Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1991, p. 8

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PAGE 8,tnr RE E PMPRESS, WEDNESDAY, DCMBR4,1991 NANCY MUTCK presents "a plaque to The Pro- spect of Whitby owner John ]Rutherford ini appre- ciation of a donation of $743 to Distress Centre Durham. From left, Jack Rosweil, Bon KLelly and Sandra chan look on. Some of the pub's regular customers staged a special "tease the bartender"' evenmng recently to raise the money. Photo by mark Be..or, Whltby Fr. Pr. By Marlo Boucher Many 'local shoppors took advantage as sevoral Whitby stores were open for business on SBunday. "Vie opened at 9:30 a.m. and there we% 150 people1aiting at the doors,~ said Craig Caddret, manager of Canadian Tire. Ho said store sales increased by about, 17 per cent ovor last year's Sunday shopping. «W. just didn t expect that. larm a crowd,' ho said. TYdor- the rocent provincial legislation, stores will lie open on Sundays iii Docomber. P. Saiqel, co-manager of K- Mart, said thore was a lot of lineups in the store. "It was busior than our usual- Saturdays,» ho said. Spokespersons at Woolco and Miracle Mart in the *Whitby Mal also said the stores were busy and did botter than expected. Trevor Bardons, mnageor of the Miracle Mart at the Whitby *MaIl, said store .:sales doflot' increasedrettcally on Sunàdaýys. "It is just< protoct your busiii- ness ý and' keop your customÉers fromnvoiesweeh ad Wlutby MaU i aagrAnthony Lang sald Sunday sho8, g 01 boneficial for everybody. Hé'said it will givo merchants a chance to make 80me profits bocaus0 they"need it badly.»ý With rent and other ffinancial matters such as bookkeepig already paid for, «whatever te will soUl on that day will be a 20 per cent profit,» ho said.- "It's the cheapost day to operato,"he said. Ini the downtown core, few stores were open, in contrast to east Whitby. "I don't think it- will help much,» said Susan George, co- owner of The Kitchon Cuphoard. Only Elsa's Children Things and Big V Pharmacy were open on Sunday tteIAPaao Brock St . a h S.Paz1ao Across the street,.only Lovoîl;ý Drugs and Macs MWlkwore open. Do azani manager and ownor f Whib - bominion Hard- ware, said ho" didn't think it would b. worth opening on 'Sun- 4.Unloss it picks up~ it doesn't ayto open on SÀ*cdaysB," ho said. Most'of the stores i\the area ofDuxndas St. and BrockeSt. were alo closod. "Many of the stores will pro- bably open the last two Sundgas before Christmas, whon geop e are- shopping a bit more, said Carol Little, co-owner of Pearson Lianes. 5h. said some of the stores in the, bouLtique dovelopment opened on Sundays,. including Audroy Jane's 'Lingerie, Mar- garetRoseman Gallery *and Fun Fashion for Kids. Bill Little, co-owner of Pearson SF2 PAGE 16 Downtown's Christmas promotion underway Mr. Terry Bainbridge, Community Area Manager for the Bank of Montreal Oshawa/Whitby is pleased to announce the appointment of JOSEPH H. SHARP as Senior Branch Manager of the Bank's Whitby Main Brandi at 100 BrockStreet South. Is Rt time for a new lease? Is your location out of your customners'Istaft's way? Does your landiord hear your concems? ls your building equipped anid accessible for the handicapped? We are. Cali us. RetaiV office from 150 to 1,700 sq. fl. ANNOUNCEMORORAE ENTR The Partners of SLMS BRADY ~ & and, h£ZA &ASSOCTATES- .are pleased ta announce thé'nerger of theirlaW firme. Henoeforth, they will continue th.e practice of law as: SIMS, MAZ AR &',BRADY Barristers, Solicitors, Trade Mark Agents David J,D. Sims, Q.C. Richard4 J. Mazar Caterina E. Gucciardi Jennifer