Recesionbiamed for T own staff-layoff0 BYNmaro Boùicher The recssion i. being blamed for the laYoff of 12 ful and part-time, Town employees., announced last week by the Town. . It is with regrets that thesie actions must b. taken,» said mayor Tom Edwardsj. He said the Town Must ho cost-effective i its operations, and layoffs are neccessary because of the-contnmingdifff- The Oehawa-Whitby-Newcaste United Way board- of diretors ha. aaked its" 40 membor agencies te, assume a voluntary cutback in their 1992 United Way allocation. The request comes as a. resait of the need te, help fund the 1991 campain short fal 0$126,500 and thq deire of the board tp, as f * as possible, consider the relative financlal 'health 0f individual agencies.. If this request does .fot meet wlth_ afavourable respne he board may have no choie but to, determine a.perceutage reduction for ail agencies. cuit economic times. Town admini*strator Bill Wal- lace' said the Town ie in the process ýof 'making its 1992 uýdgqt. and has te address the ezisting "economic climate and fInancial impact on the munici- palijty.' "These considerations have in- cluded reviewing changes hin our service levels and methoda of operatio n d the effect on our Staff complement,"he said.. WallacW said"the Town han been meeting with employes and their union representtives te «minimize the* reperussions on our overall labour force. "I «]sl clearly not the Towu's intention te, initiate a major layoff 'program and our employees have been informed i that regard'hosaid. On eay last week, Wallace issued a press release announc- ina the layýoffs., * Edwardsi had proviously stated Warehouseprojectin Whitby. FR OM PAGE 1 supplies, s'wng - dptoys, ý"N boks, computers equipment. for offices auJ restaurants, automobile parts and- acessories, and groery items ilarge quantities. Là ow prices wiil b. antie -becu of inventory turnovers, the use of cash or cheque payments, and the lack of sales clark., fancy dlsplays. and s.n. costs, she Price Cubi. a cash-and-carr wholesale. operation with business.. making up 65 to 75 per cent of their membeshp25 te, 35 per cent priviege customers Aie a's is a supply/garden retail centre ta ilb open to the general public, she said. 1Rogle said a new store i. also to oen in Scarborough next .Similar tù, Price Club, Aitkenhead's will offer a wide variety ofprodncts in bulk. Acces. to, either warhouse would b. off Victoria St. E., No open storage i. perrmitted and Iuvar Industries Ltd. ham not... requested it, she said. ]Rogers said Invar Industries Ltd. alsolamsto build ahotel at the notwest corner of, the property, but there i. no timetable for such a prcdect. Part of the property le already zoned for hotel use. The proposaI oeils for- 150 hotel rooma with about 18à parking spaces on the property, she said. The two' warbous e ar consdered a bigger priority at this poSint, sheéaid. It'. ouùr view that this i. the' kInd of use 'thae'. compatible *te industrial area use,"ý she said. Rogers said 30 pecent of al the- idustrial landlrnWhitby is currently not iuse. The two warehouses will need more parking %pmc than traditional warehouses, she said. Invar is now couducting surveys, on transportation and marketing, and will b. again reporting te, the Town's planning, committee witbin the next two nionthis. "W. feel confident there won't b. any major negative impact on the local businesses,", she said. CAPTIVATING DESIGN! North-east Whitby. 2,147 sq. ft. Walk-out from spacious. kitchen to cedar deck and private yard. Four brtght bedrooms..Cozy, family room. Blair Buchanan, 436-1800. OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY 2'-4 PM' You are invited to 15 Whitburn Street in Somerset Estates. Offered at just $224,900. Shirley Sinden, 436-1800. HUGE LOT! EXECUTIVE HOME! Court location. Central air & vacuum. Ktchen overlooks premium' pie-shaped lot. Main floor den. See it today. $254,000. Caîl Linda Cromb, 436-1800. a-bout two Munthe ago, there wvould probably b. no Iayoffs. The week bet'ore the announce- ment of layoffs, a Free Prose reporter- attended a meetn of Townemplyeesand rallie. Wallace instruacted the reporter to leave.. A 26-ye ar-old -exotic dancer at the, Spruce Villa Hotel i Whitby was r obbed at knifepoint Sunday eveningjust beforo midnight.-' Police say a suspectpulled a ,knifie on thie.danicer Inside the hotel. The suspect was held by hotel bouncers until police arrn- ved. David Wayne Brad4y, 20, of Ajax is charged with robbery carrylng a concoaled'weapon and weapons dangerous. MERCEDES-BENZ AUTHORIZED DEALER DURHIAM A UTOMOBILES LTDO 1250 DUNDAS ST. E. 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