Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1991, p. 50

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CrISLTIAN,AWAKE Christians awake! Salute the happy morn Whereon the Saviour of man-kind was born; Rise to adore the mystery of love, Which hasts of angols chanted fromn above; With them the joyfiul tidingM first bogun 0f God incarnate and the Virgiln's Son. Then'ta the watchful shepherds it was told, Who hoard the angelic herald's voico, 1'Behold, I bring good tidinga of a Saviour's birth To you and ail the nations upon oarth; This day hath GOc fulfilled His promiseci word; This day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lard'. Ho spake, and straightway the celestial choir In hymns ofjoy unknown beore conspire The praises of redeeming love they sang And heavon's whole orb with allelulas rang Gad'sé highest glory was thoir anthem stili Peaco upon oarth, andi unto men goaci will GOOD CEIUSTLAN MEN, REJOICE Good hrisan mon rejoice witn iloaft and soul ani voice! Givo ye hooci ta what we say; News! Nows! Jesus -Christ is born taday, Ox *anci ass before Hum baw, Anci He is in the manger naw; Christ is born today, Christ is born today. Good Christian men rejoice. With heart andi soul andi voice! Now ye hoar of endless blisa: Joy! Joy! Jesus Christ was born for this! Ho hath ope'd the heavenly door, Andi man is blesseci for ever more. Christ was born for this, Christ was born for this. Goaci Christian mon rojoice With heart andi soul andi voice! Now ye neoci not foar the grave; Peaco! Peace! Josus Christ was bornita save; Calls you one anci calis you al To gain i-s overlasting hall, Christ was boni ta save, Christ was boni ta save. TEE FIRST NOEL Theofirst Noel the anigeîl icisy Was ta certain poor shopherds in fieldis as thoy lay: In fields where they Iay a-kooping thoir sheop On a cold winter's night that was so deep. Refrain Nool , Nool, Noel, Nool, Born is the King of Israël. They lookoci up and saw a star, Shining in the east beonci them far Anci ta tho earth it g ave great li ht Anci so it continuoci bath day an night. Refrain Andi by the light of that samo star Thfroe wiso mon came from country far; To soek for a King was their intont, Andi to foilow the star wherevor it wont. Refrýain This star drew nigh ta the northwest, O'or Bethlohem it took its rest, And thore it dici both stop and stay Right over the place whore Jesus a. Refr-ain Thon enteroci in those wiso mon throo, Pull reverently upon thoir knoo And offoroci thero in Ris presenco Thoir gold anci myrrh and franldncense. Refrain Thon ltuin all with one accord b-ing praises to our kieavenly Lord That hath mado heaven and earth of nought, Andi with R-is blooci mankcinci hath bought. Refr-ain 10- i To Bethlehem straight the onlightened shepherds ran,' To ose the wondor Goac haci wrought for man, Andi founci with Joseph anci the Blessed Maici, Hor son, the Saviaur, in a manger laid; Thon ta their flockts, stili praising Goci, return, Anci thoir glaci hoarts with holy rapturo burn. O may we koep anci pondor in our mind God's wondrous love in sviglast mankinci; .Trace wo the Babe who hsroetrioveci aur loss; Prom Ris poor manger ta Ris bitter cross. Treaci inisestepi assisteci by Ris grace TMi man's first heavenly state again takes place. Thon may wo hope the angelic hasts among To sing, rodeemoci, a glaci triumphal sang. Ho that* was born upon this joyful day Arounci us al Ris glory sha display, SavoibRiloe incesnt we shail sing Eternalpraise ota heave ns Almighty King. 1 ý 1

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