Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1991, p. 3

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Items from Whfitby Council agenùda(s) Pa onn ing and thesign bylaw beaàCoqed« for the property owned by*< Cathofl o emoterles on the south sie of Taunton Rd. E., between.Gardon Si. and', Anderson St. Teapication, by AcralumeSlgnfistd., calls tor an Inease of the sign area ta 17.7 square mieties f rom three square, metres as long as the "true" slgn aiea rom 'ains 6.5 square meties for a proposed pylon slgn (the Iargqs portion of the sign la a 6-mnetre-hlgh,' 1.96-sq. metre cross, ln the centre of which la a 4.5 sq. metre rectangular slgn - a total of 6.5 sq. mietres, the Recom ondeto comunil That the application by Acmne Neon Signa London Ltd. for a bigger slgn at the Ultiaa Canada Inc. location at 1549 Victoria St. E. be denied. The planning departrnent belleVes. the proposed slgn should confoim to the sign bYlaw. and that a sign 0of the pemtted size would.be hlgh~ visible f rom the street. ROOInSU t OMunil Operatioin Committee, That Don Ceranowlcz and Colin Beaumont be appolted as municipal law enfoiceme nt officers until AprIl 5, 1992 to,' enforce Town "no parking" ,'estrictlons and the maximum three-hour limitparking, to ensûre the moade are cleared for wlnter snow piows. Roeunmadoto council "That starting Feb. 39,19921 on-street parking meter rates be changed to $1for 18 minutes, 25 cents for 20 minutes and 10 cents for 8 minutes. That the maximum permissable parking perlods at the on-street meters be one hour,l10minutes and two hours, 20 minutes.,Staff wil also revlew the fiee parking policy for municipal lots for a rprtto committee. . Recomondto COUndil That the Town accept the low tender 0f $14,1 99.97from Tieco Manutacturng for the p urchase 0f floalng docks for the new boat iaunch (off Gardon SL) ln Whltby harbour. The Town recelved notification trom the Mlnlstry of Maturai ResaurcesthWt tundlng up to $1 5,000 was available toi the proJect. Furthei'works - harbour channel buoys, kiosMialler, signage, parking curba, aspha tpavlng of iaunch apron, electrici supply to rarrp, dredglng and engineering tees -are requlred bofore the boat iaunch can be operatlonal. There is $11 5,000 ln the draft cptlbudget foi the work. R.o àoded tecouncil WIDTYMa ZpRUSSWEDNESDAY, DEEMER11 19, PAGE S ....w. . . « *E< /' **** *.*...***..*.*~.' ..*..........~> lfayor'as job wacm'ong long soughtatr Edwards wants 'open' governm ent> ByMieKowall Tom Edwards want a closer and more open reiationship bet- ween Whitby reside nntheir municipal representatives. To achieve this goal, WhitbY's new mayor hopes council an& residents respond favourabily te proposais ouitlined im ism au ai address iast week. B ut if initiai feedbakisany indication, both parties apparently approve of Êis mes- sage. In an intervew aoon after tak- ing office Edwards ad .l udelghte&» by the response te bis proposai for-eitizena' comniitteea whxch 'would sdviae council on certain isauea. "I don't even hâve t.aprgovai. of counci but rm# ed=ýto find there are a number cf people who want te ait on the commïit- teea,s aid Edwards. Ifr vedby council commit- t. beformed te fQndways of eipanding the tax- base and attracting Jobs; coping with the Problema of increased urbaniza- tion, and setting the paY acale for As te who wiii ait on the committees, Edwards assumes councilwiii foiiow the procedure it now uses for citizen aeppoint- monts te municipal boara and agencies. "I suspect it wiii be like the other appomntments. W. wiii advertise it, ioel< at the applica- tions and then decide.» Edwardesaaid he did nôt. pro- pose the idea te avoid contre- versy (counciliera setting their own salaries for example), but te, involve the public in the deci- sion-makini. Ho said Toronto han had great succeas fer almout 20 yeara ni having.,a' ýcitizens' ýýcommittee recommendcouncil wages. . T«hey have. a representative from the business community one frem labour and, atir person," Iexpiained Edwardsa. "TIhey are ýçiven data frem other commumîtiea' which they compare te what they pay their couniciliors and thon they make a recommendationto counicl.' As a resuit, 'Tv. neyer'heard cf any riicami of their pay» said Edwari. "These individuals are cern- pleteiy impartial and objective.» Edwards? desire for a more oen reiationshilp with the cern- mumt la ise behmd another propoai ho will make te, council . Hewiii recommend that coun- cil. "endanow availabie te the pubicon..onday morngs, be Prepared.by Frday,, as was once hEPrctia. that the need te make iast-minute changes te the agenda was cited as the reason for the switch from friday te Monday. However, ho noted that coun- ciliors wouid often ireceivo celis on the weokend from people who were concerned. about an issue coming Up at the Monday meot- '"We've had demanda te, go back te Fridss andcouncil han se far naid ne, said Edwards. 'Tm hoping that as a RStur: te be. open, we ci'n go aktth former poeition.~1 ta bi Edwarde conWe titwhl <this la a «reiati-jiy small mattor» te moet people, it symbeizes much more. .«I hope it will bo indicative cof how open w. can be Edw4rds' ielqfor a nýore open atmosp)iere at Town h411 was a recurr nt theme duig the interview- condiictod onIy four Lookn for a good tm? I ' q> ~ NMW MAYOR TOM BD WABRDS is SnaCIau. pai. ýSaturday shown- waving to the crowd at thePl daysalfter ho was aworn in as Alter more' than 30 yoars, In public lif., EdwardsW decision te run for mayor at this stae inhis ploiticai career surprised many gopleowhen ho deciared bis can- 'Eîcept for two years in the iatel970s, the rre . union representative 'had served où' Whitbycouncil since 1964. Edwards 65, also had the die- tinction cf being the iast reeve cf Whlitby prer tere&Ional. govern- ment being formed in 1973. But after srrsnpeople with bis candidacy,EdaXd thon confounded the pundits by taking the unusuai step cf not using electien signs for environ- mental reasons. However, nanie recognition and experienco paid dividende for the veteran Plitician as ho turned bac challenges from for- mer counciliors Gerry Emm and Lynda Buffett te, win 'iast month's electiora. 'Tm stiui revelling in the acqui- sition cf a poito that I long, longb alterbut didnft ecueI did not' have the tirne," said Edwards. «Now I do.9 Whiio Edwards' first week in tho mayor's. office did not pro- duc. any surrises, ho admitted te bngslihtly unifamiliar with the roie.. "Ater every 1'new job I've gone 'te I kew. where I weuld b. iocated, who nmy associats were and who the boss was. . ' This job la a littie differente my boss la sonme 60,00stogM the tewn of Whitby." SR ~PAGE 13 f f ~ ' -' - A A ~ ~ *t '4' .~~4t'i ,fr.. ~ -~.4'k ~ ~ 4 5 S 4 éd 'f N>TARY CAS.CAens, each week 'tii Chrstmas, we will draw trom those calendars that have'already been soid. The numberas wiii be published exciusively ln thie Whtb Free Prss. If vyour number us drawn, you can pick up an add&lonai caiendar tria rom the Whitby Fiee Press office W 131 Birock St. N. Double your chancesof wlnnlng ln 1992! 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