Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 18

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PAG 1, HIBYFRÉE IRR% ,WEDNESAY, MARCE 1% I99 Peewees, novices are Ontario champions Two Whiiitby miner hockey toame haveo'won Ontario chaux- pionsis. Whty won tii. miorpeewee A title by dofeating Waterloo four gaines te one itho hast- of-seon OMHAfinal sories. Th.re were six differont goal- scorers as the well-balanced Whitby teain, sponsored by Brook lin iÀons, skatod past. Waterloo 6-1: on" Sünday ithe, flfth me, te daim tii. chamx- pions9-p. Whtby lest their firet gaine'in the. miner atein A beet-offive final sories against London, but caine back mtii thr.e straight victorios te win thei. OMH ciiampionship. mhe teani, sponeorod by Elacint Canada Ltd., defeated London 4-2 itii. fourtii gamin Lon- don.ý Gil Vamplew, Danny Sinal, Jared Brownh and Mike Hlamilton- scored for Whitby. Whitby lest the. eperniug gaine 3-1, Brown scorng thei. only Wtby goal. But Witby was finhe ii second gaine and a 9-2 victory ostablished Whitby's dominance for the. balance of the. séries. Vaniplew scorod four goals and Hamilîton two in the 9-2 win. Brown, Jaii Giles and Danny Sinal aise scored. Vaniplow, Hanmilton and Grog Leblanc scored i the 4-3 win over London in the. third gaine. Whbitby miner peowoes openod their sories againet Waterloo with an 8-1 victory.. The. lno of Paul Gray, called ,up freintii. select 'teain, Dan Torne and Grant Soutr'had soven of the. eight goals and iiad ive assiste. Souter scored throe goals, Gray and Thorne each had two. Jamie Barnott iiad two assiste. Brady Blakoly, Mike Cartwrighit and goal.e Rich Sandors each had an asisiet. Waterloo won the second gain. 4-3, TMorne Brilan Crilly and DÎrek Vaag7mond- scoring for Whitby. Johni Lang, Scott, Young, Cart- wright, Luko McKay, LIare Clay and-Blakelyhad assis. Sanders got the. shuteut ia 3-0 victory h the 'third gaine. Todd Farquhareson Crilly and Barnott iscor.d w;;ile hone Soutor, Clay and Scott Gilmour had assiste.. McKay, Barnett and Crilly scorod in a 3-2 win ini thi fo=rt gaine.on Saturday., Young, VanEgrnond, .Crillyp Thorne, Blakely and Farquhar- son scored in the final gaine. Natasha Brideau' of the. WhitbyMFgureSkating Clubhiad a firat-placo finish atti e Eastern Ontario interclub, ceupetition Marcii 7-8 in Lindsay. Bridosu was fret in senior bronze artistic. Mélanie Beaulieu and Nicholas Brann of the. Whitby club wer. third in juvenilePirs. Brann was feurth i juvenilo inen' ecoinpetitien. Brideau, Beaulie -and Bran will advanc. totei all-Ontario comnpetitien March 21-22 in Pick- ermng. Aniothor moinb.r of tho Whity club, Uisa Coedy, was second'in pre-preliminary ladies at the. inteiclub compétition. I Petites ringý up goldin Barrie Whitby Mcçullough Jewellers dlaim their first gold medal. of the pette A rnet teain captured soason. tii. gold moda in the. Emrre, The firet gaine was aganat tournamont March 13-15. Scarborough, and, after eig Enter*ig the tournament behind by a 3-0 score at wthout fOur rglr l rhaif-timo, Whitby storznod back novice level cailup eianie in thefinal period towin by a6-4 Larocque and Sarah Vandorlip muargn. filled up the restoricely. Tho second contest was against Whiby liche f~ .i Port Perry and rosulted in a5-5 Whihy linhedfirt pacein draw. the. tournament as the only Tournamont hasts, Barrie, undofoated teain and carried that were the noxt oppostion. witbyiï into the championship gaine to totally dominated the gaine and won by a 11-0 blowout. Novices i tejomeitonfo he ngt encountor which saw Whitby play eAJsJe