Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 21

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$EST AVALABLE COPY WHITY FME PIRESS1 WEDNSDAYs MAROR I18.199nPAUE 21 's B yMuoBoucher'« West Ieyde pubic ac&ool has: gene into the. n.wspap.r busi-' ness. 'The West I.yndo Chronicle' was created, witten and organ- ized b ,26 students from grades 4 and ô «Tve really lot the. kida no-n the. newspa n sd they have made ail tii. decisions of what weut in the Paper,"n says teacher Benni W itmgausen. ý' !isa Vauderlip, who says she became. editer-in-chief when nobody else would do it, was on. of thuse who tackled the issues, aold advertising space and -put toge thon the 20-page n ewspapen. 1guesa nobodykuew w]fat it was te be a managing oditor,' ah. says. EAt the very beginning when w. hadnt even started, our tea- cher g0t a big chant and wrote down a whole bunch of jobs and thon we got te chocs. which job we wsnted and we each got about tire, or four jobs,' île Onbeing..editer, Vandenlip says tiat it was ail igit. .For the. front, page she wrote about lie proposea. modifled achool yean, and aise optedfor a atoty abut the future of Cand rather lieu an interview. with a teacher. The uewspaper could b. pro- duced annuâlly. For Wistingau- sen it is a great teaching meâhod, and for studeuts, il1 builde creatvtyand' self-oeem. the. students' creativity; and determination te learn te use IBM computera. Studeuts even stayo late .after achool te work on the newepaper. . <'Ive nefor seen a lasa so métivated with such a ,project, aud iVsbeep a,:r:a.. fi expoieceformy an sd al the. KEIN WICKS sens fne West Lynde Chronicle to students'at the ochool 'The paper, done entfrely by grade 4 and 5 students, had such uews items as the wuqner of the jelly bean draw, a feature on lifé. n gracie 8 andi an advioe column by 'Misty Blue.' Photo by Naik Ecamr, Whitby Fr.. P, -With a punchase priée of $1 studeuts have yet t6 decide whii te do with $4,000 raised from tii. project, although an overnight trip teo ttia !a apossibility; The. tabloid size newspaper lu- cludea about 80 articles sud 130 advertisements.- One disappomftment was the photograplis which- did- not turn eut well, forcing students te use lie 1990-91 yearbook for phoo.- wThe.lann poeala "a important as tiie finalresult» h. hecontent of the newspaper will- probably Mper- funny te adult roaders becaus they comne from a different prospective than th. chldren, h. maya. But it la their paper sud they decided what went in, he says. GBADE-4 and '5 students at West The paper t)ýs ut.together entfrly by Ldynde,-puÏ)blic uchool assemle -their the sudz ýswiththe guidance -of neàwspap, The Westleyde Chroýniclýe. teacher Wistnhusen, te euokR«m, Whltby Fr.. Pr. ýWest, Lyndçe students make- the, news. . l 1 - 1 Il - - - - 1 Il .1 l < 1 CARS: BIGGEST SOURCE 0F GREENHOUSEGASES iewpoint? Writer Stephen G. Lea 'certainly bit the nail rigt n hehead when h e stated inThe F Pre as, March 4 article 'Cars: Earthls worst nightmare,' that by buiig ore hiMh'as .ar noragingmore pollâting veicles. -What 'weneed to accompliahare.,effiient alteàrnaitive means of public, transportation, as well as improve bicycle tralis. Mie, following is taken from a handout on car eoins the» handout created and produced by Janet. Banfting'. of, the< airlwator quality sub.committee of, Durham Environmental 'Network., The bad news: Cars are the biggest single -source of- greenhouse gasea, with-every7 car .contributin two tons. or, more of canl:onevery year. The.y also add tote problem of -acid nain with their piroduction of nitrogenàondes. The. coolantà used in air conditionens help destroy the ozone layer that shields usfrom the. suds iiarmful untraviolet raya. As well as'contributing té acid nain, the. greenhouse effect and ozone layer depletion, car are responsible for 75 per cent of the. ozone-forming pollutants that cause smog that, in turn,. helpa damage cropa, as well as adding te lung and, nespiratory troubles. The. good news: As a nesponsible driver, there are a numben of tlungs you can do te help. *When you are sitting in youn car, turn the. engin, off. *In winter, don't warm up.your car. It la not necessar with fuel-irjected engines, and ia also bad'for the.air we ai breathe. e Use your car les. Resolve te walk, bike, car pool or use *Buy a fuel-officient car and keep it properly tuned and serviced in order te minimize pollution. e Slow down. 'Driving slower reduces nitrogen oxide omissions as well as reducing fuel consumption, and saves you money too. e Use re-refined moter cil in youn car.,Ask your service' station te use re-refined oul and te recycle ail of it. *Next summer, try not te use car airconditioning. Many foike manage without it. If you would like te know more about DEN and its affiliated envirornmental groupa, oeil286-3156. Coming events: March 26., Oshawa.. Durham Environmental Network will hold its next regular meeting at Durham College in board room 0C113. A slidé presentationon recent landfill digs at Brock West and Michigan landfil sites is scheduled. Palimeta. epr Womnand, thefrleain Durham Riding rMP. At. tinise i'ausefultesp for a moment té canaider just how much thinga have imprtved durin our ýown. lifetimes. To me, oea such ocsincame eeyas w.e observed 'Intëeaional Women's Day. More andmorewomen are mincetesaeet)eladg roles in government and politicýa affaro. They head tre f u local municipalities and occupy a nâumber oflmporpovincia posta at Queen's Park. Among the. seven women ithe. federal cabinqi two hold key portfolioe ». External Affaira and Justice. Two êûreeCourt of Caaajustices are, women,as are 97 othfer fdealjudges. Ini the federal public service, 24. women 'have -tOP -ranik' as deputy minsters. It's not at ail unlikely tbat CanadLans wiIl electthir' flrst female'primeniinister within the. neÏt 1lOorl,2-yea. In Brijah Columbia, a woman alrea4y lias served aà premier. /Al this is partet a welcome modertrend, bore and in many otiier parts of the. world. While opportunities 'for women have increased steadily, w. might abso rem~ember that it's only been 35: years since Ellen Fairclough made history by becoeing the flrst ever female federal cabinet minuoter when she was appointed in Johin Diefenbak.er's government., It's not juat l plitica tbst Canadian women demonstrate their capabilities. Te'eaog top Olympic athletes. This year, Roberta Bondar who holds a doctorate in neurobiolo W as wellas her medical dgré.was the second .Canadian togo into But far

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