Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1992, p. 26

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-PAGE -26,WHI1WFRiFEFpRUs,'WEDNESDAY, FJE-RUATtY,12,1992 ACTIVE' GUARD -SECURITrY MATURE INDIVIDUALS needed WHITBYr - NICE, open concept CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- Systems. Resîdential and comnmer- to. share roomnsin, private home. 1 bedroomn basemnent apartmnent. seats, '.sectionals, lefissathari 'haif cilaîburgiar, alarms -installed, Asking $430 and $400 for- each Includes fridge, stove, carpet, p.rice. Large seelection.' MoKeen service and -repair. work. Free room. Please Phono 666-5288 or launidry. Séparate ont rance, Furniture,, 524 Simcoe St. S., estimates., Calli 428-2480 or 427-!1990.. arage &.parking. $595 inclusive. Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. 686-8379. _________________________ ?68-5802. _____________ NEED MECHANICAL,,auto 'body or paint jobs don. on your auto? For gooci rates & reliable work, cal 434-8191. D Rwalg ("aE=afnslg *Paining (extoelr nt u)* Trlm I 576&7503 KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-uphoîstery of antiques. Alil kinds of recovering.. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates., Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitby. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, bridesmaids & grads, suits, etc. Renovation and alternation. Garments also made from a picture. 723-3259. FEEL SAFE ln your own homel Alarm systems installed from $399. CalI Dekker Security' for more informatlon, 436-3712. .... 9R A ........ BINGO- 1% DOWN TOTAL- ood roertes under $99.000. Vendors wil assist with financlng. Caîl now - they won't last long I ick Daniels, sales représentative, Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd., realtor. 668-m3800. FOR RENT - GREAT location, Whitby area. Approx. 47 acres of farmland. 1-, 2- or 3-year beases available. Caîl 668-1834. Spcalizmng in tax & retirement planning since -1986, CALk'/434-6119 FOR iAN APPOINTMENT. BROOKUN - LARGE ROOM. Close to ail> amenitles. -Avàllable now. Cail Day., 416-985-0856. FURNISHED ROO M for rent. Share ýbath & kitchen. Close to ail amlenities.' CalI atter 6 p.m. BROOKUN -BEAUTIFUL, clean, large i1-bedroom apt. Fridge, stove, parwking, close to ail amenities. HyTr extra. Available now. $595 pr month. 655-4544 days, 655-8989i evenings. MOTEL ROOM novr Brooklin available for rent: weokly- $125, monthly $400. Caîl 655-5308. PICKERING - 4 BEDROOM house for rent. On. acre, creek ýlrunning through. $1,000 per month. 424-~7746- .... ... .... ... RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468r, 9 a.mito 5 p.m. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place to *go when your bank says NO"Srving Wht, since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGES AND LOANS, for any -purpose, from as low as 8.5/. Quick approval. Alil applications considered. Raycan Financial Ltd. 571-2880. The Mtuai Group HERB TRAN callfor qùotaUton 725-6564,, RRuF ANUTE NOIE, APARTMENTr FOR RENT? If you had adverUsed here, 1.000& 1k you would b. readîng is now. NEWLY RENOVATED, f ur- nished, clean basement apariment. Kitchenette. sink & toilet, share shower. Colour TV, cable & laundry included. $400 per month. 430-3366. ONE BEDROOM APT. available March 1, $575 monîthly. Includes' fridge, stove, parking & utilities. Apply at 110 Victoria St., Apt. #5. 666ÃŽ-0271 or 728-2969. RESERVE NOW for car, boat& trailer storage. Indoor & outdoor. Cali 668-1834. REPOSSESSED water softening sytms selling $495 & up. Dura Cube -pure sait: 50 ibs/$6, 80 IbsJ $9. Ultra violet purifiers & bulbs for aIl makes. Repairs to aIl fmakes of water systems. 655-41544. SPORTS CARDS -ail current ~rducts avallable ai Grand Slam ntoerprises, 1910 Dunçias St. E. (crer Dundas & Garrard). W. wyllI not knowilyb undersold by otercad sp. WATERBED -QUEEN-SIZE honey pine with bookcase/mirror headboard. -Excellent, condition. $350 or best offer. 