S.IThomsbn Paul T. Murray Counsel: John F. Brady «Christmnas is a tune to remem. ber' is the thome of this year's Decembor promotion by the Whitby Downtown Business lIn- provement Area (BIA). A BLA committee bas planned a jý varioty of activities intended to reflet amily and community traditions. The followiniz area AitivtiarI* unions and trust companies will be asked te, provide Christmas trees for the local day cares and nursery schools te decorate. Dec. 6 - Troe-ligkting ceremony The entire conmunity will be Invited té an official troe-lightfng immm0vWt nt il~ he VWhivL'ibrar1wv., D'ec. 13 - Candoihet -open houe Businesse have been askod to romain open later te as4sia3t individuals in selecting gifts for someone, special. Last, year, a numnberof businesses had instore specials and providedrefr-eshments. beginning at 7'ïSO p. Dec. 14 -Troeof Hope day. 2 jD at 2-Wer'. 7 - Santa Cau pu&d., I.an effortte raies funds for-' Chriatmas button Cma Thoe aces Santa Claus local charitios end draw peol Several businessos ;ltb parade will beld 'on Dec. 7. the downtown are., the Troe of Ihanding :)ut downtown Whitby Hope, event will b. scheduled for jChristmas buttons beinning the second' Saturda in Dc2, while supplies' hast. If l>c. 10 -Wilking tour Decembor. Individuas who individuals are seen wearing On the oveming of Dec. 10, donate te ýa. charity will receive a thoii butten in downtewn Whitby Brian Wnter, the Town archivist, colourod bulb te replace a célear by the ¶mystery spotters,' they bas aged tpRfom awang Christmns ight on the trees lit on coud wn Vwntwn ollrd e turof the downtew are W the evening of Dec. 6. spend at participating businesses. The BIA will b. printing ... 'dollars. for distribution and will set up a prograin te reimburse the businessos for the 'dollar'? amounts. This prograin was used last year and many busmoesses ~ . reported that it -was succossful. Dec. .2 te 24 - Parking i BonuafRide the Transit.. Tho' BIA staff are currently discussing plans for a pormte provide a parkin'g bonus for those utilizing on-stroot paring ~ ..~. metres. I tho past, parking.. ............ metre times have been extended, courtesy of the downtewn business. and the Town of Whitby. Vehicles that romain in . the. spaco aftsr the extended timo -will, unfortunatoly, b. subject te o' a violation. Ride the Transit is a program I that encourages menibers of the ~RA E ubli te come downtewn via the uss.Passrees rding tI. .e1 transit on Dec. 7, 14 anÏd 21.illU receive 1'Wear 'n1WVin' buttonso. courtesy of the. busineséss ýin downtewn Whitbhr. Dec. 2 te 17 Crsta stocking draw Downtown business..are asked te o, ate% ifsor" Christmas stockings thatWkllb. won by three luclcy, individ". ls. comileted ballots te the BIA Durham Ciege las Wdeek to outlie 'Wrkin office hby Dec. 19 at à p. ' 01eels ee.t ulie9ok Dîe. 2 te 16 - Toy drive Towvards Equalityi' the Oâtario governrnent's dis Downtown finania establish- -cussieon paper on emplomn equity çà, i91ation. monts will b. asked te provide a Ziemba wants every workplace i the province'to box, for -the. members of the. have an menvironment of fafrness and social community te dèr<p off gifts for those in ýneed. 'The BIA staf 11l justice for ail people."' The coliege and Multicul- colect and déliver the boxes to tarai Council of Oshwa and District sponsored the. local Salvatiag Army offce. the address by Ziemba. SDec. 4 -TrIm-a-trae diyP" e! TM n uw F«l p I I 117 IGng Sti P.O. Box 3ý Whitby, Ont LlN 5S4 (416) 668-7704' Telephone (416) 571-2558 Fa ein 4 4.>6)5L34 . 1 LW

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