WIIITBY FMEE PESS WED)N*SDAY, DECIMER 4.1991, PAGE 9 Souch 1992 chairpersonù JIM SOUCH (left) of Marigold LincolnlMercury Sales accepts a community award on behaif of the company at the United Way-awards banq'uet. Souch will be chairperson for the' 1992 United Way. He is shown with '91 chairperson Harold Whitbread, Pho y STomI fflhJb FreP1%e I0 Obituaries BEATRICE BRAD1FORD Beatrice Alice Bradford died at Sunnycreat Nursing Home, Whit jS Wednesday, Novem- Sh. in. survived by daughter Florence ,Flavelle of- Oshawe4 gandson Robert (and his wife Larlene) of Madoc and great- grandson Justmh. 5h. was predeceased, by her huuband Cyrril, and John and Bramwell. The funeral service was held at the McEachnie Funeral Home, ANax on Saturday, November 30, Donations to charitY of choice. Annie Dudulski of Whitby died at her home on November 27, 1991. 5h.was 67.,' She was bornAhi Poland on July 23, 1924, daug]L*hter ofMr and Mrs. UT Widziszowksi. She married John Dudulski i January 1952iToronto.* Mrs. budulski was a Whitby resident for 20 years.I She is survived by her hus- band, sons Victor, Andy and Bill. and agh e een, gandh- dren Dana, Melissa and-Tyler.' Services were held at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel and Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens on Nov. 28 and 29. Interment at Mount Lawn. 6 Genierations of Service, QualitY & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby Afer 668-3552 AerHours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointments gladly arranged Travel compamon wanted -McLaughlin estate in ail its seasonal spiendour. Tour the beautful rooms cloaked li festive attire, and choose 'a unique &ift or Christmas poinsettia li the Gift Shop. Enjoy the Gift Shop anytime with or without the. house tour. Many gifts are under $15 At te lirary11,1 CHRJSMAS MOVIES Christnmas movies will' be shown on! Dec. 79,2:30 tQ 3:30 .JhMbyp theliogrL , ro. at Pubic à ibray.Regist- rationisibnecessa r" «For those aged 5 to 10, there will be 'Show stories and sangs' on Saturday, Dec. 14, 10:30 ta 11:30 a.m. ith program room at Whitby Public Library. Regist.- ration at the library. CRAPI'Y CffRISTMAS For those aged 6 ta il 'Crafty Christmas Creations' wiii be held on Saturday, Dec. 21i, 10:30 ta* 11:30 a.m. in the program raom at Whitbyi ublie Library. Regist- ration at the libraNIGH ADULT CRITNIH Adult craft night (creating a stuffed wreath) wiIl be held- at the Whitby Public Library an Tuesday, Dec, 10, 7 ta 9 p.m. Cost is $18 for material. Limited registration at the hibrai-y. PIRESCROOL Registration for the winter ses- sion of pre-school will b. held an Jan. 8, 63-pim. in the programn room at Whitby 1K'ulic I riy Society nam es prize winners ià sa Rundle of Oshawa wan a colour television as first prize in the recentPa-what-you-pull' raffle held by t he^ Neurofibro- matosis Society of Ontario. Janet Daidén afWhiitby wan the. second prize, a videocassette recorder and Marta Sciberras af Willowdale, third prize, a microwave aven. Stuart Drew of Wihitby is pre- sident of the association. TOUR AND GIFT SHOP Tues. t» Sun. Thurs. & Fni. evenings (last'tours at 4 and 9) Croups welcome by appointment. TOURS $ 6 Aduit $ 4 Senior / student $15 Family 11t-5 7-10 specialprga for ail ages will be held Thur d ays, dec. 5,, 12 and 19,, 6:30 ta 7PI3O p.mp. the program raom at Wbitby Public 14ibrary. Registration is not required.i Visit the fiestive Santa ,ClausParade in.-__ F00» DRIVE, Ail1 branches of, the Wb.itby Public Library are holding a food drive until Dec. 21. Non-perish- ahi. items can be donated to the library (baby food, -juices, canned and boxed food apjpreciaâted). theminiature Chrlstrnas Village. Arts, -Crafls & Educational Supplies i *1