725-3869 after 5p.m. PION4EER 5XÃ"7005S A/V receiver $700. CLD-1080 LaserPlayer and laserdisos $1050.' BSR EQ3000 , Graphic equalizer/audio analyzer $175. Goldstpi CMT2642 remote 28", monito,- TV $700. Bionaire 500M air cleaner/ionizer $50. Ail mint condition, o.b.o. 666-0200/' 434-7893. WI1NDSHIELDS -,Up to $50 off on any .old windshiekf ' epacem ent. Insurance daàims. Cati 668-2003. HOCKEY CARDS 1992 0-Pes- Ches premiers availabl t Grand Slam Enterprises, 1910 Dundas St. E., Whitby (corner of Dundas& Garrard. No dealers please. Sewing Machine Repairs A#l Makes Complet Tune-up $39.95 ReconditionedSewing Machines TOPUNESEWING CENTE 571-1385 400 King Sit W. Oshawa FOR SALÉ 7» HP SNOW blower -in gooôd condition. Cati 666-1255. OVER 100 VEARS OLD- Duncan Phyf e buffet, $1000. Piano establishec[ In'1883, $1.000. Two tanning beds, $1500 each. Prices negotiable. 434-2992, ask for Ann. MAtTRESSES and box ,springs' at haif price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono' 725-5181. LET'S GET SKATING Used only once - men's size 12 Bauer, black - $55. 281-9379. FIREWOOD - SAVE MONEY with suprême quàlity1 maple, beech, oak, very, dry. Honest. measurements. Free delivery. (416) 753-2246. FORSALE BY turner-_" rebuilder: 3 uprlghtê; reconditioned Inside, Grand ý6'2" W/B, player.: piano W/B, bot-h reconditioned insicle ,& .out. Piano & Keyboard. Port'Hope, 1-416-885-6440:- ,SEASOJIED >FIREWOOD for sale. Face. cords, and bush *c'ords. Pickg or delivrd (4) INGLIS APPLIANCES, - stove $150,",fridge $350, . chest, .freezer $300. Sofa, loveseat, chair, ýbéige Oralon $800 ý negotiable. AIll in excellent ..:condition. -Gas -BBQ13 $150,. 8-pc. -patio set ,$200, Craftsman rear-bagger la3Wnmower- $150,' heavy duty Wnipper Snlpper $60. 668-2014. SEASONED FIREWOOD -ail hardwood. Face, 1/2 and f ull bush cord avallable. Delivered. 683-0709. BRITISH CIGARET"TE -and, t ea carda. Varlous 'toplos. Comploe sets only. Framlng service avait- able. Grand SIam _Enterprises, 721-0191. CROSS,,CANADA MARK ETPL ACEÉý-ý IT'S FAST - lIS EASY? ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL.ý THIN K BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. CAA~ VACATiONITRAVEL CNLCRUISES; fiv. days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. scenîc Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canai: privai. stale-rooms. meals. free brochure; write Caplain Marc, Box 8. OrilIia,-12Vý 6H9. (?05) 327-5767. PERSONALS. WOULD YOU LIKE, b correspond Wiih unatlached Christian people ecrosos Canada: al denomînations. ail natlonaiities, ',for companionship or merriage? ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205B. Chase. B.C., VOE 1iMO. AUCTIONS CARSONS SPRING DRAFT HORSE and consignment sale, Wednesdlay, Aprit 15. 1992, et Carsons Sales Arena. Lislowei. Catalogue Deedtine: Match 15. Entries. to sl time. Cal? (519) 291-2049.< OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpraid taxes. Crown Land avaiiability. For informetion on both write: Properties. Dept. CN. Box 5380, Sin F. Ottawa. K2C 3J1 ARTICLES FOR SALE GROW VOUR OWN TOBACCO IN VOUR HOME or garden. For free detaits aend self-addressed stampoeld envelope to Box 268, ptumas. Manitoba. Roi i Po. LINEN HOUSE INC., down duvets regular twin $89.; double $114.: queen $127. N ew tramn Denmark twin $120.; double $145.; qusen $158., Susan Abildgaard 1-800-661-3696. LINEN HOUSE INC.. down duvets regular lwin $89.: double $114.; queen $127. New from Denmark twir, $120.; double $145.; qusen $158. Susan Abldgsard 1-<(800-661-3696. STEEL BUILDINGS' STEEL BUILDINGS. 1992 Farm Equipment Show. Speciai on ail modela and sizes lrom 2010o 100' wide. large selection.