WHITBY EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1991, PAGE il1 Painting pre sented AT to Whitby archives ITDE FORMER Whitby artist Shirley Amie Foster and ardui- vist Brian Winter are shown with Foster's painting of Robert E. Quinton, an old-time cobbler, which Foster lias presented to the Town of Whitby Archives. .An ail painting of former Wbitby businessman Robert H. Quinton 'was recently'presented ta the Town. cf Whitby Archives by the artist Shirley Anne Poster, who painted Quinton in the 1950s, presented the painting to archiviet Brian Winter at Forest Hill United Church in Toronto. Foster, a niece of the late Mi.By Fowler,.Whitby's cbildren's librarianon 1955 te 1969, lived with ber aunt ini Wbhitb in the late 19509 and early 1960s. A proific artist, she bas painted in Canada and in Europe A member of* St. Mark; United Church when she lived in Whitby, she is naw a resident of. Lakeshore Lodge in Terento. The subject of ber painting, Robert Henry Quinton, was Whitby's oidest downtown businessmnan when he died at age 90 in December 1958. He came ta Whitby in January 1906 and opened a shoe-malcing shop at 225 Brock St. S. in an old building that stood north of what is now the iZarl of Durham pub. Quinten, who specialized in orthope<lic footwear, had custamers fi=m across Canada and the United States. Hle was aima well known for hiis chickens that won many pr0e at the Cana<ian National Ehbition and other faire. The painting shows Quinton at work in bis shop. He was ane cf the last of the old-time cobblers in Ontario. Quinton, who was in business for 52 years in the tewn, will be remembered b~y many eià der residents cf the community. By an interesting coincidence, Foster and Winter were next-door neighbours when Winter was attending public schooi in Whitby. CYCLAMEN Popular f(owerîng houseplant with, a prous ion.of clourful blossoms. r y1695 ....... ... . By Marlo Boucher Judy Morris is looking forward to the challenge of being a schooi trustee. . I]m pleased to have the con- fidence of the voters,» she said. Morris said her first experience as a candidate on election night «was thriiling." "It was uplifing te be there,» she said.1 "It's good te be with people who are committed te the cern- munity,» said Morris. "I somehow feit it was my time teosere as a trustee,» she said. Morris said she worked hard in her campýaign te meet the residents and listen te their con- Cerna. High taxes was the biggest issue, she said. The îirst priority for the trus- tees wili be te sign a contract with the secondary teachers, she said. Money would be better spent by having full facilities available instead cf relying on portables, she believes. Morris said the board must aise consider the continuing growth of Whitby. *TO THE W7HITBY ELECTORXTE THA NK YOU.. Gerry Cox. Whlitby Hydro-Electrie Commission GOOD LUCK TO THE NEW WHITBY HYDRO COMMISSION AS THEY FACE THE CHALLENGES AHEAD. May they serve with wisdom and honour. Thank you to the followving who did their jobs ln a prfesinal and efficient mnanner. Town lerk Don McKay and his Staff Whitby Free Press Staff Bootraphies -Durham Printing Foto M asters Whitby Mail My sinoere thanks to ail my supporters in the November 12, 1991 election KEEP SMILINVG! I.AM- CORPORATION OFTHE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE INAUGURAL COUNCIL MEETING 'h *opra n of the Town of Whitby will hold the Inaugural Meeting of thW92-94 Council at the MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAT WIBY ON MONDAY DCMER 21901 A'8:.00 Pi. Citizens are cordially invited te attend this Inaugural Council Meeting. Those persons planning te attend te meeting are requested te advise Mrs. Vema Roberts, at Oie Municipal Building (668-580), on or before Wm. H. WALLACE9 P. ADN., AMCT, CMC ADMINISTRATOR AL O CA OVER 1010 CLOSETS P! EU ANNUALLY SEA SON'S CHA NGEs a a TIJE CHANGE!!,f