Whitby Free Press, 18 Dec 1991, p. 14

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* (1 ~lO I .~1 s~J:fI~L C~ f('E~'iI(L i , 'LFIËi"'$i ' >Iàb PAGE 14, R~ RKFtS~WDIEDf lOffl .On. Christmas Ev. I wroto "a boetter te SantaiCluse to takome ï foraride in hibeatiiilOd8 1 tht igt otook me te thé. M NorýhpoboIsawRudolph with il bis e nos.. Thon after that I ti uaw the 2 eesworkcing very barud for, next year.- Aftèr I aw Mrs.î' q Clas.Sh saidIE teniel aidbhi' < to hor. Thon Iwetusdt play with the snow. ,Thon Santa said do you want te. deliver the prosents I said baèk to hlm Y"s plase tako .me..Ho sad agam al t right. I will tako you, ltsa go. Thon. ihen I got home I yellodc "Mom MOM Ihad-a ride tethe f north Poleo with Santa Claus. 0 Mom said dont b. osilly, Thon dad said bequiet éoSanlta saw what ha pened. Thon mom and dad saw Santa. Theoend. Christina Wu Grade 2 1 Kathleen Rowe Meoriali CHESTASLOVE The love i Christmas is the best love cf ail. Jesus wvas bon and ho loves us more thon any' human bî=:g on earth. Mst peldnttbink about tho real meaning of Christmas.' Christmas te, me means God because Christ and Mass are in Christmas. < And that is why I think Christmas moans love. Aleasha Redmond 'StiTlree&a 8011001, grade 5 CHEIfTmAs MORNNG < I rolod over in my.wýrm bed-I ilowly opon'ied my' lazy oeye.I pegan. te yawn a sbedepy yawn, uhen, I realzod what 4ea it ýwas! imecf ear and. " cklv hiy slippors and, 1bo.I quclckly',ran over. te the. nirrand puled aà comb through my mesy golden browin'hair. âoSd the'doôr, and 'racod. down bue starcse. O (nce I arrived at theo bottom of the starcaso, I flew ý into the famiby rom and grabbýd -rMy. rottod inl thetii. mm and sat, down nei to me. I. gave b er a, big duonhr wet, little nase and >shé esoddto myaffectionate ias m ta ]u o : r own, right on rny rosy cheekt, I emptied My stocing- and I was.very pleaued to e ueowhat I eSwt I saw candy affor candy, toy after t<iy, and mre pleasmg treatg; I was verylbuçky te have allof thoeewonderfulpfts. I gave Saly another loving Is and a pat and w.esmt thore together erijoying Christmas morning. Jennifer Turton BeU'emcd P.S.' THE TOWN OFWHITBY ~COMMUNF1Y SCHOOLS COMMUNITY SCHOOL*WINTERý PROGRAMS '92, moeU-MforlGhbmnIt Ille olntyopraedyVolunleerBoard cf Diecon, ueTowmn cf Whllby P»u'ksodRecralonDparrmt an tem Dudum eotd fEducation. i fibemnt slows mnm use' cf lue schoolffllesaid 9encourages commnlty .olvomenL CommudV ySchools, Pmo"e uueed sreton prugmus aid encourfageasens. cf commN!uîy in Zau mem eighbouitiood. wmNT" REGaSTATIN DATES ARE: TUESDAV JANUARY 7,1992 111URSDAY, JANUAR 9i.1992 SATURDAY. JANUARY 11., 199 7:0 - :0P.M. 700 - 8&W0P.M.