Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 3

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W1f1'BYFPREE PRES8% WEDNESDÂY#'MARCH 141» 9% PAGES8 Summtonrepesgo-ahead Items from Whitby Council agenda(s Correspondence That the Minster of Transportation Gilles Poullot, has authorize a subsidy allocation te the Town et Whtby for the ameunt of $1,742,200 for this year ln regards te, basic construction, maintenance and resurfacing purposes. Council memnbers noted at Monday's meeting that the amount ls $68,000 more than they expected. That ceuncil has been intormed et Whitby Etates Ltd.'s decisien te go ahead with an Ontario Municipal Board hearing ln early June. Council originaliytumed down the application for housIng developmnent at the southwost cerner et Kendaiwood Dr. and Nichol Ave., south et the K-Mart, plaza. Recommendations from the Planning and Development SCommittee That a site plan application fer a rear addition te Dairy Queen at 1003 Dundas St. E. be approved. The addition wiii enclose public wash- roomns. Carriod Recommedations from Operations Committee That parts et Grand Trunk St. betwen Gait St. and Victoria St. E. be closed and steel pesta joined by a chaîn be lnstaiied across the road.- The Town is participating wlth the Region. province and.the . Canadian National Raiiway (CNR) fer a grade separation te be Instalied on the south aide ot Victoria St. E., east et Brock St. S. at the CNR crossing. 111e construction ef a grade separatien wlI require the relocation et the creek to the east. The headwaIi ef the cuivert for the rechannelized creek MIl go enta the closed part ef Grand Trunk St. ofWer back to staff That a lottery icenslng bylaw be amended te shlow charitable or religieus organizations to have 'Break Open' tickets ln privae commercial and retal outiets that they ewn. Requesta were receiVed from the Arthrltis Society for a kiosk ln the Whitby Mail, the Broklin- Whtby.Ringette Association for Iroquois Park, and Big Sisters ef Newcastle- Oshawa-Whitby for the Daliy Pianet in the Whtby Mail. 'Break Open'tickets cannot exôeed $100 In 'cash prizes, immediately payable by the vender. <By Marlo Boucher The fate ef «Meho Sumpmit', the proposod banquet and convention hallfadillty atHighway 12 and Taunton Rd. is oxpected Wte b known by the end of tho woek. Owner Miké Vole said ho ias waitinir.I for the final pioce of financmng-te, corne throîugh for him probably temorrow., *Everything'else is 100 per cent ready teo othorwise, ho said. uWo ro qute confident that the finance 1fll corn ,» ho said. Tlhe rezoning: application for the centre was approved by Town council asat October. "The Summit' 'will b. able te hold 1,800 peopl-at atUieo. Whenbuil, th $10. te $12- million building will croate 50 te 60 fuil-time and 70 te -80 part- time.jobs. Aise on tho il-acre site on tho northeast corner of HL12 and Taunton Rd, 'will b. LaVtta' an Italian restaurant- that -will hoId 250 people. Tho sdi of the building will b. about 100,000 square foot. .In the space of only ayear, there has ben chan ges in the economy and flnahcing for any là ro ýject has bocorne more d. zlt ho said. ~Lut Jar, banks .and* other fnnilintoroats were akn him how much -ho neddn FROM PAGE 1 handling of the press on the trip and said ho hasn't had one omr- plaint over the telephoe. . Ut was a vory useful exorcise, of trying to find ways te koep taiý incroases as low as possible, par- ticularly when there are new memrnopof councl4'ho said. .The. new counillers now have a botter and broader viow of the entiro procesa ho said. "We ramIZ trying to -do the right thing," ho said. 1 %eýle said few people ever show up. at public mûeetings on the budgiet oach yoar. r PuITrtt'IPaL'71ff n'4 comparison to tho curront ocone- mic climate, heosaid. Volpe said construction would bogin almost immodiately with a targot te- open sometime Mi Octo- ber. Thore has been r«Sssfor ovor 60 weddings for oh priod botweon Oct. 1992 and July «We advertise 'about buget in the local papor nobody shows up,' ho said. the' and b. put up in their backyard te maCnain their privacy and avoid tho bright car lights lato ýat night, said Bernico <Jox, thoir daughter. DÙring constructioni of the con- vention centre,- they aise rous ted that water bo used 'te, keop dust down'as much as-,possible,, agrée te their requosts regarding foncing and dust problerns. "There'srno problom thero and we ajre o t these concessions,' ho said. The is'sueof having access te water supply is'a matter betwoen hmaid-the Rgion and thoy agroo te that, ho said. -NNI 1993, as well as trade shows for companies- such as Genoral Mote, heo sid. Volpo said ho has agroed te seme r enetsy Ivan and Nellie Macillnwhoee backyard is adacent te6 the proposed conven- tion hall. The Macffllans askod that a sound wall mnade of brick or wood she said. Coi said hor parents, have - been living in their houso for tho past n'ne years and have only mado reasenable requests. Dur- ing 'construction, thoy 'will bo inconvonience d wt noises whenever they stop eutseide in_ theirbackyard, she said. Velpe said ho didn't hesitato tei IROTRY CA$H CALDAR$ MAKE LOCAL Cali Toronto and area as often as you wish:anid talk as long as you like ANYTIME!M BSNESS luST*RS AlesiLation e ESAWA ENTREL SHOP U TO *WecomëàpiwmhCRTC and Bell Canada Tariffs One timq set-up and 1~fS. Success fu I rra CULP & ANDERSON ACCOUNTING AND TAX PROUSSIONALS WuRh this ad. receive $5.00 off any tax return 114 Dundas St. E- Suite 202, Whitby (416) 430-1817 LIMII one per person. Not valid with any other offer.

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