Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1992, p. 23

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FULL-TIMÈ 'NANNY required. WINDSHIELDS - up to $50 off ýon WANTED: REUABLE , mature Live in/out. Two- girls - 2 years/6 any o16 windshield repflacement. sitter, nani-smoker,.for 3 chlldren ln mont hs. References req uired. Cali Insuranceclaims. Cali 668-2003. m hoe w drn.Cl 430-7138.-1___28-3622.________References required. COMPUTERS > COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS,.APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS'1-2-3, D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING BUSINES ADMINISTRATION' BANKINO SERVICES ACOUNTING OSHAWA O'.SHAWA CENTRE, (Shops up, Top) 7.23-1163 TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL anid RESTAURANT OPERATIONS o. SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICA, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPIN09 EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1l344 Train for a corser m DEN TAL ASSJSTJNG 576-9175 One of a Kind Fun Business You're creative, ambitiaus, talented and you want to shape ypur own. destinyl Were creatve, ambitiaus, taented, andi we've buiit.Canada's #1 picture framing and art company with women and men like youl CANADAB CREATIVE PICMtRE FRAMERS à ART GALLERIES .35 franchised stores across Canada -From Victoria to Montreai -Strong supportive Deaer network -Full trainingprovided Access to 1u service warehouse -Ongoing operations & marketing guidance -Key locations available now i -800-56-FRAME Framing Experience Ltd. 1800 Appleby Line Buirlington, Ontaria L7L 6A1 KUWAIT SAUDI WORKERS needed. *35 & Up per hour., Tax free. Bath skilled &-unskilled. For imd, oeil 615-779-5505, ext. K-384. WANTED: RELIABLE, parm-ime help for Wednesday eveningS only, 6:30 ta il p.m. Must be able to lift some heavy furniture. If interested cati 683-004V1985-8161. *AVON Add to your incarne. Be your awn boss. Openings in Whitby area. No pressure selling. Joan Çhantrell 985-8701- or 725»9696 ARTHUR. MURRAY DANCE Studio is.*.now off ering A BALLROOM DANCE TEACHERS' PROGRAM., Enroîl now. Cal Arthur. Murray Dance Studio (a recognized educational Institution). 430-0014. Co OSHAWA,. I DRIVINO 0SCHOOL <saw *728.-00911 * R1 VATE Lf.SSONS. COMMENCING Febnjaty,4th'> 4 wk. Course Tuesday & Thu'rsday >>.Februaiy Bth ý 4,wk Course, Saturdays Enroîl now for March Break REGISTERED à APiàROVED 8V THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE EARN MONEY. reading booksl $30,000/year - lncomie ,potential. Details, (1) 805-962-80W00' ext. CY-35 ATTENTION MOMAS: Work from home and enjoy. ý fun, flexible career wth Discovery Toys. Amazing promotiong ta celebrate their fifti year in. Canada. For an information package caîl Susan, 668-9977. OWN YOUR OWN GOOD NEWS Direct Mail agency. Earn $35,000 ta $72,000 servingý establhshed clients in Whftby/Oohawa. Invest- ment.. from $3,500. Includes everything. M/F ,with sales o'r marketing background. Owner/ operatar. Free info kit- (416), 248-5555 caiiect. GRANDMAS CO)MPANY. Green' cleans (no chemicals). Homes and offices. We .affer "Mothèr-in-law dlean" (ready for inspectionl). Ail employees are palice-security checked, bonded & insuredi. Member'of Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9.177 (24 hour answering). MOTHER 0F TWO would lave ta rovide day care for your child. ots of TL- and nutritious- meats. Cati 723-6765.' ECE MOM WITH 10 YRS. experience would, like to look after Cpre-sc hool child in my home. uly. 2 &Lakeridge Rd. area. Full- or part-time. Cail Kim, 430-6671. LOVING, -DAYCARE ln m home.,Mther af ane jyear old Country,,,setting. Non-smoker. Ashburn area. Cati 655-8802. QUAUTY DAY, CARE available in My home. Flexible hours. Breakfast, lunch & snacks. Near GO. Outings'daily. Fenced-in yard. References avalable. 666-5452. MOTHER'0F 2 willing ta babysit children ages 2Z8., Walking distance to Palmerston, Public School. Have BA deg ree ý& teaching experience. Offerinig hot lunches, snacks "& stimulating acti vitiles such as'crafts, drawing, storytime & rea.ding. 666-5056.' RESPONSIB3LE, QUAUTY chld care, ail ages welcom&. Child- mof home, -first-aid. Anderson & ý2 References & recelpts. Reasonabl rates. 668-5464. DAY CARE AVAILABLE. in me. home' on Reynolds St. Phone 666-2734. Ages 3 ta 5 years DAY CAREPROVIDED in my home., Lunch, snacks. Excellent environment. Waiking distance to. Ormiston and St. Matthew scdhools. References, receipts. 666-9382. I .jW1~hb> Rres ~ Oft~e ~ dar0* Frk~y~ Q ~ aIMM.- FinancllAistance Maya.e Avallabie ASKABUTOUR * OURE 2'Camipuses 'in Durham a Specializing in Early Childhood Education., For Peaoe of Mind. Perry oue Day Care Centie Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-947 PRE-PAID 'WORDAD (Cash, VISA, cheque received-before deadline): $6.00 for20 WOIMS; ($5'.61+'390 GST) 150 each addition-cl word; (140 +10 GST) BILLED. WORD.'ADS $8.00 for 20 words; PLUS GS-T 150 each additional, word; PLUS GST AUCýTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS. 890 per agate lino (14 agate Unes per inch)' minimum charge: $6.00 prepaid, $7.50 billed D!SPLAY -ADS UNCLASSUFIDSý, S ..>(A ds with borders, pictures or graphies) Regular displayrates apply - 940, per agate line, minimum size 1 coiumn inch $13.16 CONt-INORN DISPLAV ADS AS LOW- AS, - $1t0.99 PER COLUMN INCH. G.S.T. is extra on all ads unless:otherwise lndicated DEADLINME Monday noon pnocr to Wednesday publication. 668-i0594« Please check yaur advertisement- for errors an the first day of publication. The Whtby Free Press will notbe haâble for failure ta publish, an ad, or for typographic errors in publication'beyond the cost of the space occupted, by the error up ta a maximum. cost of the insertion, The Whftby Frees Press reserves the right ta classify or reject ail advertements. LAW CLERK in juist 12 i-nonths

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