PAGE 10, WHITY FREE PRERS, NEDNESDAY, YEBRUARY 19,1992 'Nts:Compellig stdy.of evil ]gr UMarloBoucher 'Nuts, cfentybebingpein ted Iby ii. Whity Courtiiouse Theatre, in a powrfui drama' that 'successfully xplores the. evil that can lmii ail indivi- duà als d the.fear cf .not-being ahi. te controi one'own destiny. The pILy by" Tom Tôpor h is . sitory , c>f 1-a, yo uni, ý.rebellious woman whose - amty. is -que.- 'tioned, and dissected' by two lawyers, a ipsycuiatrist a judge, iier stepfatier and le owzn motiier., Takig place* outom ¶Nuts? i. a n ineptii ciaraeter istudy, and'eacii acter plays'his or h or roi. wvitii ti. perfect ainount cf energy, wit and com- posure. ]Roz Miciials as -Claudia Dra- per doesn't overplay iierdifflcult role as tiie young woman wiiose sanity is questioned. Joan Roatre. as'-her mtier and'Dan Wyse, as iier stepfatiier brilliantly ,combine tender and angry moments. Kin-Bond md Gary Hattenas. the,. "t*-o law yers make ,their ciercer ore interesting mad entertainfig than theys, hould Theà remaining performersinu cludinsrMiciiael Rantres as Dr. Roenthall aealsoverygoodin tiieir roles. v T1he intens3ity ,ad:emotion con- vee n-stage i. often disturb-- Thisd anid. tii.susenïse c f audience ,nthraied thrugiout tii eenngand, makes a, long production seem shiort. 'Nuts' is recommended, for its ability te entertain witii fascinat- -= Inbcaracterfs, aud its intriguing SEE PAGE 19 Bri"dge's -art at gallery Au -exhibition of works on paper (mixed media) by regiona ar" Dykins Bri-'.r Wfi nat ,the Rcbert Th i. coil mpcoed cf Mx manl o nrporated into .aci panl wiIl ho siiadow boxes -- 15 Bridger htS been a painter for 23 yeas. 'A reident cf Wbitby, Bridger tudied at tiie Museum cf Fine Arts in Montreal, Sutton Sciiocf Art, England, Concordia University, Moutreal, John Abbot College, Montreal -and ini various woekiiop in. Duniià m Reglon. 8h. b as .xhbited coutinuously aimie 1976. Tihe public is invited to meet the. artist at thei. opening rec.ption on ThLursday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. The exhibition runs until .April 5. Admission is fre. * *»* .~ a __ ~ i A rollerrnk atthe Mtro East Trade Centre will officially open.Thursday, Feb. 20 at 7:30 p.m. Heours Of oIçrati of the. roUer rink Zwi hTsdýay, Friday and Saturday evenn& from 7:30 te 10:30 pan. each weekandSatudaywfl featur. anafteroon ma ines rom2 to 5 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1.Bryan Adams WAKING UP THE NEIGHBOURS -AÂ&M 2. Dire Straits ON EVERY STREET - Poly. 3. Tom Cochrane MAD MAD WORLD - Cap. 4. Cowboy Junkles BLACK EYED MAN - BMG 5. Mr. Big - LEAN INTO [T - Wamner 6. Enya SHEPHERD MOON - Wamer 7. Crash Test Dummies THE GHOSTS THAT HAUNT ME-BMG 8. Nirvana NEYER IND - MCA 9.Stee Ray Vaughan THE SKY I$ CRYII4G- Sony 10. Genesis WE CAN'I DANCE-Wamer SASS JORDAN RACINE COWBOY JURKES BLACK EYED MAN. BMG p.m. A dise jockoey wHIl o roided eacii eveniang. Feaur ving will mclude liv, au performances. Tii Metro East -relier rink will ho fufly upervisd,,sud will have a beginnrs'/childre's, area for thioe ust l.arning the spot. Rntasonfull equipment iniclude traditional four-wiieel relier estes aud rollerblades, or bringcu own equwpment. A mion prices are: children under 10, $2.50; studeuts (aged 10-17),$4M25; aduits, $6. WH[BYJunior Chambor of Com- here prat2isng is entrance, -wblch inerca/Jaycees 9Leap Back tothe Fif- menua to impresos Anne Bradfieki (left) tieul this Saturday, 8 p.m at the CAW and Penny McDougalL. ba inl Oshawa. Geif Zavitaki is seen Photo byMark Beso, Whtby W«.Pr. Feb. 22:. Leap back to thefliftie 1S On Saturday, Feb. 22, the Whiltby Junior Charober of Commerce/Jayeoes want te help you relive the great sounds of the fifties. Beginning at 8 p.m. at the CAW hall on Phillip Murray Ave., (southwest Oshawa by the lake) the first 'Leap Back- te t he FifÙis fundraising ,dance .featuring CHUM-FM'S morrng mani Roger Ashby wlll b. iield. There Wl'1 be lotsý of prizes presented througiiout-the evening for the best dressed -couple, 'dance contestu, etc. Everyone is encouraged .te. dress in .their fifties' best.' Ail net proceedo' wiII gote6the Whitb General Hospital's First Tere are stili a feW tickets.left' at ý a cost of, $35, per couple or $20 per . ,Person. They can ho purchased in Whitby at Celebrations te Go (25Thickson Rd'..'N.), in- Oshaîwa at Wilson & Lee Ltd. 7Music Store (87 Simcoe St>. N.) or by, calling' (416) 428-5726. II ii11.: s IMR. DRESSUP I CASEY & -FI NNEGAN IN CONCERT SUND)AVI 'ARCH IlST,