Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1991, p. 45

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WIIITYFRE PRES~ pl olcton '91, mTO eR 30, IBVi, AU' . i. Whnt Ja a oitdon wiotbWlrt psy Incra emwudyenmante fotrooniumMm m thse ne&iun» e amu end. sch lnczemmho v". in ta d dontar minOW"ndyen petsunlly 'nnan yeunef fm m a uich a se Would yFm ruime n an nes. wblcb Md bou Councilpay innot,nor hm it over been, an issue. As your newspaper is weil awere, when it man a survey te, find eut how the public. felt About these se questions, only 24 responses were given. Out of a possible 25,O0 responses,, thisidicatos clearly just how important the issue is -- it's not. .As an elected representativa,. I know that accountability ia lmotnandI1 would welcome ana e wilingte discues any method cf setting council's py that would encourage. punc trust icluding an indapendent citizens' committee. However, I, doubt that aven that would satislfr those feu, cbronic complainers, because they. would only dlaim that the members of the citizans' committea were "al friands of council" - simply put, it's a-no-win situation. Hlowever,, I would prefer that ail matters relating to council renumeration ho eait with publicly and when re-electod, I will encourage council te, go li that direction. For the record, lot's inform the public accuratoly. As a ward counclilor, my salary i total is, approxnnately $16,000, of which one-third is tex free. lI other words, Fm taxed on about $11,000. We are not allowed te dlaim any other axpenses -- no gas,,no clothing, no home office space (aven though I do moat cf m1 council work out of my home). ýYI- want te meke it very clear that Iam no t c omplaining. ., didn't become a councilor te gt rich, but the whole tene cf this1; qùesition ia negative, and Pm nont gdingbte feèl guilty, about what I moka as a councillor-. "'-.' We -ail work bard for this commumity and our pay ison par with' other communities Ward counc-illor is a haif-tima, poition, and when you add the $11,000 te your fuil-time salary and thon hava the Fada tex you at 50 par cent -- I mû.e about $10,000 a year as a Town councillor.. When oe censiders the responoibility and tino involved, I really dont se. this as an issue at ail. A Town counillor is on coUl 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - - that cornes eut te *$1.14/heur. Anyone who could find fault with that or complai about it bas te ha nuts. W. hava a system in this Town wbere the mayor's secrtary niakes more than the mayor - thatI. a fact. l'm happy te work for what the job paysb ut I amn very disappointed in thosa few people who are trying te, play poitics with the public. 2. Wbat rsq.omMblltl de yen fui a councflet bas tovarda Indvild acafntensami hvards the papuhitien m a viol? Do yen fiUlmtii.s mffiiet aeçptimllyfatpubliclat? 7Do yen fel tnt active ratipayets'gnq*upu venuha help or a bindruothelb municipal gomemnt MStotMy time ia spnt in respndln tethe individual citizen and taurpayer -- se obviously I feel a groat sense of rospenashility tewarda them. When council is dealing with a policyr that affects everyone, we encourage public participation and base our decision on what is best for the majority. As past presidant of a local ratepayers' association, I bave always. halieved in their worth and I continue te do se. An oducated and involved public la a blessing, not a hindrance. mamitrlly tecoeatltnta vb"b vY vUmyen rPm elected te reprosent the constituants of the east ward and DEMNIS FOX Age 43, resident of Whitby for llyears Special edu4cation teacher te respond te the people of Wbitby. 'I want lectedteignore thein. 4. Do ye n k Whtby% gesummt bambien tS et in e the put? if me vit cinnfma veu yen ake Doyenfie tint mattetu comlng helen couaci fl be S iven mare po*icity hi tthe commnity as a vbi uWeld yen aivcati tint agendas. repota uni bikgnend infomation ho made available te, interestusi ctisuis a minimum or a fan deys beiwte meetings at which they ver. dang discnmsed? As your paper is more thon awara, I have for many years (aven hafore I was elected) tried te maka agendas more readily available te both the public and te the press. Just a year or sE ago, I supported and lad the ýway in a council debato te change current policy. Unfortunately, the motion was ýdefeate8.When' re-elected with a new council, perbaps we wiil get the change in this policy we are hoping for. However, the other part of tbis question about council DENNIS FO3 oporating in. «secrée 'prmotos a' nogative iaethat -is ,not deservedL Just what secrets, ie your nowspaper *a.kingabout? fWbitbhr coemicil ban been, open and fair in alimatters and 1 ,hoeiesly. cannot Imagine why you feel -the need to lask such a question. If you are aidng how can the system ha improved, then I have a few ways of doing -that: (a) make .agendas .more .readily available; <b) advertise important topicul agendas i our local press. a Are ySn satifsiwith the Pam.aMd type of dovoffnantlu Whltby? Are ySn aisfied that it le woll ecntrofled? Wbat problme have