Whitby Free Press, 18 Dec 1991, p. 30

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PAGE 8,wR iTBY REEPRESS 1D EDY, eEMER1,il NO ONE BELIEVES IN" ________ SANTA No one believes. in Santa. ' What shail we do Laurie?" I'dont'-know Brin." 'egohome Brin." I know, said Laurie. Lot'. stay and 500 if there is a Santa. "Yes let's do that," Brin said. That Christmas night, '"tn." Thump, thumpl .It'. S eant," 1 whispered Liaurie. "Shh.." whispered Brin. Wooeh. Crash. "Satal" It's us ... Laurie sud Brin. We have a big problem. No, onelbelievoà in yo u. "O, aid Santa. Prom thaïït daôL rOad Brin wore La urreSkia-anu t.TheresaSchooL, r Oncé enatime thore. was a pnpes. ername was Sarah.' Sara waspoor. Sho was very bad too. 5h. hated Christimas, an& Christmas was coM*ng on Wednesday -and it wasý Sunday. TIW only t.âhing she'liked about C.hBle"asstoys,-but ah. wasa bad.SoMs 3hnot g*entog anytbi*ng, but,,.h. <dosnt knoW, th.Teneit day, wasMonday, butshe didr.,iot get -a -Cristmés tree. 8h'was edited bout Wediiesdaye, but, .h. id'bv any -préente. Sho went- te êleep. The nextd4,y.was Chriïtrna and* oh. stii ddnot have any . .,80-Soshe loarnod not te 'be Giàde 2 KtleenR Mmra CEHRSTàfAB TIME -At Christinas time we invite our closent relatives or wo getinvited,ý te our, grridmansd granidpa's houes. Norm ally, we, have Christmas' at aur house. 'In oiur achool we got two weoks off. I basgoingback -te achool when you 'have such a, good time at Christmas. But I -get used te it. I can't wait until Christmas., JoSephCastado Grade 3 Bellwood P.S. RUDOLPH RAS TROU~E WJTH HIS NOSE Once 'in tho North Polo lived ,Santa Claus. Ho was a chub mari.. One Christmas Rudolph the red' nosed reindeer bot the redriess in hi. nase. Rudolph was a sad reindeer because*bis3 noee was niot shining. Santa thought that Rudolph was sick.' Santacaloed oneof the elves. The elf fhat came te, Santa was the old elf. Ho was the doctor elf and bis name was Doc. Ho treated rudolph and said " Santa, ho is a healthy reindeer" But, someéone too te redness out of Rudolph's nage." "#But -who? »said -«Santi. 'Who could -have? Rudolph- the reindeer te, guide. me through. Christmas DE night". Now' Santa was sad. Santa said "How, can I delivrthe preseiits? Santâ coxme -down, looki Rudolph's nase i.sIni ng now". -'Now I- cari dlvrthe proent." said-Santé. Santa 'and Rup1h were. happy now.- Grade 3 E..Fairman P.S. ODIE AND GARFIELDS. One'-,moning when, Garfield and Odie *woke up,they 'aw lots sud lots of presents. hy swale té the presents sbowly. Odie "aw bis name thon Garfield saw hi.-- name. They bathloolod at each other. They thought. for, a minute.,, Thon Jon 'came down. Ho suid "Open your presents". The?r stared at Jon, because they didn t know how to, open presents. The End. mar"Carrl Dr. Robert Thauton P.S. Gradé 3 M~AGIC ýOYLA1ND In the MaiEe llvod. Es help. the elvies. Ho e time. One dar the to grew trying tehamn woke up and w te finis the boy~ Toyland Mr. Bi2f Santa Claus and iado toys te savè Le took a nap and gar, hewas a ho-made wer ,r bii. Thon ho Dnt right te work PÈîngIe CréekP.,grd2 THE BEr IHPfMAS It was the best Christmas ovor sud it was, quiet. Not even mous. made a sound, but the~ Santa came &>wn 'the chimney ho made a big crash'and filled my stoëcking and gaWe me toys. Erin Boehart Grade 1. Kathleen Rowe Meniaial WEN SANTA GOT STUCK IN THE' CIIMNE It was Christmas Bye and it was, vory cold, and Santa was goeng down a zhimney. Santa gave ail the Ipresents te tho children but tis was the bust bouse, and Santa got stuck going dovn' the chimney 'and Santa' slept thorea ai nijiht. In'the moring tho childron did not get anything fromn Santa bocause %ni~a was stiil-in the chimniy. Santa was getting ýhungryand the famaily lit the firopland, Santa scroamed. Tho mom put out the firo and looked up he chirnney and saw Santa an d sai d, what are you dinf up thereJ Santa said, I am They helpe4 -Santa out, and Santa had omething te eat. H.e said ho ho ho and ho loft. The enA. Stm Ld DEAR SANTA, I was holping other peuple this ,.>ýyar.I ffeedpoopîe drinks. I helpd Jenin rea -I read te the techr.Ihelped my Dad pc the bag teB.C.I cokdMy Mom sud Dad's dinner. I do what My Mom says. I helped MY Mon pick eut the. tre.I make- my own bd han i I got te Bay. Dr. R bo-trutoBRP.S Grade 2 J .Obituari esJ PETER JOHN- BUKIINSKY À Whitby floriot for 25 years, Peter John Burtinsky died at the- Oshawa, General Haspital on Wednesday,.Dec. 11, 1991. A resident of Whitbyailbis life, h. lived at 320 St. Lawrence St, Whitby. A son of the late .Jaseph Burtinshy and Elizabeth Kandaz, ho was bon at Whitby on July 12%1914. As a young man ho >p«red at tIheSamuol Trees blanket factory in Wbitby and was a gardener for Mr. Trees. Mr. Buiîrtinsky aiso worked with WXE Newkirk in Pickering, and ait Lewington's Greenhouse