Whitby Free Press, 26 Dec 1991, p. 19

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e' '-"' THE FAMULY of the loto ANTON J. (TONY) HORACK -would lice 10 Sotnd a.urincer. 'thiiksto ail 'Our relaives, frlsndds noi gh- bours who gave, ustasuch tremen- dous, s8ortwfththoir,carde, 'We.,wouldisa 11'Ik. to thank thei staff< aft WWby General Hosia .mrecy 'odwho 1 were, , attenie nd-thoughtfuL A spclo thaisto RePv. Gées whoë, wh hi$. klndns~ ndirng,- ,holpe- us thmough aur time W ned As mianthe"ktathe staffet Ws. Tawnl-Funral -Home '-for, ,their uinderstandlng end compausin.'ý THE , FAMILY 0,,'f DoIrothy nid" Vemion More wouldIlike. ta nlit tholir frds àta .their 5th Woddlng nnlvery OpenHouas .ta be' held Suidy ,Dm. 29froml 1to »5 Saia the Knlgrscf *Columbus I133 BrockS. N. Be«. wishes only. COMPLETE PARALEGAL service--uncontostod *divorce 'kits, - &impie. wills, -immnig ration mattors, -landiord &, tenant, etc. O Ho HOLY ST. JUDE, Apostie ondMartyr, great ln virtue and rlch 'n miracles,' near Kinsmaniof Jeans Christ, fafthful'lntercesqor cf alil who. lnvoke your speciai pattronage In*timo cOf nosd ta you 1, have recourse from tle -depth cf',My heat and humbl gta you, -5t. Judo worker 0fmiraclesândholpor of the hopeles 'whom God 'bas given such great -powor ta corne ta my assistonce. Ilelp me in my Presntnd urgent .ptition. In -retum rmise *ta 'make,? .your no :m known nd'cause yau ta be lno .Publication :.must be pramised. St. J udo pray,,for al of us -who Invoke 'y aur aid. This payo has'nover been -krtn ot rail. This prayor must'b. said 9 times, aî dayv for 9 consecutive days 'Tha*R you St. Judo* for grantÏing-myIpotition..DR. THANKS TO ST. JUDE'and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. Ma y tho Sacrod Heart of Jesus*,be adored, glorlfied, loved and 'presorvod throuh'ut the world now-and forevor. Oh, Sacrod Hoart' of JÉsus pray .for us, St. Judo workor of miracles pray for uis, St. ' Jude hol1por ofi the -hopeless,- 'pray for-us. Say,, thisý' pryrnine* timos a day. By the- e ig hth dar;yourpryor wiII b. answored,, rogardiessa of how hopolos s your situation* seoms. Publication must bo promisod. BC. CINDY'S ýALTIERAT UpOte your. -fal wardrol 'achool - clothes,, .-:al olterations ..and custon 1014 2 MOi SLS. Lgnes, 4065. through Soturday. - s1hipe. For,*help, Cali t Houée for Wamýen on< Toil free 1-800-263. 728-7311. Confidentialfi (Faýrmerly Auberge.) BIRTH.-*CONTROL panng counslln. Frlday, 8:30,a.m. to 4;3q evýery Thursdoy .3*tô further informion, cal or 433-8901. BAHAIS BEUEVE: T nina 0« mananimlty.i. IONS - bot, bock t i .;,, WHITBY FEU PREUS TKURSI~AY. 2~ 1991,] Joint ,venture FRMPAGE 8 Bboks d m ' et toCanadian tbroughout the world, and. the, fbobouwfll'ho used os a.-reference, fM any cçnàtpcts madethog the - econonec dvl~mn dprMent cf Durham Regin. a Cases, .maller firmas have- a flexibffity of' action deded lare oporatfions that must move throu*h a board cf directors ~ofdwe&=rms profer dealing with the owner of a firm ýthat gves a decded edge to the many emaflor firmu i orarea. "W. a»e providing a chance at nprtwIidrthatifaavailable when the prement, vacuum is fihed, the will hb o lst forever. pam.,Wti. irequirodanid the are. returned, thé L « e ,pcrmcn c enploted. Galleéy classes FROMPAGE5, ~~ Regiafo foeesthat"inoude a Tuoda moel. f.,are $115 for'RMG méznber, $130 for othor. In S:uc-o, a six-..e clom for adlt, ognuJan. 16 and 'E -reltion-,,continueste Feb. 20. lThe ho -Donise inufructor Cindy Mor%, is d Chlldron. recoýiseJbath for her tosching P3725 or ohiltyanid ber uiver jewelry. ýy ossured. A. uocondgry teacher for' the Durham Boerd of Educaton and * a meàsber cf the gallerys board of trustees, her,-work bau been on >viowilocolly the Durhom Board mnd family cf Educoton employees Free n xibtos Nbnd to Registration fées are $100 for ý p..Uliie *MG,Înenber, $20 fr<éhers, 6 .For. ,ith an etra mteriab qcharg i 420-8781 payable, during the claosi ýAn odvancod. level dolvr.nitbing clou, s u.plofned te flow -this emin the .pring,. pendig éaAîentinterent.. rhe begini-- Contact Marg Jackson ,ut whon mon 576-3000 for further infor maton. an hi. family and an thé Fpar among-his.lbrothron in his Faith. Far Information and discumsan, coul 668-8665. IWHAT ])(Es CHRJffIilAS MEAN? What dos Christmas mean? Is ifmore thon. a shopper's drèam? -Soinetimews, thats Iwhat it doos A"ti;ns for thé' ýnercanits to dreain. But is there any mqre? Thon carryu*ng preýents tbrough thç door? Wtabout thegvi? fà oet thflt getting. Think about the PCX r Thinik'df what wectun do.., Camd.gu thee n o ChristànaWdinner ia" Net tino tbink hofore You dreain Wbat does Chistinas reolly mean? Catherine Advsut Grade 7, Meadowewret'P.S. SANTA CLAUS Santa is always dressed in red. Hli. beard 'i. always long and white. Hebas a bely big anid fat. Ho camies at hrsta in the night. Kindoegtn morning claus MoadowSëest P.S. Dear anto Ihope you are In IgSd bialth. Con I pleasehavea a eLègoa vidéo gae..For my ~onI would like a siFor my papa I woud'" a speca.l proseut tom For my #ttle brther, please bring a litt:Le Lgo. Iai gong te bave yoýz mllk and oatneal cokie.la.nk 'you S a n t a . 