yeS hmmi W do ySnfocae.? Ideelly, ail of us would, like to sea devalopment. slow down' and te shlow services and schools time te catch up.Unfortunately, council doos not have the authority- to. say, no, y ou csn't build hare. We hive li a democracy and people have the right to, build, and we as a council have, the responsibility to process their application.' The Planning Act for this provyince states clearly'that we muet proceas these roquests withln a roasena3ble'timea e. The province bas plsnned major 'growth for the Durham Région over the next 20Oyears and anyone who tells the public that they know how to, stop it or how to slow it down is really flot being honest with them. Whitby council, however, during the Regional Officiai Plan review, did negotiate a major 'coup' for our Town in the area of future. population densities. Oshawa, Ajax, Pîckering and Bowmanville now hava densitities i the 30-35 peeple/hectare range, while Witby waa able to, maintain ouir present density of* approximataly 20 people/hectare. This will dramaticafly, help, Whitby to, develop in a 'more pleasng mnariner for many years te corne. GE"OFF RISON É ~a la a pomlican vauth? wbat psy ";j woo venuySn advacae forceuncilintuan~ lhe ami tire. yeere-hm" ulchbMcrasos h votadinl lamai dent maldWoold yen puumaay sanove younVtael rex uha meun? Weudl yen nuso un literue vbch bai ben votai t sncb a smuson? * h4 lk that the presentlvi f't6imàiieration are about right. Fceetho next threa yeers, I think thàýat -icroasa equal te the avèerage percentage incresse for inconle 'un thia region la reasonable. Increamss hould net ha* votod upon in closed sassions. I would reme myseif frein such a session, and I would refuse any increasa veted upon at a closed session. 2. Wial neqmonsSlltio de yen felat counciDa has tovardis inividual cunahite t uvrd hie population as a viieleDo Yefeulwtintelu auffcint ooppotunity for public tapuI? Do yen fMe liaI active rahepayew S'grou veh a belp wt a hindrance t thie municipal govenament I feel that a ceundillor muet listen te the concerna of individual constituonta, analyze these concerna and develop. a position on the issue and, if necossary, carry the concern te, council. lh. counililor should hold the intereste of individual high in priority, but wil have te mokeaa judgemýent cencrning hie stand on anismueif it inconflict with the population as a whole. I halieve that thora are tino. when the intoreste cf the individuel muet -ha protected fin the wishes ef the mgjority.. Ifeel that more opportunities for public input should'ha available te, the public. I have noted the public forums are ofton se tightly, controlled that laymen hava little opportunity to b. heard. I believe that ratepayers' groupa ara an essential element in the. municipal government procesa, and- Ihop tht mreof thesa wiIl develop in the eaot werd. V. iYen knev tint yaur mmposition un a apclclmnmbefire ounail va s ut idavtbhie mory yer cnsùtietsvbcb M wayoue vote I weuld give the matter much thought and I tblnk that on administrative and economic matters, I would support the view cf the mqjority. On moral issues, I believe that I would held te, my ow pstion on the issue. If "I fbound that my position was continually differing finm the majerity cf constituants, I would resxign. 4. Do yen ink Whilthy' goncrament hma boni tee secretivoIthie past? If me vint changea vould yen mû.e? Do yen fiel liaI mata coing beiwer ceuncil dai eu h Ipvas mate pubUlcity tothie cemmunity au a viiole? Would yen aivocate te agendas, reports uni backgnouni inormationho maie available i ltaveluicitisMs a minmum of a fev du ay. tbetimeeings at vbicl tiuy vane boingdlâwmug I believe that tee, many decisions are mode in the back room, ..g., the issue cf raises the council granted te theinselves was settled without public discusion. I think that al nattera axcept those related te personnel, promoions and negoti*ating processes shoudha avaiobe te, the community. Every effort should ha mode te moakaagendas and information availabla Leo intarested citizens- a few day. hafore meetings. &. Aire yen mzalfu thelb.pa.Munitypaor deveiopmu*labtby~ AmeySn matd t It lu viii comitrelofWhot poobloushonyen - or do yen fise.. Developinent has now slowed due toe.conomei conditions but, in the pat, I hava been opposed te, the rapld pace and massive siz cf rosidential davlopinent i Whitby.