Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1992, p. 6

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PAGE- el WJIFYFRJEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY8, 1D92 The only Whitby Newspaper owned.and éperated by Whîtby residents for Whitby residents! Pubilshed every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Inc. at 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurioe Pilher - Editor Alexandra Marin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351 A 'cart-bef ore-ýthe-mhorse' endolrsement o'f restau rant By Michael Ewasyn restaurant wiII reproeont a problem Whlle everyone, writes thir-O0f eric prOportiOfl toa Wlalready shared ondorsements for a future Problomat c shopping mail. Sizzlors Rostuarant to be locateci I caution the choice of Sizzlers' Po ised to cai at the Whitby Malil,1 must cofs location and emphasize the that I for one do flot share in their publie's right tao1)0 Included in To the Edltor: enthusiasm. decision procosses -that affect The Whitby Mal i i a prehistoric public places such as this on. Response ta article, 'Non-proti white elephant insofar as shopping Like many other patrons who day car. staff salaries ta go lup tc malse go. And the fact romains thae would normally shop at this mail, 1 par,' Dec. 26/91, Free Press. anyone who would go so far as ta recognize these probiems an The NDP government and ti endors. this project in the press Point Out that should Sizzlers an non-profit, day-car. sector aig prior ta committe., council or the probloms 1 mentioned chaos. poised ta cannibaizo thi public input, ls merely performing to romain, we shail take our commercial day-car. sector. an act of prej udice andi a display of patronage ta a mail elsewhere. Ail day-car. centres in Ontario nepotism9 to asunosed 'gcocl 1 remind those who run similar non-profit, commercial 0 corporato' ion 'he act af businesses that this has been a municipal, must meet the liconcinX ondorsemont ln the public media record yoar on the books for roquiroments as set out under thg by a political reprosontative .prio banknjptcy. ft was causeci inmany Day Nurseries Act that specifie ta jury, committo. andi or council ways by tho rociession. However, in tho roqwiremonts in termes la similar toa aowing a jury in a civil Mar mcaes i was because the facilitios. staffing, nutrition, toys court action, exposure ta media noigbourhood couldn't support equipment, playground, etc. AI opinions on 'evidence not yet the addition af ono more of the day cares are closely supervise( havin9 beon introduceci at the trial sWl1O. by the province, and ta stay open as ovudence. This ls a mîsuse andi Competition took awaY thoy must meet thesi àét ai disregard for civil libertlas whaftever chance there may have roq uiroments. andi rights. been ta keep employeos The governmont currentl As a momber af the public, 1 feel employed. Sa aven If Sizzlers doos provides $5,000 grants tc thaÉ 1 have been siandeodb this pravie 80-100 job openlngs, Rt will chilc-care workers in the 'caf-before&the-hoase endrs.- po be hata people ln the nn-roitsector.more îhanei i ment af the new Sizzler Restaurant bsns who aost their jobs commercial sector. On Dec. 2, location. This Is a dlsgrace of becuse Slzzlers came ta town 1991, this government annaunceci k peoles clviII liberties, andi thee<ach 22). It ls absolutely further $2000 in grants fai was prolsâ* approval given ridiculous that the Town - f > chilc-care workers, only in the behindci cosoci, doors much like Whutby's - planning an non-profit sector. That ls a salary clandestine meetings ai the 'in development department could advantageaof$7,000oper cild-car camera' kInci, ouside the counicil support one of- the Most woricer in the non-profit sectar. chambers and the public's oye. problemalic shopping malse as an The govemmont has set asi For manyyaseenbfr excellent choiceofa location for this an cicitional $10,8 million ta assist came ta Whltby in '83, the mail flOw restaurant. non-profit centres currortly in was