Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 16

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PAGE 16e WIUTY FM EPUBS WEDNESDAY,MA.RC 18, 1»92 HEALTH AND LEIS URE FEATURE WHITBY FRE.E PRESS- MARCH'lý8th,. 1992 Challlenge the myths'du ring nutr.ition month. By the. Canadian Dietetie Ageociation la it true « cholesterol.free foods are, aiways a heaithier choice? That low-fat foods take the fun out of eeting? And that breakfast cereala are just for ida? Actually they're ail nutrition mythe -- misconceptions many pole believe ta b. true. Uhortunately, these nutrition imyth-conceptions' cen tae a lot' of the fun out of eating and wont guarantee you a heaithier.diet. March is Nutrition Month and thi yar heCanadien Dietetic Assciaionisasing you ta, think twice about somne common nutrition myths. CDA will b. running a frée nutrition information lin. until March 31 with the, fects on cholesterol, fat and healthy eating. You cen oel 1.800-267-6887 from anywhere in Canada using a tauch-tone phone. Nutrition Month is orgenized by the Canadien Dietetic Association, repres.nting 5,000 dietitians committed ta helpng Canadiens Eat- Weiland lve Well. It is -mzade possible through the generous support of the 1992 official sponsors the Canadien Turkey Marketing Agency and Kellogg's Bran Flakes. You- cen 'Challenge the Nutrition Myths' yourself by cailing the 1-800 nuxuber during March. You may b. surprised ta discover the. facts instead of the fallacies. A recent Gallup Canada survey identified that many people are confus.d, if not misled, about some conimon nutrition myths. CHALLENGE THE NUTRMTON MYIES QUIZ How does your nutrition knowledge rate? Try our simple a.tz and se. if you know the. 1. Cooked outmneal is the best way ta, get a high-fibre stert ta, your day. T7rue or fais.? Fais.. For a good fibre breakfast, choc>.. cereals thet provde et least four grama o fire per serving. Cooked oatmeal is a nutritious breakfast but youll anfly get about two grams of fibre ini a 3/'4-cup (200 niL) portion. If youre not a cereal eater, select whole grain bread, muffins and fit instead. 2. Great tasting foods like lasagna and cheesecake are too hi hhin fat to b. healthy. True or Faise. You cen adapt traditional, rich lampga recipos by usme p ial-skimmed mozzael cheese, substitutingr cottage cheese for ricotta and including vegeales or ground turkey or chi*ckien instead of ground meat. You cen also make a fabulous cheesecake with lower fat cheeses rather than the usual creem cheese. 3. The healthiest vegetable cils are lebeiled 'cholesterol free? or f'no cholosterol. True or fais.? False. Ail vegeteble as are 'cholesterol fre. even if it's flot marked on the label. Vegetable oils are preferred to the more saturated fats like shortening and lard because ola are moStly unsaturated fats. 'But w. ail should 1. eeting less fat, no matter whet kind it is or where it cornes from. 4. You* cen make a healthier sandwich on 'a begel than ona croissant. True or fais.? True. Ail sandwiches are not created' equal. A croissant contains considerebly more fat and calories than a bagel. Other healthy sandwich holders include whole wheat or rye bread, kaiser and onion buns and pita breed., 5. Deli-style meats are too high in fat.,,re or fais.? Fais.Ter are many lower fat, nutritious sandwich meats. Try hem slices, leen beef, beef pestrami and poultry, products such as smoked or roested turkey. 6. You'd be heaithier if yoDu cut out red meat. True or fais.? FaIs.. Red meat cen b. part of SEE PAGE 17 DR, BLAKE BOWLER of the Wbitby Sports Medicine Clinic checks Nia- gara Falis Thunder centreShane Walk-in sports cli nlo. Mahone sknëe. The àcIIIctreats both amateur and professiona ath- letes.ý Photo bymawk Eeom, WhiIb5 Fr.. Pre t heea rmierë the treatment, the bette." By Mark Reesor The. Whitby IWuYRecovery'Clinic is now ofera walk-insot nuycc IPhysî'othera"pist/pwher ,han Koonar says the. goal is to, offer "sports in *ury aae ment to ail recreational, profîessionalI, semni- professional and weekend athletes i Dur- «Ih. whole idea of the clinic is for people ta, corne in as soon as possible after their injury so they cen return ta their sport as fast as possible.» Koonar says itfs important to have: a sports inqurf treated quickly. Iýaa njury situation, accessibility and availebility is the kqy; the earlier you get treatment, the better. Koonar works with Oshawa Generals juirA hockey team head trainer Bryan, Boewho's been involved with the clinic for Gett-in g a ctive (N) The. Camnpbell's Survey on Well-Being in Canada reveels a greet deel about our attitude toward physical activity. It shows, for exemple, that we favour informaI, unstructured, ectivities. W. like ta do things our own way -- when we se. fit ta do themn. Thes probably why wa]king tops the liet as the moat popular physicel ectivity of Canadiens. It's convenient -- you cen do it enytime, anywhere, in eny seeson. Gardening, swimmngand bicyclingare highion"the listtoo. Like walking, they're pleesrable activities y ou cen- do aione- or with friends on a* sciiedule that's just right for you. But 'even with informai activities like thee, *ites importent ta start greduýaly and tobe sensible. Bo wheredo you turn for advice? Newspaper more then six years. .He's treated Generals players, since 1986. Koonar says a lot f te'av ae tit the.NHL, but stilli corne back for treatment during the suxnmer. lIt' a real- pleasure >to treat -a: highly motivated athlete who wents ta get better." .Clinic doctor Blake- Bowler ,se sý the epaitoday ls on preventative medicine. "Caths it .w'hen - ît ' arly and prevent,, - further injry.» - H. ho es otherdcas ilbecome invol- ved withthe:linic, «makinig it 'More of a" coinunif-orinteservîice.» Bays ay' sorsmedicine has become h eiycîlized. eW.cen now offer. an improvement i the quality of life, and ceni proîong it... . It's not .nough'ta b. frée of diseas. these days - people want to b. super healthy.», -your own, way and magazines are a good place ta stert. Dr. ,Nency Theberge of 'the University of Waterloo- studied te prit media end found, that wule there is an emphesis on sports couerage, there. is'useful information on recreationel, activities as well. Here'are a few tips ta help you get the most fromn the media. -s Check the newppr ,first. If your local paper doeant Hat upcomling sports enmd recreetional events, callend tel them -ýou- think it. should. Newspepers thaît rWely serve their readèeàr ,ar . one-stap guide téalal good thi'ngs gaing on, in the comnmunity. Good newspapers alo include regular columna ,and articled'on a wide variety of important health topics. STurn ta 1magazines.:Magazines, SME PAGE 26 ~-WHITBY SPORTS MEDICINE CLINI C- Is pleased to announce their opening for the examination and treatment ofsports I ededyrelated injurie s and Jonditions, on a walk-in basis! Apintm ts reffe Acute Sports Injuries CLironic Sports Injuries Injury MVanagement Preventative Tapmng Orthopedic Braces Bryan A. Boyes, (Head Athletic Therapit Oshmva CGenerals Hoekey) Vince T.'Lee Immed fate care of a sports injury 220 'Dundas St. W., Suite 304, Whitby BL<eB iî essentialwhether you are anelite B M.D.B atleeo.~ekend" athiete.- l iwler w & Thursday 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM but flot neçessary 2&ý ,ed "M2

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