ý 7M0 - 8:3 P.M. Yoi mui rgliseut $Csh"o bu gr uIbfl nlabelng old 1 CmulyScol i offn 'ooigprogram. *ELLWOODCOMMTY*M4OLl 5714770 Kate, Purent,'*&àToôt mldeKafKnidergym, lndiefmtioS, Pmo-Danm. CatoïoningForHceModem Jazz ouuUnoia Voulh Voleybul, BlyllrTann or. ~s0sSpob NiqhL Voulu Gm Club, %VouihDrauuM CluVmbdlonath O -LanMainenae, Adu tAproblcs, Jazzerclse, v Co-Ed'Voleybï iiAdCR nfn 11CRCue Msaeto ôio-* Rcretio Bahuu"in».Sbelch &. Tone, am BI HU COMMUNITY SOHOOL Puenlt &Tot, Prnc. i &1 a2, Tumnhi To te l 2, KIde Sp-orw; Modem Jazz, PMeSchool ihelo, *Putilo' on ltheGiltz, FonH Show Biz 1Pu oflpM BC ouro Donc. 'LO'~BB enOODamOF'd Febwury 14, lm9),1eTh PALMERSTGNCOMMUITY 9CHOOL 400 PabuoImebAvssua Pre-Dace1I&- 2 kuftduc*m on bBalletModemn J=azzI&2, FrM HoVGmmUPRboe-d GLasos.Clonu ufa odB Pupek.Crab orKis PIay &Loam, Pareu &TT i m, Masuosb RÃ"ee Sres, A&ÃŽlles Cru Ut i "Iàk Dance, Low Impact AobsVocai asosFai AUd Ca , vn-,i.Womons soe# DefencoPA.L «, i Vlmya o nlld L»99ueEaslor Party <Sa»wdey- Api 1 , 1Ring. PRUILE CREEBC CMMUIITWSROMI go RIBBLESDALE DRIV Kwmb, Parent à Toi Gym, Bou'd Games Ply& Loe, .Pro-Dance, Babysitie raming, Dm wna 'IdlWaberoeloumFloe Hockey, Mdcconpub g o lkf =odng.- Modem Jazz, Nniendo Chalenge,- Teen Club, VouluClub, Aerobboe CoutryArVIebLege Euchre Clb, Bridge Club- I thoro ho sat Yes, it was Santa and boy i. hoe fat. Ho waasEI tting in mùy -oay chair eating my plum 'and pear_. Even thoughJI didn't c aroeý It mmi wýas my Plumiï.andpar I stl àoobor 'that -vory night whon 1 saw Santa. Matthew âh Dear Santa CIaus Hli, how are you and the olvos, and. Mrs. Claus. I would liko a yoo"My Walkng Kitty".#I will, taepool care Of hor. If you could, I can't wait ti Christmas. Pleaso, can I havo a littlo princes mernxaid for my little sistor. For my mom I would 1k. some stockcings (anty houe). For my Dad, I would k. moine shavlng creamn. P.S. would like for Christmas for everyone te b. happy. Love, your doar frionid Mdarie Grig Grade 2 EJAL FairïimnP.S. CBEISMSEVE-ý Snow lïï whito a#d stcnge are Oni Christmas, ail childrozu sbeep snug itheir hods. Waitiing for -Santa te bring- them ail toys considering "they ýhave On Chistmas. moring ýtheir- faces are agbow, since Santa ý,has made it through ailthat .mnow!i H'.brought ýthom ail ýwonderfu teys.,once more, -and 'h. didrft even have, to corne ini by ýthe doo«. jia" Foliert * Grade 6 Gleu Dhu PA8 ASBLEE GRANT'struggbesto oôpen ber gift, a 'ldraw &: dôo' et at, -the Big: Sistées0o Newcastle/Oshawa/Whitby -Clîisun. prty. Almoat 90 littie misters.gotpresents fo l an Nick himùself.< phoèýXmk.oo Wbty Fsf It was te Night "býeforo ChriMtnas. OndChritmas Ev. 4t was s0 dark. Santa- couldn't ueo buis list. Thon Rudolph came. "Now I can usS my list Who brought thonern- lets not a, Rudolph. Adam Barker Grade 2 coefl&MAS Christiag is not onlyý gifts, 'it's" sharingaý nd, stuff like that. At Christmasn o ,'nver forget my cousins, aunts or unlés. My mom gots lots of stuf;, just liko my'dad. Patrick.Taylor 'Grades3 * eiWuod P.S. one chriàmaWSalta ',andfic- i elves wrMoki~ r maldngtoys,' but Snaw o tryinghard'to mako toysj. owas theone"' that Santa dpened on. How Coudfahrdth1tôm ho, thought.' Well I wiil just have to ave é t-. ljIým Thon ho went- off and.bucldod hie, reindeer.' Th'on'ho w.