plq-ued with a 700-0 Why lseiR thet when a problem fInanciaýi dfficult. These centres pakl stall shartage, ln cornes ta tawn, Rt ends up slated also rocelve acklonal money far acco aceta local municipal for the east ward? t us especlaily the purchase of equlpment anc parking bylaw requirements. true when lit cornes ta commercial toys. <Bylaw passeci In 1980 for 1%490 development that no other ward Non-profit centres don't always spaces ta ha provideci conslstlng wants. Overconcent ration of land psy renti or mortgages anc aia minimum width af 2.75 use ls a very undesirable Property taxes. Thoir operiating metres, minimum length ai 6 component for dovebopment in anY coal acivantage is tromendous, and metres and having a minimum WMd, 50wIiV DIomote it? ail funded. by the taxpayer in onle aiea aof16 square motres.) Opinions expressed are those form oranother. There have been patdsue ieuho. Christine Stevenson andi Rosits over llure ta rvide oeequate lighting for mail employoes and proper exits for entry andi fire safety, which went on for yenrs.O Sic. the addition af the Lang Tower, and a new shopping concourse, parking for the mals empiayees andi patrons hma Law lessness become a cat-andc-mouse chas. for a parking space in the mall's southem haff. T he Whtby Malil has To the Editor: wthout union approval, revoals a many other curont problems. The corruption that cannot ha talerateci addition ai a restaurant which will Howard Hampton's qualifi- som oneocLpylng the office serve win. and beer wil only calions ta act as Our teAtre-Gnrl eme compoundi the already grawin Attomney-Generai have disap- resign. Gnri .ma problersof--mail design nd pearoci. R 15le .ikttia wofdOithat probably give the local pole an When ho le facod wfth condcta non-striking employoes and acideci responulbolty af patiostao ff ethatellnineNs onstit» omplyers, nitheir familles, in prvn dnrg anvng. bYOi5ofla sna so ndntr thls province are phyrs*caily Despstacks pakfng sudoys iatacked andi harassec Wfth Doe l sp e y aring tUle ur tax dallais ta obtain political lmpunity, in andi out ai their place dromis infthis0recosifnll-d myfavour 'from s govemnmont- of wark. Meàrwhilo, the iaws af pr-me jabs80-10 flandd oeeiarnt minonity grâup, ho smys this province are oponly lignoroci by petant pos artis millaicit o aga ctldPflell our unlonized policy Officers, who, rhetaurant roJothear IlIngln dîoc~iîlna qthls conductas B 01When legimate complainte aie thsemso30osq.4 fio the sa f Oe, eplyaes in his constituency lociged by iaw-abiing itzns. loso7,30 sq ft.ai prkig spceoffice are unlonizeci as le roquireciprulyùsetthtitl apie plus have ta piovide 40.15. by NDP policy. Ho gontly affors di ' uto rththe aent addionalspao a parking (at 5.5 them a ltter ai roprimanci. stLelorsters te ae spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. srebses commercial space), tho space You- neod nat ha a gonius ta iR le time for the prous ta shartage of 800 curont) 15 aoing undeistanci that theo present highloght this ominous side ai the ta sosm 1k. siall pickings mentaiity ai-union laesi union-NDP character go that they comparoci ta-a 260-sea restaurant Iawessness has now roachoc Iinto may leaam ta change it halai t with 80-100 empk>yoos wto will the office of the top law offc o f gets out af hanci. wantoavtheur cars et the sam*aOur province. Hamptans delay in nnibalize commercial day care id o he 'e hg or >1 il es Of 3d a Ir 3t *1 d. r Hogg admit that, despite aciventages, non-profit charge the same fo commercial centres. They flundraising as a soe additional revenue. And . don't make a profit. In the reeson andi farness, whei profit for commercial' coming from? Non-profits are r valunteer boards. Do1 mismanago theur centiE despite ail their extra grs revenue, fundreising reve cost adventages, the) another $10,8 million for f inancial dufficulty? The report, ,'Child Blueprint for the 90s; Cht Community Neecis As» Stuciy, Durham Region,'i in November 1991, by M Draper Consultants, noti whlle board members ari ani dedicateci