smart ringette and corne out on easerntop byr>52 score. *Mf nalThe. champlonshlp gaine eaw se mi Whitby and Pckerlng again meet. Pickering held a -1-0 lead -'The Broolin-Witby mAjor until with only 63 seconds left in novice AMA hockey teain the gaine, Mélanie Davis scorod ~onsredby~ Don Cherryes on a set-up froin Ellon Johnson te, rrapoévind Retauant hastiethegaine. elimïinat.d Peterborough in two This forcod the. overtime period straight gaines in the, oautern and after only ono minute and 13 AAA playdowns. scnds,. Tania Chappeli notched In gaine one, Whithy akated te the winner with assista going te a 4-0 victory. Scoring were Jef Sarah Vandorlip andLsa Frazer with two, Sean - MacRury Vanderlip. and Stevon Farquharson. Stacey K.llough once again Asssta went te Frazer, proved the importance of stron MacRury, Jeromy Fishor Jay netnunding ini ordor te, win inai Harrison, Blaine bon of these competitions. Faquaronand David Mrse Tournament scoring was dons anWatson played well te, by Mélanie Davis, seven goals earn the shuteut. and six assiste, Tania Chappel Why ecored a &0 victory in eight goals and three asts, gaine two ,te eliminate Jessica Williams throo goals and Poerborough. WhitlW sco»rr six assiste, Ellen Johnson three. wore Matt McKay, MacRuxy, goals and. five 'assiste, Kaiyn Frazer, Morasse and Jason Peacocke two goal and - three Peyman. assista, Usa Vanderlip two goals Assisa wont te, Bohby and two assste, Mélanie McBride, Mark Cipparone, Lâarocque two goals and one MaRur. FarquhrsnDown assiet, Sarah Larocque three andMihal orrsn assista,, Calle Osborne two goals Paul. Val aitis' earned the and .e aEsit and Sarah shuteut.' Vanderlipwith two asss. Whitby wHil now play Coach Wayne Johnson Ajax/Piïckering, in a. two-out-of- providod the strongteani strategy Strong start -for Whi*tby. racer The. 1992 kart racing season han begun, and for 15-year-old Br.tt Osier of Whitby, it was an excellent statrt Olr took second place at the. 1992 World Karting Association (WKA) Manufacturra Cup sories hold in Georgia, March 6 te 8. A mnail miechanical problem slow.d Osier down i the prequahifying race, putting hin i a ith-placée stng grid in the field 0f 20. Nevertiielesg, his Birel katfinisi ti uthe heat. In the. final boat, Osier duolled with the firet-place kart but was unable te overtake hlm cumletély. Osior croseed the fiis lino a iiaif-cart longth beiiind tetakesond plw.. Thore will ha f vo more races in thiss e.in.ahe i U.S., plus, a six-race series in the Ontario Kart Raxcing Association (OKRA), as well as reuar club races.' .Osier will compete in both two.cyle direct drive, and ci. cl cutch classs. This yer eis again sposoredb'3- Go karts 0f Sutton sud Db Hýýad sud in 0f Wib Brooklm -Whitby minor novice Matt Hircock.< Deir. AAA hockey team, sponsorod by Thei score roinaine. 1-0 until DeSit. pullng their- goaHe the. Ladies Auxihiary, advancedthe. remaining seconds-'of tho and Whidtby havingaplyri te. the finals of the. consolation third period whon Badn ti eaty boxy troog round ôf playoffa by defeating McBride scored on a pesa fein wau nable te tie the. gaine. Potenbooug two gaines Tan Witrlk The, seresý thon, went te, strigt.Peterborough ýthon answored Kinsmen arona in, Peterborough In the. frt gain. ut Iroqoin with two, quiick goals. The gaie nd, after a two-hour delay, tii. arena, Whitby deetd remained tied with end-to-end gamo flnaliy began. Peterhooutby.a se of 3-2. ýaction until Jameos Hinkson Wailles opened th.scrn 3 Whitby skaters advance to all-Ontario

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