whole and uniue community As the. cor. in wit ln thi. boundaries of centre ward, it would b. on. of m proitiest. preserve- its character, monitor ail proposis and eisatng developments and Promtesuh developinent that w'ïould enhance and maintaun the cores existung anubience. 10. Do jeS agne vlth a tr ocntr" by-law vil oliuld prolucl troueen ipriva.»as veRsas Unqua]ified yes. Il. Wint la jour Yialo f tin Whtby vatorfron? How Impotant la publie acoead? A compréhensive zonng by-law amenciment for Port Whitby's industrial lancie providing for a 250-metre open space zone between the. lake and industrial sites, and a change in industrial land use from a heavy 4ýt.Ca liger mo% r presiious mix, FOR MAYORI plan, can accomplisii that purpose. Thi. recregtional area siiould have facilities to provide enjoyment for everyone -- a boardwak water fount ais, children's education centre a.nd Museumn, music pavillon and picnic areas, t. naine just a few. 12 Ane eu u nfaveur of dn planafor tUn Ceuanil idng? ~ v houdM ft be pal8 fr7 I favour tiie restoration andi enlargement 0f. thei*Centennial Building for various social andi cultural activities. This structure is a major factor in the. unique ambience of centre ward and the. Town of Whitby. I understand that Mayor Attersley has collected substantial donations for this project froi tih. developers withi tiie community. Hopefully tiiese donations, plus a grant from tiie province of Ontario, will. create only a minimal tax impact on- the. Whitby citizens towards making tuis project a reality. 13. Do jeu feel vo are overtaxed or Ihat goernmoent lu toe expensivo? If ither, vhat changea veuld jeu advocate? What about a tai &«oua? l In ht saedo jeu fe UnIigulau culs lu ependturea oould in made? Do jeu use auj arSsaa vhore 'vmutisemght beinonreaed What la jour positon on market Value asenmt? The. general view by the. public is that we ar. overtaxed by ail levels of goveriment. I acivocate strong fiscal controls over tiios. portions of Our taxes for whicii council is responsible. A tax freeze would b. a popular stnd t., take. However, overai incr.aaing cossof tii. Town's opraios ayv rvetthis from. becomig a reality. Fiscal control and prioritizg future capital expenditures are two ways t., cut expenditures. When elected, 1Iwould r.view ail sources 0f revenue with a look t. improvefleilt. 14. laabrad popectv ew do ySuvutlnth garbag «e ii mi vint eeagoci sopsvuld jeu advMt ou. umanage Il? Arethor av. * Pecfle le.derahp lulativeattWltbj ceulit-t Ibis subject i. near and dear t. my iieart. 1 have been de.ply involved in my capacity as the. W UbU representative t. the. Lm Reion. waste management committe., andi, additionaily, as a member 0f the. public consultation jroup for tii. Minstry of theEnironinent, inviteci t. assut in tiie establishment of laniflil site criteria. The regional government is responsible for waste mange- ment. However, it i. incumbent upon ail levels 0f govenment t. work togetiier t., solve tuis moumntal problem. I support the following, (a) a more aggressive 3Rs (reduce, re-use, recycle) prograin to meet or surpase tii. goals set by the. government of Ontario for waste diversion fr-oi landfiil sites -25 per cent by 1992 and 50 per cent by 2000. (b) A major focus on educating our sciiool chlfdren t. become environmentally aware. Our children have tiie power and tiie enthusiasit. make changes in tiie attitudes and pctces 0f their parents ad eMers. Educational awar.ness progranus are now in place -a.nd produce excellent results -- but we must have a more compréhensive programi involvmng ail students. (c) Promotion 0f garbage as a resource ratiier than as disposable junk. hncentives siiould b. in place t., encourage manufacturera, entrepreneurs, etc. t., find more end uses for what w, now consider t. b. TOM EDWARDS' AGENDA 1AlM TO WARDS A ZERO TAX ir ESTABLISH TASK FORCE INCREASE TO DEVELOP STRATEGIES TO ATIXACr -IGH-TECH INUSTRIES PLAC GRETERAND FINANCIAL INSITflUONS ARCHITCTURAL CONTROLS r WORK WITH COMMUIY ON NEW DEVELOPNMEY TO CROUPS ENSURE COMIPATIBILTY WII'H TO IMPROVE CULTURAL IFE 0F WHITBY'S HERITAGE OUR TOWN sfESTABUSH MAYOR'S P WLL RECOMMEND THATA COMMTEE CmzEN'S COMMITEE ON COMMAUNTnY RELATIONS TO BE ESTABUISHED TO SET SALARY DEAL Wfli 1THE CHALLENGES LEVEIS FOR ALL MEIBERS 0F ASSOCIATED W1TH INCREASED WHITY TOWN COUNCIL URBANIZAION TOM EDWARDS DECISIVE, INNOVATIVE LEADERSHIP FOR THE 90's Auihorized by the C.F.O. for Tom Edwards Most people think there's only one way to help the developig world. We have 26. Cail us at 1-800-661-CODE for more information. ScIf-sufficiency through Iteracy in the developing world. waste. (d) Continuance of composter subsidization and education cf (e) ontnuig pressure directeci at . tii Minister cf the Environment t. legisiat. ipackaging control i respect t. bath materiai andi quantity. (f) Increasing illegal garbage- dumping fines and rewarding reporters of such ilegal acta, in tii. event the. cuiprit is found guilty and subsequently fined (I cail tus the. 