4 m l END 0F YEAR As w.approach tho enýd f 1091, cn look atltcor progres. and bho*proud tatthe blu' ue b- rogrom 1serévices over 236680 residents in Ontario. W'ese.. large blue igloo reyifi gdeptsappearing in many public placm es.Tedesign of fatur o&ce, Upartmentand.insfitutionVuiling ow bas reylnimind Deebrtends'to ho a timeo f igenerating ,more garbage thonusual. However, it Ïao con ho the month that provides eâh >of us with 'a personal challenge- tebocome 'a * reduc soit.Even brining oneli own bags; to thé6 liquar sora wl help decreosetho nýr i on paper bhep the. LOBOý distributes with each purhso; onaveroge,. over iv. ilio batpr week in: Ontariôa are given out b r the LCBOand Iwt nii hoir increases dramaticallyduring the fostivo eos <On la toy .helf, I recently notfcdthée selectio' ilothes fashioned for Barbe doDu.,lIi atclr a wae i .kirt'cmnIùiton with <Bave the Trou' kitt4into the pttérnT he.word. Ecology Fashon'Werprintod.on the cardboard bocldng andof course- it had the usuel l argpasti buffle te show We, outflt at ifs -bout.nfruaeyti kog vs argo thon mont oeBre-tr c hong9nIf.o orne compain ' For'those Who have been concerned with the rrs.o tire r=cIin g, you -will ho pleased te, know th Ntina R I Companbc. bau announcd itwill buida new. tire--griding acih-ty in southern Ontaria. 1Io location bhas not yet been.decided. The, now plant, coled National Rubber Recycling mnc. ila expeoted te take five miÏllion tires within 5wv yeors. hi I=r would reprosent'about 60 pee cent of thescrp tires* gnrted in Ontario each year. The -company' will not onfly grind the scrp tires inta crumb, but also wMl couvert the crumb into a voriety cf 1manufoctured goods. The Ontario Ministry of the Environinont will support this 'eithM early $8 million in grants. More thon hifof the MiEgrant ié sloted for research and development. If youlre off -te a festive activity and expect 'te ho served, a beveroge froin a disposable cup - lug-a-mug. TIp Don't throw out Christmnas cods or old calendars. ChlZ;ïio love te use them for cutfing'iand pastingr. Donate them te your loca church Sunday school, public chool indergarten or nearby day-csre centre. Happy holidays and good cheer. I WINTER- It was a cold and windy ay1 stood sill as the captivàtmg snow. flake flow bni e. -The snow had stçpped fallig so the cbildron ~yThey weslding wffliout to Dntic The xziuntinshJa bautiful view, frein for off in the -volle. As the céhildreu skoted, 'crack the ice had brokon uew. The cbidren couldn't play there anymo 're. I wiped off somme 'snow' fri the tip ,,fr my brght, green hea Thon the suow ýhad sttd te ýfoil ni re- had> gloriful liht.*There I ,,stand o tre 1l MolussaPirre Loeis St. Theres Sdooci Dear Santa, .Please bring me-prottycrm 'n 'curl,and, o glassfea set, a ted bear, Iights and Lace eabi, sarrnge. -My main would like m sis soksanid soin earing. -My dad would like soin smoksand a golf cart to aryhis golf bog. My deg would 1k. a dog coût. How are you feelig I was a good girl this year. Takyoui very much.Loe P.S. Tae.cor. cf your reindeer. DaroSnta, It's .Nicole.MK*I1hope'you are feigwe]L I would 1k. you -te' bring me a cammeanid a lof off ffim and Iwould like sore clothes and I wold 1k. ail threeof tbe Chipinunis. I would ais. 1k. you t? rn me a yoyoeny -walkng hitty vo been good tbonk you. Ihope youuconcorne on Christmaos., w>ýNicobK. I C is for cand cain es that you con Seat. H iefor hp y isgrIenM R is for rinkrtbtmdSata's sleigh. I is for icicles thatareowhite. S is for Santa Clous that rides iu .a sleigh. Tiesfortree that iàgeen M is for Mary ta s Jesus' Mother. A is for aestacn fly. S i. forSta that goes on your Christmnas tree. T is for toys that you cen play with. R is for Rudolph with a red ne. E i., for elves that help Santa Smake toys for Christmnas. Eis for evergreen trous for Christmnas. Grade a . Dear Sno Pl'w been g"dI hope yo;iare wsll. These are the gifts that I want yué tte bring me -- a sculpture magnetîc board, a braille wath -nd o Mr. Bach Comes te Cail tape. Mme Claus. I do likeyorsweatersm

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