èiiït>ff and told buhis wife. Hi e ,wife - was cooldng.-omethingfor. .Sanfa Meanwhile Santa1. .1ev. 'wero malcing toys xfoe, the - -boys and Chapter Three' Sànta wsgigt aeta inight. Ho, did-not have 3Flahe anffd thon'.ho beft. That i .ght ho wient ,to,,the ýfirist houa.. snd,,got thé presents nâ et on h chîimney i...Thonwhtdiyo hnow! -Dashor .came down wi'vth ashes ail over bim. THE END. Laura a"d Andrea D.Robort Thoraton P.S.. Th Uitd huchs eri * t b / B o o kli i vi e o e shar inA. - * *shi BROOKUN: UNITED CHURCH 19 Cassels Road East, Brookln Sud&y,, Dec 22nd, Advent IV. 10:30 uniChristmas Famuly- Serv1ce 9ueday, Dec. 24t Canclelight'Servioe. Please bing batery o0eçted' candlesor small fls1hligh only CHURCH 201 Centre Street SQuth Swiday De.2rl Ad tV 1000 au Chritas Worship ,Servic TecyDe-.-24th,. 700 prn Chriiistmu Paiiwerd 1 jSOprp Chriifs, Evé I9~3on"> WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH .25 Manning Road between Thickso6n & Garrard SudayDec. 22nd AdvontiV. -1 030pfrni etival Sericefor Christmas Junior.Choir.- 7p--:00 pm Cavols byCai leight Tuaesday, Dec. 24th, 7:00 pm Informai Family Chnstmas Celebration. 10:30 pm Carois, Candles and Communion CORPORATIONOF THE- ...TOWN OF WHTBY- 1 991 ýCHRUSTMAS/NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY GARBAGE AND* RECYCLUNG COLLECTION. SCHEDULE THERE WILL lIBE ANY GARBAGE OR RECYCUNO' COLLECINDUIN THE WEEK, 0 F DECEMBER '23 DECEIBER 27-1991.ý G e a e a d clbos n r ai hoectd on W eckiesday, Jan uuy. wd brW e colec d on Mo r und y Decemn er . 0,199 Nomljarbaqe- Col o l osm nJnay 2.1992 on yote regulakcollodionday. Ciizen coperab*on. lu requed;b'have' a garbage out>by 7.00. a.m. o nàorcomaed collodon day b ensure pickp, s me n c oletinma variedduo b lue rv!sod OIIRISTm TREES Wl OPNLY be coiectod between Jaiaaey 7lb 10. ownvor eglarcoea O,ýTho tiGes wlil be colleld by spri cctpo W ueefreask luat ail nads.=iio woode;u Irees stands b.remoed There w b.NO BLUE BOX COLLECTION betwee Decmber-23, aid - cmber27, 1991. - cydlng nralyolecWednJonuasy , 1992 *lII b.collocbed on Monday, Decmnber 30, 1991. ReycK o Wil be; coloced on lhe same ey as the. regular or reisçd garbag servce du ludeweo f, DeceMbe 30. Ploase meain your reoydung matenials unti lue specufied collocdon day. If ýyouwish.further Information, please contact luPblIC, Work Departmnent. OPEATNS CENTRE UONDAkYTOFRlDAY,7:30A.M.-40PM., We regret any inconvenmenlce luis maycuead ank you fo yoùr cooperalon and patience dtunng lue Holiy Season Ploase roter Io lue Holiday Garbage Collection Notice clrmered b0 -. 1 m a TWAS CHRISTMAS MORNIG

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