Whitby Free Press, 18 Dec 1991, p. 25

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WIIITY FRE!ý HPESS8 WEDNESI)AYO EEB1~19, PAGE 25 ELF Once upon a time-there was à telf i s naine was Bob; he wasa t r playfu]Oltf> lereafly likod'workcing 'for Santa becauso ho liked 'to play with toys. Sinco ho wos ,worling for Santa, ho not only played with toysho evon got to make , Up flOw" Inds of toys. One, day Bob was workcing in the shop thinldng of a new -toy idea,. Ho' had just corne up with ai flewflogdi. Howos going to show his idoa to Santa, but Santa si Ihe wotoo busy to lookatbsil whole bunch f flewflogims3 for al tho -cbildrens' Chistmas presents. It was Christmas ove, o nd Santa was bading the presents, into bis sleigh. 'That night Santa delivered ,ail tho presents, including thojblewflogims. The, next morning ail the kcids loved the flewflogims. Prom thon on Santa listenedl to Bob's great invientions. *Mitch ond Lyndsay Dr. Robeit Thorntca P.S. Doar Santa Clause and Mrs. How is Rudolph? For Christmas I would like ove yodto ho safe and a happy. I =rud, like. a pot and Holiday Barbi. I would like to have a nîce Christmas dinner.. P.S. I almoot forgot, how are.tho olves. Brittony JoanRosa Grade 2 E.A. Fofrman P.S. I remembor touchng the ic3r snow. Tasting the fudge meit -in my mouth.. Mearinthe lovely sound of the chim &îýthe e. Feeling the butterfiies in my stomach on Christmas Eve. Smelling the cranberry sauce. Even seeing the'snowman that 1I built at Christmas. Chris Lazary Grade 4 CLJ.E. Farewell r 1emSAS 151151W Christmas lis hon. full of joy and cheen, children pf;aying in tlii snow but dé thoy know what Christmas is 41l about? W eil i' about caing and, shaningvirwnot taking, fixing notbneakn., proading lave ovev here. Christmas is finaily here. SeanR St. Theresa Sdod., grade 5 RUDOIýH OnCýce 'iiithe, North. Polo lived' Santa ýClaus. lie iras a chubby moan. One Christrnas Rudolph the rod 'nosed -roindeer lot the rodnessl in hie nouse.!,Rudolph.was a sad reindeer loca'sus s denose' wsntshining. Santa',thtbught thgt Rudolph' wasl sick. Santa aed 'one of the'eleves. The off tht came to Santa was the old off. Ho was the doctor elf and bis, name was Doc. Ho treated Rudolph and said "Santa, ho is a healthy roindeer." -But some took tho rédness out of Rudolph's nose". "But whd'! Said Santa. "Who could haveê? Rudol h, the. reindeer to. Pguide me through Christmas Eve night. Now Santa was s ad. Santa adý'How con I deliver theéprosents? Santa corne don, lookfl Rudolph's noue is shining now". 'Now I con delivor the presonts" sosid Santa. Santa and Rudolphwere happy now. Soroh Word Grade 8 E.A. Fairman P.S. Iwould like Fost Troclc and a ýcmputor. < How are you.dain1 àttenorth polo? I bet 'RudolIP is sad bocauso tho other roindoer are moan to hum. 'I will leave you c"Mles and<c airotà for Christmas evNeboon a good boy this year love Curtis Dr. RobertIt TooeacP.S. One day, a little, boyr nomèd John asked hus mothor for a toy *truick.- is -mothor said "Woit until Christmas." Ris othr sid, "Nol" Bo ho ý Wiited for Christmas. On Christmas Day -John -openod lbis presentsoand ho got his- toY truck and ho lived happily evor afler. padmerutomAvenus P.S. Grade12 By Moranda Waters As the Christmnas holiday draws nearer, the hustle ond bustle around Henry Street keeps growing and growing. mhe music derMLment held their 'Sounds of Season' concert 1"t Wednesday. The audience was dazzled by ail of Hem-.Y's difféeont musical ensembles and soloists.- Refreshments were served and Santa Claus oven took time off of bis busy schedule ta join the fun. Congratulations ta everyone who was involved in making the concert the succesa that it was. Spadgof Santa, staff and stuc1ntsare still paticipating in our annual food drive. Be a Santa ta smeone special this year. In other food drives news, Mr. Musselman's efforts ta keep the food drive going at taop speed wen. a success. Teachers had the option of 'dressing down' for the day. The catch was ta, bring in four cans of food- As a result, the main office bas disappeaned under.cons of food, clothes and tays.,It's amazing what the staff will do ta wear jeans ta school. A benefit for tho Children's Aid Society,,' The Battle of the. Bonds,' was hosted last- Fniday at Henry. The mre 50 cents paid by ec studont-goos ta the Children's Aid Society to holp their tcy and food drive. Asoheld on Friday wasoan ofternoon 'Bug Out!' e -of Henr-y 13Y Karesi Aclig Duing the week cf Dec. 2-6, grad 8 tudet;svisited Austin. K ]>%adyn Ms. Roy woud lik . tthnthe mombons of studnt council and tour gudes- BeynAskwith, Susan A=oi avid Daslva and Chris Stocki for- thein bard work and co-oplaton. Ie semi-forma dance will ho hld on Dec. 19. Th. discejockey 'for this affair is GMèSDJ services. Photos will ho availablo as Santa wiil ho making a guest appearance. Be thon.! in Wildcat sots, eii.swum trnpaoed weIl in i l ast meet Street was captivatod by an hour-Iong performance on 'Endangered Species.' Staff and students learned about ond evon got ta, se. some endangered animais. Tomorrow,' the guidance office ishaving an openbouse. Seniors and staff at Henry are invited to join the Christmnas cheer and muet some recent graduates. Lat' Wednesday