Science and childs play have merged et the Addiction Researh Foundation ini the form of Smokes and ladders, a gae that warns children.dofh hazards of alcohol and tobicc use. Created b~y two ARP scientiute, Smokes andI Ladders, offers a new twist"on ,tii. classic Snaloes and Ladder gae... 1The ARP creation features a neon-coloured playing -surface with' up-to-date graphices and mesgs Gone are the menacing snakes and Victorien images that characterized early versions of Snakes and Ladders. Instead, warnings about -the risks of puffing -cigarets or sapigalcoo - and mesusae about téi. benefits of 1avoiding these -activities -are :splashed acrais a hot pink and green gae board. Unlucky .players will flnd their game pieces tumbling down chutes. of icigarets or slipping down puddles cf- spifled alcohol. Thome Who mangeto dethe gae.' pitfhlls ,l jump acroffs squares and climb. ladders towards, the fi nish lin.. Smokes and, Ladders i. the brainchuld.,f Dr. <Jwynne Giles and, Dr. -Bill CorrigeRl, .who norm ally devot. their woekdaYs to scientiflc ýresaarh i the fleld of addictions. Lest year, -the pair joined forces, and enisted the. talents cof'a graphie. artist to creat. a à ,banda alearning tool for 7. to-I1-yeux-olds. Tii. resuit __ Smolces and Ladders - i. meant te bè both -educational and entertaining. 1"lt'. like Sesame Street - let's have mme fun and Iearn something about alcohol and other drugs, too," says Gile s. "W. saw a real need for prevention tcoIsl, ..that wÀud interest tis youp ae grupl says Corrigail. Wih Smokes and MRconfirm presence of zebra, missels ini other lakes Zebra mussais have been detected for the. frst tâme in Laeke Simnc and Balsain, ice end Big Bald (part of Pigeon Lake) Lakes ithe aerhs Tih. samples were colectedas part of the MNR zebra mussel invasion monitoring program. Aduit zebra mussels were discovered on a boat removed fi-cm Lake Simca. tii.feRl. 'me vessai had travelled the. Trent-Severn Wat.rway between Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe before rmvdfroc the. water for wint.r storage. About -50W aduit mussais between five and 17 millimetres oberv.d on the. hast It is .ected tiat the. waters of Lake Simca. and the. Kawarthaswlfl provide ideal habitat for sabrmusem Ail water uer. cn help slow fthe. sresd cfzebramiuseis by fonlowmg m plroe rs liadders we hope to reach many kids befor. ,they start experimenting wi'th tdxobecoand alcohol." 'me, game is inttended for use in' -atsup«ersdenvironnient .!Rppimented witi tfrther WSmaion about substance ab use., Smokes and Là adders features plastic gme.pieces, dice and a neon-coloured vinyl 'playingsheet that is durable, washb eand portable.. Tii. gaie 'salisfor $15 and i. available - through . ti. ARFs marketing departmient at 1-800-661-1111., The. Addiction Research Foundation i. an agency c f the. provinceof Ontario. Single mother wants to meet same for companionshimmp admoral supor Fesh ' Ce.,an 'If's not just'a name, it's a warrnty."i Cail the Professionals for Excellent service at *We are one oflTorontos top pmofessional cleaners *We move most of the tumiture & place protective paper where RU*mFREECI-gCr,<k iIWOe necessary* We use the flnest-chemicais and ea*i.stimmywcapoes Forfia boolng plis. SII are environmentally frlendly. 1 800a 663a 5513 afoni,?mvaue fo 17 ai only 2070 Cal us and flnd outeabutal Our weeklysectas. Irs a cnpog01ffgun. One, ortwocups.of coffee per day costs preclou's littie.. But littie by littie, the pennies add up. Over a year, it's enough to buy someone homebound and atone hot, nourishing meats for ten straight days. Meals-lOn-Wheets brings food,,andfriendshi'p to thou- sands of elderly andd isabled people every day. And the independence to tive with dignity. Money raised by the United Way'helps to mhake the wheets turn. The United Way,.in.,turn, banks on individu ais tike you to help fund, in ait, forty charities in o.ur region-and ail their crucial services. The work they do touches the lives of every third person .in this commun ity. Every dollar you give 15 precious to the people who need it most. Please, give generously. Cati (416) 436-7377. Yourdaity cup, of coffee is-someone etse's daity bread. oshawWby ftewcamie M llloway tehl $795 rooms, hall, BONUS: 1 Room FREE Scotchguard caot& U>hosiery & Drapes the lowest pricles.c 1OFF' rooms $26 SO18& 45'7 pcalIy