individua volunteer their fime andiski have Iimited unciersaendii respect ta the, financi aperational accauntability, position, and they recel formai orientation or trainiu aiso feel that they don't -n training. Two ai the recommendatons are: 3.7 That board af dire non-profit chilci cere pr recôgnize that arientatian and programs focusing aparational ,and . accauntebility are criticel i govorning body. 3.8 That tho chairpei each, bonrd af directc non-profit licensedcl programs, implement an review ai their governing ru regulations. ln other wards, thE explanation for. their situaion is that thoy don' what they are doing, thi doing it badly. and thE wasiing a lot ai taxpayers in the process. This government has justà given these boards $41,milion more now, anci $30 million More' oveiy yeai horeait er ta 'continue doing exactly the same thing, without funding a single'aciditional chilc-care spaeo or creating a singe job. Obviously, easy came,- easy go. ail those Services, on the stert- .up ai new centres non-profit child-care centres tees, as funded by the government shows falec use an average cost of about $20.000 urce ai per space (land, building, yet they equipment, etc.). At this rate, a ) mre ai loss of 20,000 child-care spaces or is tho from the commercial sector will centres cost the gavernment about $400 million ta replace. mun by Municipalities andi property they so taxpayers should be very os that, concemred. Thero. is a tendency for 3nts, fees the foderai governmrrent ta transi or anue andi responsibilities andi costs f0, the y neeci provincial governiments. The those in provinces are now doing Ritot the municipalities. When day care 1Caro: .finaily .ends up, 'tad the milcic aremunicipalties' doailsteps,they wILl ilidCareinherit a costly bureauc racy thmt relesedcidoes notrneet their needs; with n tes that commercial day care; no way out, ~ andPrc~jaxpayem MwI have Oils, they Tho -report continues - in r~with Novomber 11% , atotal ai 748 ,i andi vacanclos exists wih 253 or les ,of their childron on the waiting lists. It iveci no further rocomrmenéIs: ng. They 52 That the Minlstry of eed any Community nid 1 Social Services, Peterborough ares 'office, chilci caro uùnit, free funding for repart's exp nsin"nor ne w'non-profit ch Ilc-care pgrmIn the Durhiam pcor a n lgforai thi,it wouldmalce ýrograms mren s. ig ta use a~vallb policlos funis .to provldé moré'e cars to on the us., up the vacan spaces anc financial croate jobs in theoprocess -- rot ta for, their, forc omrca a-cars centres out ai. business, or converi thom ta oro inon-profit- or .croate mare ýors of non-profit day-car. spaces. hikdcare - There has. nover beon enaugh ,annuel M onoy. in the day-car.. professin Lles andi ta attract -day-car. wvorkers *loi the money.0 Ail day-car. woreors, whether In non-profit or ie only commercial centres, -cars about curront the chilciren. Who caies more? 15 lit 't know the noný-profit wokor who gets an ey are extra $7.000 or the commercial ley are day-caro worker who has the money same quaIafications, doms the samle joXwth as much lave, for much om& Hogg's s9ttment tholt non-profit, day-car. staffaie unet here for the" monomy, but be1lcaus thoy cars abot tho chiidrSn'is an Iication hthat tho govermnt ha$ beon wsuccsuî, by appeaing ta thoir. slf-into-est, ,in .pitfing non-pWroit day-car. wo ivrksrs Currentlythere are' about uoki.The non-prof* se&ris 30,000 chilicare spacos .in tho made maàre equal, .and -là bolng' commercial sector ompboying.given the toola ta paànnibaliz about 6,500 $,orkersin 650 ( fî:, 'toys ani qulpment fbmf) centres. This, initiative by, the the commercial sector.. WUl we lat gavemnment lias -the potentiai ta. this happen? Who wli be-next? I resi t in the bu ai o 20,000 for ane, do fat finci this dollghtu chilc-care spaces andi 4,400 jobs in Ontario. And this is a recossion. .510 gu Sfatistics cominp aut' of -theDlcr Mlnisfry af Comfmunity and Social ' ' ' DyosCntrý To the edl*tor...,

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