both the junior and senior girls' voileybai teains competed in two separate tournanients. The midget girls hosted a lO-teain taurnament where they p laced first in their pool. Unforunately, a very determined teaxn fromn Anderson defeated the Hawks in the semi-finals. mhe junior girls travelled to Centennial College for thein weekend-bong tournament. Henry' defeated teanis frorn Eastdale and Cedarbrae on Friday. On Saturday, teams from Kelsey, St. Elizabeth and O'Neill feit the power of the Hawks. The girls won the championship with 15-12 and 16-7 wins. Congratulations is in order for the team and ta Jen Carroil, Elaine Vickers, Erika Price and Tar a oler for their outstanding efforts. And. finally, with days, bofore Christmnas me wish, evoryono Christmnas. only two break, let a Merry at Uxbridge. Adrian iLemiercenvicz lrit home a second- and a flt-pace finish in hiseovents welo ohnGrahamn pbaced fourth in thoel100m gackstroko. Bringng home seod-placo finishes won. both tho monds and wornn's elay tooma. Congratulations! Finally, the fivo-pin bowling teain wasvictonious Mi ane of its tbroogans gintDonevan. Mich Motmuna(8 points), Allison Mitchell <222 points) and Darryl Robb (211 points) eoch achieved a personal best scor. Th. bowling Besson will continue aften the Christmnas break on jan. 7. By exam nNishot Anderson hold another ichool dance on Dec. 13. If students gave two cans of food they got $1 off the ticket price. The mudgot girlsE' voileybal teain competed in its first tournainent of the season on Dec. 7. They defeated Hon in the semix-finals, and played a good gaine against Dunbarton. They placed, second overail in, the tournamxent. Anderson'shockey teani played Port Porry on Dec. 9 and Ajax on Dec. 11. Students who watched these games found them entertaining. Rehearsals are contining for Anderson's annual Christmas assembly. Students are looking forward to this assembly and to, seeing ,ail the talented students and teachers performn. Teachors are putting in a great deal of effort this Christmas to encourage school spirt. On the announcemonts each day, mystery teachers have been singing Christmas carols. AUl the homeroom classes guess who the teachers are, with a prize for the best guesses. Thanks ta the teachers, the announcements are more enjoyabboe for the stuidents. By fl.h Sultan.Khn Last week exams commenced and the halls of Troalgar wero silent as students prepaedfor their examinations. hey Iwere seen and not heard as they studied in rooms, on stops or in small groups. On Friday was aur annual Christmnas "dinner wbich was a vory joyous' evont. There was gaiety and laughton among the attendants who were treated to a supenb dinner. The students and teachors ha.d feilowship with friends and family in a nelaxed and happy atmosphene. During dinnor . thons was light entertainninont froni the Célebration Sfingers, pnefects and principal. Most apparent at thi event was the Christmas spirit of love, goodwill and happinos. I would like ta talc. this oPrrtnit~to»eh ail a happy ré =ad bYeEUChn;istinas as wo roemnber and celebrate the birth of aur -Lord and and Savour Jesus Christ. 1 ollé J 1 eti l fJ (". 4 J, *1 WINMON LEE (front), Jason Clerk (left) and Danny Normian with their lifesize Santa. The tbree Father Leo J. Austin students worked two hours a day for two weeks on the life-size Santa, wbich bas a wood skelton and is stuffed with newspa- Photo by Mark Esor, WhItb Fr.. Pr. By Soida Bobbingtoei Hello. -Sonia Bebbington hon.. Last week at DUYC was a blioful ane.indeed for ail thoee students who pride themselves in a love of fine literature. lb.Thebook fin gracod our library for threo days, too short a turne, in rny opinion, ta fully appeciate the. intricate titlos on display. The works of Danielle Steele, Judy Blurne, and no boss thon two booksa about Beverley ills 90210 won. al thon. for oun literany onichinent. W. are a doepened peoples, thanlcs ta the book foin. WoednsdaLy,, Dec.- il was an evening of culture at Donis O'onnor, in the forrn of Soin..' Intrntioal. i ,This ovening cobebrates the holiday season odopting a numbor oY diffenont cultural practices ta complote its purposo. The 'Viking BoUl. Jlg' was most enjoyabe -a light,fUn pioco ini wbich honned warricrs cavet.d about tii. stage in pre-battle hysterics - ut this exhibition could not. compyare .ta the rituel practi e The Mghtyr Head-hunten.' A liv.- demonsbtton proved most. educatonal. onourable mentonsgo taMark Sciioltes 'ho pfomed on Inuit rit. entitled - '4Conquoer of the Tundra,' and ta Arthur SteidI amn Polish-,HoerMo Pr oan' Intornationale was an evoning that wiil not acon ho fongotten. DO'C, in its continual habit of enm the I>h&scal comfont of i= teeg.unifores), bas boon kind enough to fil the. rocent cafeteria extension- with new lunch tables for aur dining pleosure. A timely acquisition, as sonutudents had bogum ta talc. noot ta the. faon. In fact, I write thieintcmmot uon or the . roneta6d éb, ond my _pon gfides aven the. silkon wood subatitut. 11k.nothing olse. I shall return hon. next timo. Until thon 14 DENIS O'CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL LEO J. AUSTIN pers-

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