Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1991, p. 39

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WHffY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY.,NOVEMLBER 6, 1991, PAGE 59. # E .....k !I. A R TIC LES.................j _________ FO..SALE.O...AL. ERIC LINDROS 1990-91 OHL 400 card sots, $58. Oshawa Geeassets $16. Other OHL teams $4. Owen Nolan 1989-90 OHL carde $3. 666-3043. SEASONED .FIREWOOD for sais. Pick 'up or delivered.: 416-649-3183. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love-, seats, sectionals, Iess than haîf ~rice.uLarge selection. McKeen Furniture, .524 Simcoe' St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. OLD COINS. kitchon table, Elvis Presley colloctible books. Low prices. Cali 668-4833. FIREWOOD - maplo, birch & oak. Suprior quality, well seasoned, ail Fde ood.Buy the bsst. Fres dilivery. (416) 753-2246. PIANO - MASON RISCH, mahgay finish, with bench. 88 kes. Exelent conditon. $1800. 579-5969 after 5 p.m. $KATEBOARD «12 PIPE, 12 ft. by 24 ft, professionally buit. Cost $1000, s.ll for $450. Cel 655-3255. COMMODORE 64 keyboard& diskç drive. Brend new. Asking $300. 430-6466. FOR SALE - HONDA scooter. Bluje Aero 80. Good condition. Asking $900. Cali Shawn, MODERN, GREY Iacquered 9 pc. bedroom set. Good condition. Suitable for aduft or youth. Double b.d. $650. Cal betweon 2 & 8 p.m. 430-7399. BEAUTIFUL ROUND TABLE $40. Coffos & end tables $15. Padded armchairs, 4-drewer dresser, bookcaso. tools. heaters, dolîs, toaster, coffeemaker. etc. Phono 668-3975. LEATHER SWIVEL CHAIR and foot stool. Laminated teak freme, 5 atm chrome base. Original cost $850-. Sel $450. 666-3169. BOX TRAILER. $400 firm. (If pltes noedod $465.> Cali Sewng Machine Repairs A#l Makes Complte Tune-up $39.95 Recondlitioned Sewing Machines from $59.00 TOPUNE SEW1NG CENTRE 571-1385 400 King St W.,Oshawa KIMBELL ELECTRONIO organ, 'Swingor 400W, $100. Excellent shape. Oeil 668-5858. MATTRESSES and box springs at haif price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. SEASONED FIREWOOD - maple. bosch & oak. Face, V/2 bush cords available. Delivered. 683-0709. RECYCLED APPUANCES- lots to chooso from. Good guaran-, tees. Bost prices. M & M Appliancos, 107 Dundas St. W., 668-9444, 23 King St. W., Oshawa, 723-9m7. FIREWOOD - SEASONED hardwood, cut, s plit & delivorod. $80 per face cord. Oeil Don, (416) 355-3805. Visa accepted. LOVESEAT with matching chair, gray. Excellent condition. Asking $325. Phono 430-7183. CLARINET, FLUTE, saxophone, trombone &p uitar ail In excellent playing cotdion. Pricod to ssII. Cases included. 416-985-8967. TAKE ADVANTAGE of our 98 per cent coverago of Whitby when ing or solling your wares. Witbiy Free Press. 668-0594. STEREO in 5-3/4 ft. walnut cabinet. Also two brocade loveseat sofas. AIl in excellent condition. Phono 666-5837. GAS STOVE - DANBY, 30', cream colour, with flexible connector pipe. Excellent condition. $300. 668-9536. "LEAVE YOUR CARES et home with us." Prof essionel pet/home sitters are fuîly bonded and insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. 85 HYUNDAI STELLAR, 5 speed transmission, PW/PL. New brakes, exhaust, tires & battery. $1.950, certified. 668-2893 days, or 668-5177 ovenings. 1980 MUSTANG. GOOD condition. Excellent winter car. Certif lable. Askçing $650. 668-1598. INeWd a car - Credit problems? " Leas. in own any make or model * Cash fortrade * Calnow fortkequotes» aLEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING S436-9837 - Gary NEED A CAR?