Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1991, p. 8

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wr.m~r~. ~n~Q WI~flMVRDAY.. NOVEMBER 27. 1991 ~141b~~EO5 YW K3LZ~ ~ *7~ - F -' Sheehy urges residents to 'assume omunity responsil it By fMàvio Boucher People have te get more mnvol- yod in the community if they want tessmre changes,, saysta journalist frorn Whitby. Speàkcing te a crowd.of akout 30 ople; at the Peter Fer award last week, Tim Shey Q ueen's Park bureau chief for CFTO-TV, said many Whitby CFPTO NEWSMAN Tim Sheehy, was' the featured speaker On Tuesday last week at -the Peter Perry awar banuet.Ph.ooby Mm* Reeor, WhltbY Fr..Pr.m bMo ............ T ....y..... d .............. food, ty.driy Whitby Toyota- is accepting teys and food. as part "of the Toronto-Hamilton ?Toyota Dea- lors' Advertising Association's Christmas Care Drive. Unwrapped to m snd non-per- ishable food can Cdropped o at the Whitby Tçoyota location, 1025 Dundas St. W. until Dec. 24. Items donated will be deli- vered to the Salvation Army for distribution te néedy familles. Last year Toyota- dealoréhips collecte 40 truck loada. of food' and 45,000 uïnwr .pe toys. «Me needinW hby alone is up alrnost 25"peýrcet ovor last .yoar, with>more ' than 200- fam-" illes,* including 10childron, seekng help, m says Paul.Pear- son, president of the association. ofn theme are single residents are commiutérs te Toronto and "don't feel they have a stake here.' Sheehy, esfimated 30 percent Of *commuters .. live 'in Whitby but work in tee'Toronte area., 1 'You have. more of a stake where you liv. than where you work,» ho said. ShehY said people complamn but mnüy, don't even vote. 1"Getting out tée vote in itself makes a-difference,'he said. To hil1 lead thetown mnto the fuur, .w have te- look within' ourselves,» ho aid... «Take charge.... . ilgto assume responsîbîlity-, Sheehy referred te Peter Perry a ýa developer with "a vision -for th uueof this community.» He said the award..defines a', leader with'"a senscs of compas- sion and a sense of duty. "We want to keep this (Whitby) a safe place te live,» hoe said. Reernto a scene from the ]Re TeeUntouchables' Sheehy said, we have te asic ourselves the same question Sean Connery's character. posed te Kevin Costner's. «What are you prepared to do about itr", ho said. "People do make a différence and can make a difference,» he said. Sheehy said people have no confidence in the leadership in Canada. « A lot of people in this country feel wo have a problem of leader- ship,» ho said. BLA cookbooks are now available Cookbooke sp onsored by downtown 'itby busmoesses, are now available or purchase. Tlho cookbooks, organized by the, Whitby Downtown Business Improvoment Area board of manag ement, feature many rocipes supplied, by downtown store owners a nd their staff. In addition, there are many. historical photosý of the down- town area mn the book. The cook- books are available at downtown stores and at the BIA office. Coat is $7.95, plus P~ST. For more information about the cookbook, call the BIA office at 66"4189,. "W. wont leaders who will as»ýà gain-Y .dSheehy said it is time to"take chreo or<etiny» and urged pepltstart ,domig tlungs in- stead of letting: somneone else tarer.ofit. "What w. have. te do la get involved,,»ho said.< Sheehy suggested 1residents should h lp each other more, esrialywhn itcornes te "o n yul nwthe true satisfaction of being recognized,», ho said. "It (leadership) cornes from in- aide,»"he said. Shehy said ho and his, family moved to Whitby in 1988 because they wereattracted by its "smali town 'atmosh ero.» He Said Wbitby has much, to ofrwith its recreational cm pex and its geographical pro- ximity te LIake Ontarlo and the hiîsdecountry north .of the, town.' 4 t i 41 LàIZ AND LIONEL GRAVELINE -(abéve), owners of Picture Trhis & That, are shown withson Jess and the Participation Award given to them by the Whitby Downtown Busineàs Improvement. Area. Below, from left, sisters Bernadette Simns, Bar- bara Power and Cathy1 Rosseau,,o-owners cf the Lafontaine Trading Post, were'named Outstand- ing Business cf the Year by the BIA. PhotoS by mavk h R WI tIqFr.. Pr.o [MOIF owner Kaýthy Baizarin adjuats the jacket of an obviously p1easeél Catherine Swing, hostess of CHCH-TV's ,--New Attitudes' show. Motif did Swings Aarfrbe for the Éhow sat fal and is whlmt usiness 9

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