- Cati Future 1-800-668- 8653. BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE corr1arison Is whet il takes bo pick out the beat and Iowest ... were ail for il. Now for a inid l Ime - Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Ex. 25 x 30 value $3.125. Now $2.374. Save $754. 40 x 120 velue $14.08P. Now!S11,288. Save $2.800. Caîl Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDING iPRlCES Il Steel streitwalî type- flot quonsel - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 $10,2 76; 50x90 S15.882. 60x126 $22.972 - other sizes available - year end cleararnce.- Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southweslern School of Auctioneering. Nexi class: March 14 - 20. Inormation. contact: Southweslern Ontario Schooi ot'Auctioneering. R.R. 05. Woodstock.' Ontario. N45 7V9. 519) 537-2115. SALES-HELP WANTED BE RICH ,ANO FÀMOUS. -New-breeklhroughin $14 billion book pubilsiang market .is making people weslthy. Fuît corporete training. Protected lerrtories. Huge profits. <800) 46É-5400, Fleaders Club.. MUSIC DISTRIBUTORSget your share of 1h e Se billion music inlduslry, marketing music on Our two for o ne program..Hu ge profits. Protelèted lerritories. Federel Music (800)'263-1900. HELP-WANTEDý SUMMER EMPLOYMENT required for Ontario canal ship. Live aboard. May 1 /Oci. 12. Require cooka, servers, deckhands. Apply iii hendwriting Ontario Wal'erwey Cruises, Box 6,.OriIlie. 13. 6H9. Shipas Hosîfeas), Ontario canal ship. Uive. eboard. May 4/Oct. 14. Supervise cooka, servers. deckhands. Relatid supervision experience essential., Handwritten apr lication, Ontario Walerway Cruises. Box 6. Onti la L3V 6H9. CANADAS LEADING Communily Newspaper has an opening foran expsrienced editor. Apply in confidence to: Publisher, The. Abbotsford News. 34375 Cyril Streel. Abbotslord. B.C. V2S 2H5.* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SINCE 1976 weve bseen Canada's #1 dispîay wholesaier. We seek 2 reps W0 service esîablishied"relail stores ln your ares. Earn $900., SIl100 weekly. (416) 756-2156 or (416).756.3174. EXTRA INCOME! Grow beilworms ln your basement or garage. Odorles3 operelion. Low invesîment. M'rket guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology. R.RA.1 Smithviîle, Ontario, LOR 2A0. <416) 643-4252. FREE'EXCITINO information%, where> la buy designer fragrances et a traction of the coal. Send S.A.,5SE. to Gillord Inernational Inc.. 51 Weîer. St. North, Suite 204CT, Cambnrige, Ontario NIR 363. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNOITIES EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE Irn France., Conlact the, International Agicultural Eichanýe AssocIation ai -1501 -17 Avenue S.W.. Celga ry.Abth 2T0E ta flind ouI more. MORTGAGES WE LEND IN ~MALL' TOWN Ontario. Homeowners, we 4n: refinance lat and 2nd mortgeges. Psy off Iils and credit carda. Finance a business. HeIp w h home renovalions. Stop power of sale. Fast onficientiai service. With no qualilying hassles. Sïiael rates and peyments on liraI morigages. Cali Intransicon Financialý Group, <416) 650-9455. or caîl tol-ree 1-800.268-1j429., CHINA NORITAKE SALE! Terril ic discounts èn current pllerns! Deivered'weI-packed. Insured. For price.list on your Noritake pattern - Alexanders, 'The Noritake Experts% Toronto. Toifree 1-800- 263-5896. a ou d couid> appeer ln communîty newspapers ln Ontario, or right acroas Canada, or any Individuel province. Space la Iimited, so Cal? This Newspaper Todyî BLANKET ADS ARE.NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE", To reach a "dr market, advenise fhioughouf the regional membershîýo of the Ontario andCanadian Community Newspaper Associations Cnrlnaro55 newspapers -$160for 25 words - Ail Ontario ¶ 7lAewspapers - $350 for 25 wordis1 C ý AIl Canada 572 news aprs - $974 for 25 Words For further Information pleese caîrthe Whltby.Free Press Classlfieds,- 668-0594, . -I r- WAN_ T. L. .. SIR "x?

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