'dump and snitcii Fou gmor on the local level,, it is' my goal t. make constituents more aware that we ail have a responsibility t. manage our own wast.. I have very specifie ideas on iiow sucii programs ought t. b. implemented. M1Sm. nuldcaai be blue? Ar e n ards t» No. I feel that the. wards can b. adequately represented as tiiey now eist, so long as we have representation' by capable and knowledgeable persons committed t. woring hard t. serve the conimunity. The selection 0f councillors is 0f utaiot importance. 16. Wliy do 7M fiel tthe Un Morapublic la M aull.poltldat wlnt vouli y=u de auan uleted emuifar hh rmw a!uvattaittume The ' anti-politician' attitude seems to b. a general attitude directeci at ail politicians at every level cf govemnient. 1 can only change such attitudes in leadingl' by example and by domosrin that an experiencec, hardworing and caring individual can make a difference. 17. Are tii.'. a addtlUe d luisech jyS be ame Important? Seniors'concerns, -environ- mental problems, user fees for irecreational facilities and the. importance of providing a safe and secure environment for al citizens are some of tii. otiier iprntissues. ML Wle n lu atuhr diffse'mlataa jSufroc jour agPmmtOU I will b. a fui-time councilor, capable of devoting ail of my tune, and energy in serving the. needa, of centre ward. What particularly, sets me apart is my experience: gained over 28 years as a reside;nt in the ward, expenience i retail, business. management, nursing, property and financial matters: and tlirougii my involvement i waste nagement. I feel that my abilt car. is beat deonstrated, by three decades 0f involvement i coenmunity-ý mindeci organizations, including tiie Whitb~y General Hospital, tiie Durham Lung Assoiation and varions fmriigprojects. .......... Y5L; 1WABIEREDUCDON VES__ NO VES__ VES__ YES- No_ No- No_ No_ VES__ NO__ &. HOUSEHM DHAZAUDOU WASW YES......NO_ 4. PE81IUES VES__ NO_ M. AlPOLLUTION VES__ NO__ VES__ NO__ VES__ NO__ VES__ NO__ 9NUCLEAR MOTNOTMM VES__ NO.. DO ,1IUPpOdUn iiulhmet cfa Nudea oMnkuhUCowu*ln h Dudm egbno plersdm Nudw EuwgmcyTmk F« 7. NUCLEAR POWHINURTOIM YES......NO__ Do eu supodthUnnucimorioduni(n. Drljj-. 81 id gr&"ua __phuêou*cfnuiew pooom " ab ofl &LOW LEVEL NUCLEAR WAM1 VES__ NO__ S.WATER SUPPLY YES- .NO__ 10. ENEIIGY CONSM1A11ONM PLADINO VES__ NO Ug . dlyou $qUMU ncoollnen.sgy difcenthei. oentnulon stanrds (RJF.2000«orbmter> hInbuidhig ceee d ughat*DL-un Rogue.? il. RE-GENERATING URDAN GREENlPAGE VES__ NO__ Do you supporthetisnatumadatdoai i aprdion of puits and clii. nikWiJ~lIy<med lande? 12. LAM~ USE POUICY YE- NO - Do jrS ogres Ihatthe 1991 DudtainOftcbJ Pan ahotid b. pti on hold undIi h. Ontautogovmmentb la isWt9 d» Un he poM bli e ohin onuavllpoldee? 13. ECOLOGCALAND VIRONEAL ADVISORYCOME YES_ NO_ Do you supperthUn et*ihmurloi aniEcobgeul and Enyhwumra MM Coenbhle (EAC) for DSwhungon 14. GREENNG THE PLAIINGACT YES__ NO _ VES__ NO_ Do u souppoM rt nedig tUn Plnng ActI k t hei xoal nbasic roqufromenta(ueo barAgomMIv) ain ftemenlaiY enlghlned laid- use plannig proau? Would jeu support a opedica unedner Io Un Plannig Act decladng envromnntally aemn id huilam- a obuenlieraof provkwcl Itioat? 7 Do ou atotDudtnniolutb. hcaunoiieaoupmatu "dulobyn d- =c n 0 M - a soeeyaytem aore.bq kt psret hodpWsd? Do ymisiipa U duvo"Mn" cf 11m1 Ii tliagNI» aid Do you sqipoit a m- pn &Mmes qap - fa ftUn em d hasmeheld harndoua «».s. lia vdii a pubeeducilon ea~~ Uni oaodmbeff M 10haudua aa*ataioss ud dedy ln MMu hmhalde? Do you uçpm ti tu o*dm d Iapaln iptAoM o UIm,,=tapth bW p rmiln - U is bl uadI fui" enuw m"uUiuaemla for -om Dlo yeu u t ki creseepublia 1wmi ovicu. spelilY buee Do you suppon theUn dihofude fwr Un denelopomul ti a ,dkmnnly bcla euutysaMn w»DuimReloei? MI yeu .'lvuly mark tmrdsasuccesahd en cni 1hdm L LM Nudlew WasteSklng Prooua Do you aupeita fMIt remeeuid uemet 10 lÉsas lb. prepaednm An wM srupOyPIMph ad*fffllm fa M apuos municipal efection

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