Whitby Free Press, 18 Dec 1991, p. 8

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PA= &5 wIII nu ERPRESS.WEDXESMY, I. 1BE 81 whitb-busmnes 1rM Io Boucher TIii. l.urh ziRegion Unon Of- Injured Work s(DRUIW)was recently o%~te helpinjured workers figh tagainst the press- ure of retU; nil igto work Mfore they are, hy laly eady. «There are a lot of horror atonies out thçre," says Franoes Standingready, vice-president of the new union. Out of 60- people surveyed recently, 87 per cent indicated signs of suicide as P.~ result of the Workers Compensation Board's (WCB) actions, sht. says. '«TMe objective of the Workers Compensation Board is 'te get people back 1te ,vork even if theyre still injured," she says. £tandingready says the union is "a needed-organizaâtion" for the area. She says Durham Region1 is the last area te form a union for The. stress jo f a financial cris often re t _sutaM arital and fam- ily problemù91she Baye. ait causes9 lot of family strefs because some people lose their homes." Standingready says there is a need for a 'support FrOUP for people and their famiheés to talk about the critical issues and how to deal with them. «We hope to av asPort .group- for the inured workters. soon to help'them deal with the. emotional problenis involved ." Started two monthe fago the union is toeraise funcis for an office"s e says. «We're looking et funding with the United Way and 'grants from 'the provincialgoVernment.» Standingreadysays -a.dinner dance will beheld on Jan. 25 at Newunon fr injured workers pans top n ofc proceeds going to the union. She says the clubý has been -very supportive by offering free rent and use'of its kitchen faci- lily for union meetings. 7We have had a lot of support from different groups and orgü-ani- zations including -(Duürham Centre) MPP Drumm-ond White," she siays. The union is looking to add to the. six case workers they already have to- talc. on incividual. cases andrepresent the injured wor- kers at the. board level. Standingready says the. seven members on thé. executive board of 'directors are aIl inJured wor- kers who are on the WBC. SFEE PAGE 9 WHITY deputy miayor, Ross Batton attaches an ornamon on a Christunas troc at Mount Lawn Mémorial Gardons in memory of bis grandparents. Famiiy and friends of people buried there can obtain an onmn at Mount Lawn-to memorial- uze them by mýaking a donation ta tho Ontario March of Dîmes. Photo by Mark Eoeur, Whitby Fr.. Pr. injured workers in all of Ontario.: «W. have about 10,000 injured in Durham Region,» she says. Standingready says there are already 15i restered membèe with the union.. «To get just a fraction of the 10,000 inured workers in the, area would b., very good,» sheý' says. it is not'tIi. workers' fault if he loses the function of a part of his body at work, she says. %Its a traumatic experience juat to lose your limb or some- thing without worrying about where the money mill come from.» Avertisement Barter is beautiful Recessions are tighl mono y Ures, and many businiesses tum to good oklfashioned barto ýkeopthebusines moving. Baiter of the one-o-one variely bas always exited, but two Durham entrepreners, Mke Hood and Ken Veoman, have recently estalblished a barlering nelwcxk so liai the goods or saivices a business s seelang can core from any member of lie networlc. Internationai Bater Network Inc. acts as a clearig bouse of barter credits amongatitis menliers. 