ý I do net believe- that it was wd onebtrol dbsoeuu I me GE12OFF RISON Age 59, resident for eight years Works for NRS Real Estate Ltd. of Whitby Achievers cenaiderable im' lan e tween vat arasa of homes with insufficient achool spece, arterial roads, recreatonal facilites and social services, and aise insufficient industrial devalop- ment te upotth ron ed o, Wiubyb becoming notbing more than a doermtory for Toronto. If a botter balance hatween readental and industrial developinent ianet achieved, Isea a burgeonm inhcreasa iproperty taxes for hoeewnera I may be missing smaething butI 1 &àte se. wbat - l as wonderful about growth for the sake, et grwth. Growth &unly makes » te me if it lu not costly teidividuala, and A gond rquality of lhf. cen ha maintained. uI is lanot se li Whithy. I do realiza, however, that a few people moka a lot'cf mooey out cf the type of devlopmant w. have exparianced in Wbitby, and- these forces with thoir lobbyung powaer will ha interostod ikeeping things gcmng as they hava in the Past. I will oppose this. 6. NUNLBYim "etla mg bmkyad a io a commun pcm munciaMpltiatWa venu nde te pauvunlh t avololh? To avoid NIMBY, I would moka overy effort te stay with the officiel plan and ensure that people know what la planned li their area bofore they me. ite it. The boat way te deal with the problem i. te avoid surprises 7. Whatede yen fiel fb.balae miouM at boleen hie privaI. ponpmiy niist tcfiydmàIs &Ma lthective lghtet fa cimmnnity et naghbeustioof Do yen fiel b.municipal geonmmnt abeld develep micianimna taeferc tlghtoe mopt stndads' Wia we have private property rights lcnown et the, present time. as 'the bundla of rights, my view la that wa are essentially stewards cf the land. This imposes upon ail of us a repnillity for tendig te land andlmprovements, in a- caring manner, for ourselves and for futura generatiens. Tb. romoval or destruction oet la'isceable naturel assats must bha underthe coetrol cf the communlty.-1 I would approvo cf mechanisins toe efoctighter proporty standards when necossary for maintaining the aesthetic standards and enjoy- ment of a neighbeurhood. It seama te me that w. have su4cient laylawa for t)s. afeady,. but they are ÎÂ enfcoroedc if we- are net going, te enforca car byaws, whyî have them? & Do yen fi"ltint dosigna cIntdse uld ho Implune.i1naMMne Cas e amMretint nov caarcien wdla maltiag devlepei snoam cenooe t mitig bilings et do yen fielt contrais pe.et)y inplace na1 thee fficiiln andmin nby.lase ade«lqti? I weuld like te se. design COnMMoSaimplemanted te onsure that naw construction contracta conforin te existing buildings. W. have soe eyesoros among new buildings'in the downtown area. IL Do yen fiel tthle ambimne ef lh. aid cor. arma otWitby la Impoutant lo tie cmmunily and If Me vbui up&ïelistops venu dyen aivocte ta premeIl? I feol that it is important te, preserve and impreve the old cor. area cf Wbitby. Greater support for downtown *marchants for prmtoal activities should ha provided' by the Town. 7h. problein cf parking needs ateto.Many towns in Europe have created traffic-fre downtown streets for limited heurs in the day and on weakends. Over tha long tarin, this idea might ha worth explorlng. 10. Do yen agm iewth a Ire. contrai hy.lav vhich veudpreottIrasn anprivaI. asa viii a public land? Yes. (ood, mature, haalthy troos sheuld net hae destroyed unlesa thora is soe underlying essntiel reason for doing se. il. Wbat is yeur vision orthe Whilhy vatatrunl? How important la public accesu? I think wo or. doing a fairly good ýjob - on. the Whitby waterfront. Redevelopmnent and réhabilitaton should continue. I arn net keen te se. any more high-rise condominiums in the area. I want public accewtoteAl parts cf the lakeshore, except these required for utilitieS. WPRPO A 14 p L. NiBYIm (net inmy hock yard)bus bicorne a.common prdi'obba hmuglolpal palfticu. Wbat WrnI Yeuade te pRovenint t rarei Il? .NIBYiOmi. just a polite word te describe a sa1lih person, and I know of no governmont or* lagisiation that can-control -it. Ai an olected officia, I put t- he concerna cf the community llrst and act eccordingly. 7. Wboen de yen feelthe balanc hmUli iu between the priva. proearty rlght et Indvldugs andl the colectIve teto a cemmualty or nelgbeurhead? Do you tee)thie municipal gW OCnMun suLi - e- = mechaidmgn. h ofeo Z geprcpotyiadrd In the vast mqjority of cases, residents, businesses and industry také vary good cere of 'their proparties. However, I truly believe that.our local malse could do a lot more i maintaining their properies and i controlhing the garbage that cornes from their businosses. I balievo that toeer property standards would certainly halp this situation. Hjowever, muh cf the garbage is generated by those- customeas who don't live li the area. I think that the tima bas coma te increase the penalty for littering. &. Deyen fe) tint design control. miaou ho imploeoetein Mmem cases hi eure fat new countruction vithIn oxl.ting develoeod arias conae te eistng builor tde yen fe) liat entv raistuty tu placen thie officiaiplan a"dzenlngby la»ameadquat? It hias been council's practice te encourage naw dovalopmont, within an estabhished ares, te blond li with the surrounding neighbourhood. I think we have beon succossful in doingjust that., 9. Do yeu n tee iithe ambiancte lad emm arma e(Witby le Important te the cenmunity and if no what upeiflc steps wenld you advecate te IPreseve ~that the downtown area i our community la important and I. will hab wiling to do anything, te make it aven a botter- place te bé. However, as oast ward councillor, I thik it la time for me te get selfish. ýSU2PAGE A14 municipal efection,

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