By EleenYounf The. Brooklin Women s Insti- tut. international affaira and world environnient meeting ýwas held atthe Brooklln cornmunity centre on Jan. 15. Convener was Laural Humer. The. motte, «Roll cali is for nations as- well as' incividuals' was discuased. It was .tated thà ' the United Nations was started after World War Hl. Ii. roll cail wus 'A country you have visited or read about and what'impressed you.' Cur- rent events were given by Cane Arksey. Two members will attend a workshop on 'Wardrobe Wizar- BeieCosway volunteered to enter the contest for quilted, curd-tuble envers at the Ontario Agricultural Museumn at Milton. An appliqued crib quilt was on displa at the WI meeting. Tii. quiltlesfor sale, for $70. Cali Laural Hunier at 655-4731 or Basie -osway at 655-3736. Lettr were sent te Amnesty International in Ottawa und. in Peru. Là aurul Humer teld of her trip te Costa Rica. Canada provided finanicing for a coast-to-coast railway. Hostess Marion Hall served lunch. Tii. citizensihip and legislation meeting willb. held on Feh. 19, 1:30' p.m. Convener will be Marion Hall. Motte will b. 'Good citizenship, 1k. basebaîl, requires team- work.' Roll caîl will b. 'Something f resolve te, do with the. rest of my 1f..' Hostesses. will b. June Hour and Vivenne Eckel. Visiters are welcome. I holdsworld affairs meeting 1 WHITY FPUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22,1992 PAGE 21 CORPORATION OF THE ~ÇiTOWN 0F WH ITBY CONTRACT TENDE1A W92-29 Statlonery, Enveopes and Printed Forms Tenders for the above wiII be received by Ginny Lock. Purchasing' Agent, until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 5, 1992. Specufications and tender forme are available at the Town of Whitby Treasuiy Department 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontailo. Telephone (416) 668-580, Extension 236. Lowest or any tender not necessaiily accepted. GINNY LOCIC PIJRCIIASUNG AGENT l0v20w50% OFF EVERYTHING WE SELL.f