- BANKRUPT? Credit problems? Lease to own. Easy low down p aymont. Modols Up to 1983.686-3775 or 725-1988. MAKE YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS gifts. Learn how to make your own padded fabric photo album or picturo frame. Oost: $25/album, supplies included; $18/f rame, supplies included. Completed in one ovsning. COeil430-3957. SILK FLOWERS on Sweatshirts. Learn how top ut s ilk f lowers onto clothing.. Bok into a workshop now. sot is $25 includes sweatshirt, flowers& supplies. Oompletod in one evenmng. G reat Christmas gifts. Beautdifu, simple& quick. CeNl 430-3957. CHRISTMAS GIFT OPEN house Wodnesday, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Finishsd handcraftod cherubs, functionel and decoretive items. Cali Gingerbread House Ceramics, 668-5485. Thei War Amps CUILD AMPUTEE For information dia! toll.*frec arca codes 519, 613, 705, a 1-800-268-8821; oihcr arca codes dia! 1-800-268-8917 WORLD'S LARG ST 81000 SQ. FT. 0F BARGAINS Pi)b HOUSEHOLD - stove, chestor- f ield, men's & ladies' clothing. men's & ladies' diamond rings. Free coffes. 7 Calder Ores., Whitby. fMov. 8, 7 &m. to 10 pan., Nov. 9. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. STARDUST STABLE, Coîborne LANDSCAPINGS. LAWN. main- Monthly -hors. '& tack auction tenance, pruning. 'seoding, Novenmr 10, 1 p.m. Docomber 8, 1 sodding. Fall cîean-ups, pîanting. m;Now taking bookinga for Jim ado1envtinrockorios, LUir CIinic, Nov. 23. $45 por horse. oanting bulbe, f irewood. Odd lo0 For Information or bo0kings, calli 1 416-355-2994. oe estimates .(416) 649ss83 DutchwyayLandscaping. SOREL 'QUARTEÉR, -HORSE' gilding,- 8 yrs. -152 H.H. Elegant mnover. Western' endurance hors. with great English potentiel., Suitable for a more oxporioncod rider. Pricod to soîl, $1.200 firm. (416)668-0674. WANTED - YOUNG lilec or seai-point Siemese cal. Papers not roquirod. Nancy, 668-8873. CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE open house, Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 36 Dawson St., Whitby<(West Lynde). Great solection of Xmas gifts. . .................... I... ~TENt ERS j *:.:.:.:.:.»:~: ozCORPORATION. OF TîMI ~ TOWN 0F WHITBY. CONTRACT TENDER W91-25 Printing 0f Recreation Activity Brochures Tenders for the above wiII' be recoived by Ginny Lods Purchasing Agent, until 2:00 p.m., Wednesdey. November 20, 1991 for the 1992 Spning/Summer and 1992193 FaIVWinter Recreetion Activity Brochures. Specifcations and tender forme are avallable et* the Town of Whi'bh Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontno. Telephone <416) 668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any tender not necessanily accepted. GINNY 100K PURCHASING AGENT .*CORPORATION 0F THE c.:OW OF ,,.~WHITBY CONTRACT TENDER W91-39 Comprehensive Equipment Maintenance Agreement Whitby Municipal Building (Revised) Tenders for the above wii Ibe receied by Ginny Lock, Purchasing Agent, until 2:00 p.m., Monday, November 18, 1991. Specifications and tender forme are aveilable at the Town of Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossîand Road East' Whitby, Ontario. Telephone <416) 668-583, extension 314. A oertified cheque in the amount of 10 per cent of the tender amount muet accompany each bid. The euccessful bidder wfiIl be required to podea 100 per cent Performance Bond upon execution of the =otet Agreement. Lowest or any tender not necessanly accepted. GINNY LOCK PURCIIASING AGENT -I J 4 j -1 'i... - ---------- - ------

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