Ferry22,bot1 des naionstIli1unknown By Ma1iBouce Edward Iseland ferry. boat roains up in the air. On Mna, we AtRbin- som keee eisto bis lawyer to Putline the. current sitate of nogo- tiations on the possible sale ý the derelict vossel ini Whitby harbour.i "I don't know what's happern- had previously said the preferroâ choice regardin'g the boat waa to »eIl it. The PEI had to be moved out ofWhitbhy'sharbour by Dec. 31 or ho dismantled by May 31, aecrd- ing to a coutadr Ineary Doembor, O'Brien said there were two prospective buyers for the ship, neither from Canada. thCabbn He mentioned h aiba as one possible destination. Robinaon'origmnally planned to seli the PEI and another boat as éeoctrical penerating stations to an island in the Carlbean area. The PCB& were removed from the boat Nov. -15, following an agreement with tyHydioto store500 alles ofthechemi- cals at its site on Taunton Rd. The boat has been i the har- heur for the. last five years. DANIELLEMRVIN took advantage Port Whitby. It didn't take long for a of the unsonably mild tempera- higbly attentive Bock to gather. turcs ffiday to feed theo geee at Photo by mm*h Eoe., W1dtb~ r..mP1% G;roup fears -go-ahead givenon Lyndeprojee.t By Marlo Boucher M.mh.r of a Whitbhr environ- mental group, have femès that the. Minstr f heEnvironmentma have araymacle a dcso allowingme. ynde Shores developm-ent iWhitby. According te Edie Gomille spokosporson for %rends oà Lynde Marsh, the group has learned from seoral souroes that Minister Ruth Grier may have reached a docision two months ago but that ne announcoment has yet been made te the public or the media. Gomillo says there are rumeurs Grior has chur hor .mmd, concrning t;he v4eoe mhent noit te Lynde Marsh. "Vieamareoked te hear that the minister apparently .has no objectons," ah. says. Omillesamys the group has yet te receive a copy of the mninister's ltter that apparently outlines her decison. <'We're wating te see what is g gon'a he says. Whthy councillor Marcel Brinelle s3ays ho is disappointod the developmont may b. going ahead without any ubh*c input. aIt aurelooks Uthey're going ahead wit it#,7 ho aya-. Brunefle says the Friends of Lynde Marsh will have a meet- igacon te discuss the matter. s"ys the government may flot fully understand what the çroup and the residents are try- matoa.v ldiffl!Ècult whon you ask questions and don't got answers,» ho says. Following tho presontation of a 4,55-name pmntion from 'the gop and coicornsoxpressod by DuramCenreMPP Drummond Whito -at Queen's Park, Grier SEE PAGES5 Soe cages ***ppe By Marlo Boucher Nineteon chare will be with- drawn in tho provincial offences act (POA) courts in Durham Region to relievo a backlog cf cases. In the Groater Toronta Ares, 8,000 cases will b. withdrawn mn POA courts that deal with regu- latery matters such as seat-biet offences, property damag, park- ing infractions and spefi tick- ets. Opal Rosamond, regional senior justice of peaco for central east regin, aya the backlog has been wel handlod Iocally and there is -ne need'te make major changea. She saya the curront system, from 8:30 a.m. ta 7 .m. wook- days, is working wel Lmet the demande cf cases., "Tho backlog of charges that we have here isnet as soriaus as in Metro Toronte sho msaya. "To eole Ãor those 8,000 charges wul not need te apoar in court but to will recleivoa letter oxplaring why the charges have boon withdrawn,» says John Yoannou, asper- son for the hMinisfry of thettr ney Genoral. "Tins will holp cloar the sys- tom of the lemm sérious cases and concontrate on the more serious charges,» ho says. SEE PAGE 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 ooore, 0-~ kÃŽ 4 By Mario Boucher Local businesses and inombers of the different lovels of govern- monts must make more oioi*t 1992 if tho oconomy IhWh i: and Durham Regzin. is te i1 prove,says Rene Sotons, MP îur "'If we alM~oo ur parts, 1992 will b. a good. yoar" »ho saas. Thi. oconomy iii ýýWhitby >a nd tho aroa can, hoeimproved if !«we ail acceptthat we have a rab te play and meet the challenge to t>r hfg around,»hle says. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., which relocatod its plant te Whithy *i the'p ast yoar, is. only one eiainple of the commitmont by a 'company. te Whitby's" economy, ho says. Sizzlér 'Restaurant, a Los Angeles-b*sd restaurant chain-- à s projected te opený next Juno if- the project is approved quickly bcounicil, says Whtby Mayor Tom Edwards. It chose Whitby of all tho communitios in the counfry» ho says, adding it serves as an example of now business hel ping: to prvide omploymoent.i1992 «W. must do ovon more, this yoar," ho says. Ini ordorh floe ly too much on the auto industry, a variety of industries must be- establishod te diversifyr the oconomy in Whitby, ho says. New initiatives and botter communication botween govern- monts and businesses ,will help improvo the economic situation in thè now year, says Dos New- man,- presidont of the Durham Région Manufacturers'-Associa- tion. H. says the fact that many companies manage to continue and niaintain their operations «WaB ini itself a victery.» .Newman, president of Came- toid Ltd. of Whitby, gsays con- sumer spending in C4nada in- stead of in the Unitd States will help propel the economy. <'Every cent spent must be spont here to croate jobs here,» ho says. Newman says it is very impor- tant that consumers understand how crucial cross-border shop- ping has helpçd bring unemploy_ mont above the 10 per cent «Buý«g Canadian is creating Canadianjéb,»lhe says. ."We n oedt put an end te this recession »lesgays. "It satil is an accomplishnient SEP, PAGE 5