111 siploes ifs mem- bers wkfh plastic credif cardsa and multi-copy receip slps on which tansatons are recorded - Pd tlice any chfier credit card. BUt instead of using cash, members build Lu ther credit by suppling goods or servicestaoliW ermmbers. How do they know who lo go 10? EBy referring 1theMr copy of the IBN diredory wtich la updated rnonthty and which lsts al lb.h members and Mhir Ine of business. IBN la for businesses only and any established busires wlhag credit rating and aproductor ervice thedother memnes a use can apply for membershp. A settu <e. of $475 la charged infialy and transaction are charged 5% for administration. New me*era begi wkh an automatic $500 crediflHn.. Memberah indludes a monlily newsletter, whichpromotesfs mem- updaied monthly diredoWy. Ken andMike have signed up about tweny-flve companues in lie irst moni maldng f the fasteai rong boter nelwoc i Canada. ~hyare aining for 500 by die end of the Wslyear. There are tre.imlar boiter exchonges in th Motro Toron- ta ams with a contined membeshp of 1800 busimsses but IBN la lie only exchaWge hai la currently actie i Duw. If a iso" lh.only exc p han labcs mp eveiycredk trarmn wahic cash. Thbe naine of th*eir opan 'Iter- nailona rter Netwoek, and thir One of the advantages of barter is that elirninates backups i acwunts reoeivables. When you sil something on baiter, tracie dollars are immediately transfered f rom the buyer's ac- count t0 the sellers who can lien use thiemmediadely. On transactins of more than $50, the buyes account is check- ed wfth IBN to see if thee enough credit and an aulioriza- dion nun er la given - just like VISA. Bad debts are impossible because even if a company goos bankrupt, the traie dollars they have used were already eamed. Baztening is net meant as a means 10 bypass paying taxes - bartering simply remnoves the need for ready cash whichi means that project or purdiases which migMt other- wise only be dreams can be converted into realy. IBN encourages its members t10 do as much business as possible wthi the meffibership thèedy increasing each oters business. However. if a business finds that ifs ser- vices are in too much demand, il can go on estandlbye for a while until à has achance to use sorne of its credit. No memn- berisévr ole d o buyor sel o any olie member. Inteal" arte Netork ould like 10 taik 10 any businesses thal are Iookng or a new way to increase their business. Mike or Ken can b reached ai 404-2495. JERRY BELZ, owner of Jerry's the Drug Ware- house, hands over $500 in Canadian Tire money to Capt. Rick Sheasby of the Whitby Salvation Army. Jerry's takes Canadian Tire money at par, s0 Boiz deci]"ded to give $1,000 of it away, $500 to Ajax and $500 to Whitby. Photo by Mark E..uor, Whitby Free Prem ...........pi..... . .. ..a.. .. .. There were 331 residential. sales for the month of November i Durham Region, reports the Oshawa and District Lail Estate Board. This is down slightly from last month's 348 sales, althoughi year-to date figures are W0 per The- Future us 1Tih. trend of -a sowdown during th. holiday season- is traditional, according eAime Briecoe, presidentofODREB.. ."A drop in saleà at this time of year is not unusual," says Bris.. 'Lat year, there-.were 390 sales in October,. 355 in November and on1y 239,iii December. Consnumers are more occupied with the holiday season." The avragee; price -for November was ,$152,378, whichis, actuaily higiier 'than November 1990, when iit.was 150,279. This is the firat lime this yeir, that the, avrae riefor the. mo<th1 has exCeeded tii. average for tlW. sanie month in 1990. des of tueur long-bm vision offtle <I~ valuecf bailer as a mof u braig ther busines. Chis Le.es'taa I~".are eiu or ctvt R ES » trad.-up «orcas are famdilyhoehave de"Md te ao INTENATONA BATERRECYCLE rates, r.duc.d pic-ndthe. 'ITII« T T'1T7 W inh markcet. W. have some indication loi zff 0# Àrmove Main. SThe. Oshawa & District Real .318OWASTE SYSTEMS, Estate Board is a trade IBN la knmedlae demani for de foling tues 0businsss:Dry learin, Car& Truck Renta, Office Sffl IesTie, Cali Derrick 427-3253 afflSaatjon which represents Lawyer. AccOMiuBuMlhgq peB. Hwd, aid" Romirais.CdI 4044495 Durham Roficn. m ~ e m . R* 4* A6 4 a .t e -W ýB .m *1 a . le *1--*. e ï «- & -- e * ýa a iéq* -,&~~ 1 1 ý 1 ýi - . . . . - ' ýLit- - *- initlm .h

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