Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 10

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PAQiS 10# WIITY FRUZ PRE8S% WEM8AYý MARCH 18, 1992 -ry~j<jj j i Concert at Ste Àndrew s MMKUAOUSE (left)q clarinet, and. Gwynmeth Hughes (above), soprano, wil perform in "*Me Giftý of Munie ,Durhàni Region Concert Assocatio presentation, at' St. Audrew's .Prëeibyterian Churcla, Whitbyý on Saturday,. March 28, 7:30 p. Tickets, $10 for aduits and $5. for cideare avalaleat Thiomas House of Munie, Whitby. 'r ENJOY.ONE 0F THE HIGHESTI FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT 1 I ____________ The Lipizzaner Stallions are horses of nobility - the ultimate expression of an art form which dates back tothe l6th oentuy These mnagnificent stallions pçformn acrobatic maneuvers that The WONDERFUL WORLD of HORSEr< ROYAL LIPIZZANER STALLION SHOW TUESDA Y è MAR. 24 no other breed of horse can equal. ONE SHOW ONLY! 7:30PMA. And nom, they are here for ail ta appreciate. Don't miss this rare MARKHAM chanceto sSethem perfonn, CENTENNIAL CENTRE including their AIRS ABOVE THE ROUN. ~TICKETS ON SALE NOWAT- THE MARKHAM CENTENNIAL, after ail, been practing «. MILLIKEN MILLS & THORNHILL forthlast00yers ~COMMUNITY CENTRES FOR INFORMATION: CALL (416) 294-111 I ADULTS $13.50 CHILDREN $11.50 lncudn GST à lidot Surdwg. Special. tours at Parkwood' Children and their parents can learn more about'Parkwood Estato and the. McLaugiilin faniil3y wiio put Oshawa on the map during Marcii break. Volunteez~ guides have put togetiier a family quiz and eacii completed form earns a prze package te toke home and !a chance to vin thi. grand prize (a giant stuffed f&og). A special admission rate of $3 par person will aply Marcii17 to 22. Tours are offered Priday and Sunday, 1:30 t., 4 p.m. For more. information contact at 579-1311. Aýrts celebrated The Pickering'Arts Council will present a Célebration of the. Perforniing Arts on Saturday, March 28, 8 p.m., at the. Plckering Recreation Centre. Tickets are $10 for -adults, $8 for students and seniors and $5 for children aged,12 and under. <There wil ho a cash bar. To ,reserve . tickets, oeil the recreation centre at 686-9183. .o'Tt~> CORPORATION 0F THE u.o.~ TOWN 0FWHITBY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. FACILITY RENTAILS Lollgfor an Idgal locaton Io host your Wecdding. SpecWa Event or Meeting ?he Town of Whitby, Parka and Recreatun Deparnent has avoable a number of banquet halls and meeting roomaé to host your gatiimg. Ourw facxlitles are dlean'and no are competitie. For. fuiter Information, cnat(1 ToUwnhouses I FR DM PAGE 1 Colin, -King sald residenta would accept a developmentof, siýle family dwyellings, and, ho zsaid rpsidenits. wer. 1assured a few, years ago by the church that; there would bhé no delopment for at least 10Oyears. <It'à not for the good, of the cOMMumyand 1nypopodo flot; realie iimacr ai' tua On.eresident ask.d, church representatives if tihe church or pýovince would.own the. property, after the. proposai 'a 1pproed. He waa ý.told there woulCba houeigcoprtion, made up of board o ietrail church members. B orne people said'tii. develop- ment ia good and neccesaary dinthe current économnic ch- mate bcueman pole may' notbe able toaffordtofbuy or keep th.fr homes. Rév. Stephen Little said the. churciinacomrnitted te proviing affordable. hotising %o keet thi. needa; of those wh ore this le feëItf sa way wecam holprople with affordallohoue- .litt e said t. - churc *li î h *o t build a .Christian.,Centre, . Wlnii ma>!y includé 'a gymnasiurn and echool rooms, as part of the. ýexpan'oho ti.church and ilaa <'egtimate way for us te» help the. people in the commun*ty. «Tii.development wl lopro- vide open and green a .m- cdng a ark and all funde and profita wiR ,b. put bock mnto'tii. churci, h. sïaid. "W. need te get together.,n talk opny about the. prospective ofiàti'L,emdd Warren Oordôn.' The motivation should b. the. central issue and everybody needs to focua on ýwiether Plans should. ho short>- or, long-termn, ho said. "W o efind where our common ground la,» hé.said., Rezoning, fot morality, la the issue, sadLindaPeters. Miller said plans of the. church have not ca se incobat Decembor- despîte oppo sition fr= om bWar esidointa.' "Change it tbow .d.nsity and the rednts'concerna w1îll hoe answere4,",he aid Bryce Jordan,pg-lanng conul-. tant for tii. applicanto aid'non. of the. iouaea mà tii.development wiil abut the. existing houses oaât of theprop.rty. Tii. propos.èd medium'density on the. church prôlperty "i. necessry r dvebPmen thie area will go fromlôid d ity te iiigh density ho said.-1< The churghproperty la boun- ded tethe west by-abaigh denuify development at the. soutiiwest corner of Taunton Rd. and Brock St. N., whichcaills for about, 125 towniious.s and some commer- cial development,he said.. TIe.rezoiMg applicaton hs been sent, back t;oýplanning staff for frie nomto n

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