in Oshawa, During the Second World War ho worked at Defense Industries Ltd. at Aeax, sud aftor the wari, worked rit GeneralMotors, sud at Fittinga Limited., in Oshawa whore ho was foroman of the* foundry for five sud a haif years. In 1956 ho began bis fiorist work at home and in july1958ho, purcbased. Slichter'sflower Shop en Dundas St. W., Whitby. SHe. later had a shop on Dundas St. E. near the paSt office, sud retired ini 1981. Mr. Burinsky won many przes rtfiower shows for his bboa sud arngements. H. was a mnember of the Whltby Rotary Club sud o f t he yWOL brB.John Ambulace 1fr Brtnsy a rvvdby bis wife, tho former Muriol Hogol, whom ho married at Oshawa on Nov. 21, 1936. Hoi is also survived'by one son, Robert and bis wife Marie of Oshawa; three daughters, Mrs. Hugh Doboon (Mary) of Manilla, Mrs. Gary LockIe (Lois) of Oshawa sud Mye. Ronald Slack (Francis) of Baiieboro, Ont.;, six Wndchildren, Davidý, Steven chle'Susan, Riionda sud Biily; sud three .great-grand- children, Rachel, Bronwyn sud Amber. Mr.. Burtinsky is also survived by one,,brother, Pbilip Burtinsky of Whitby and two sisters, Mrm Mary Pardel of, Oshawa sud Mis. Ann Kockany, of Whitby. Mr. Burtinsky was at tho W.C. Towný Funeral h I Wluitby. -Rov. Rod- Barlo*w ccmducted the funoral service at Ail Saints' Anglican Church, Whitb~y on 'Dec. 13, 1991t, foowed by intermont in Mount Lawn Memorial. Gardens, Whitby. Contributions te tho charity of choice. KITHJING Keith of Whitby died on December 9 1991 at Oshawa GeneralHospital. Ho Was 65. Ho- was berù minLittle Britain on October 18 1926, son of- De. and ly(Lm)Kig AÂWhitby rosident for 40,-y"%T *Îciin wrkm.dat Deinion.ài Floor and Wmndow before retir- Tewas a member of Branch 112, -of the Royal Canadian Le~o for 35 years. Ifelesurvived by wife Jean sons Dallas (and bisWfrfe ArleneS5 and Ronald (and his wife Sharon) daughtor Donna (Mrs. Glenn Wiutcbnson), grandchil- dren Michael, Julie Ron, David, Jessica and Adam, Lrther Dal- las of Oshawa- and David of Collingwood, and aunt Aima King of Markham. Hê was predecoased by bhis parents and sister Donna. The funeral service was held from -the W.C., Town ftneral Chape - Whitby on Decomber 13, 1991,rv. .B1rian G.. of St. Markes United Church, Whitby officiating. Interment at Pleasant Point cemetery, Little Britaià. 6 Generations of Service, Quahity & Trust a Family Monuments e Granite ýor Bronze Markers *Cemetery tetteing *Sandblàsing StffrdMonuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552ý Afler Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appintments gadl amnged WE' RE LOCAL Our cit say.. YU'M Geat!" e e diae rs vvit ice?,, or vihoue . I' ASI- T AN : s-R Cali us 'and let* NANA wash y'our "diapers Personaized >service from $1 0.95,pe eé Add'a second child for, as littie, as. $10Q.,more Dur= einlPlc Crime Stoppera and Durham Rogional Policeneed the pulc'.hep13 slvg a rcibbory that ocurd in Oshawa o NoDv. 14. At about 6:20 a.m., a cab driver picked up a fare in'front of Jhnn' aoya the Park and Marland Plaza. The. fare askod3 teEgo teRiFdeau Place and, whex% questioned further,' indicatod 100 Rideau,. a townhouse, complex north. of6 the. pick-up location- off of Park Rd. N. Whon tbey arrived at 100 Rideau, the suspect told thé cab driver te go around te the back of the complex- and stop behinid a white van. After stoppn the cab - and. askinîrî for bihs' payment, the suspect pulled akmife and held iit te the victim' neck. Trhe suspecttl h victim- that he wouldn't got hurt'and. demanded e emonoy. The victim turned ovor bis wallet.but> the suspect wasn't hapy withteamoutand sartdtp ii nieno1 h victu's neck. Te victm fo struggling with the robber, was able te fre b imsolf; roll out of the vebicle, ond run for, help.to the neaest townhus- unt. Policeand ambu--lancepronlwr called, and thé. driver. Th upc sdsrbdasawiémlae2 o26, 5"11" -6' 2" 180 Ibosldnn1ýy build, brown fair hair just over the ear,- desiâ'Jd as aittle bushy with a curl, and unho'en foýr a few days. The'upetwas woaring a black basobail cap, black or dark blute jc=t and, dark pants, maybe black -jeans. The suspect was right-handed and iht walk with a limp. 0a Crime Stoppers will pay up t$1,000 in cash for iformatio leading totMie arrest of this man. If ou feel you know who hle is, caI Czrme Stoppera. Similar cash rewardls wil be paid for information loading te an arrest in any serious. crime. A re-enactmoent of the crime wiil: be shown ý on CITY-TV (channel -57, cable. 7) on Thursday 'Dec. 19 during the 7p.m., and 10 p.m. news. 1t will aseo, shown on CHE-TVin- Pèerborough and CKVR in. Barrie on F'riday,ý Dec. 20, again. dur mng the news. Tho Durham Rogional Crime Stopper. -hotline is 436.8477 (thata 436-TIPS), and i. open 24 hours per day, sevedy o week.

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