Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 27

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wnmam - Y. MaU loft1~ Budgeting îinTough Times' In an effort te help constituents cope, Druznmond White, Durhamn Centre MP will sponor a seminar ;entIed <Budgeting in Tough im'e?' on Wedniesday, March 25.'<1 The seminar wMl be presented by Ross Campbell, regional manager of the Ontario Civil Service Credit Union and past, president of Credit Counhg Services, of York Region.» Campbell' presentation wil deal With ways and 1means -of planning a personal budget, provide tipa on how lt'ave money, and answr ustions. Space islitd For more information 'orte reserve a seat, .cal ýJo-Ann Jordon at 430-1141. J.Optiet.x.,tv -PROM PAGE il March 20 to oriL*ze upcoming. meetingspscal progranis and a, pnoect ?efo heBrooklin Sprng TeJuior -O0ptimit Club'is sosoedby the a.dult Optisit Club cf 'Brookln. and is * ot Brooklin and area childr .in grades 4 through 8. Weekly.meetings, or activities are pand and annual, membersies are $12., for further infàrmationî,' chfidren >may ,contact ý,Junior Çptnist president ýýKeith M welor preta may, conltact. Novices corne up short in playoffs FROM PAGE 19 Final tallies included decisions of 3-2 (Whitby goals from Dan VonEechscholtz and Ryan Matthews), 11~0, 1-0 and 3-2 (goals ky Matthews and * Joshua Tumotte assisted by Robert Reid, 7bler Harrison and Against Ajax, Whitby forfeited 441 and 7-3 decisions. Scoring for Whitby in the firat gaine was Reid. Ini the second gaine Matthews had one goal and two assigs, Ryan Farrow and Turcotte each had one goal and one asest, and Wlrer Harrison had an assiat. Exhibition action againat Markham AA resulted in a 5-5 ,saw-off, the tying goal scored by Minor peeweesr P,.ROM-PAGE 18 assista te, Hinkson and Witrik. Peterborough again tied the gaine with two quick goals. 1Whitby rallied te the task and Hinkson scored in the third period- on a pasa from Wailea. Kevin Ppel thon acored the insurance gal Darzyl ForsY and Biyan Sand wero in top forin for this series. Thev m~ade the big saves when The victoiy agains Peterborough was a tearn effort with good pasuigrelentless backchecking and excellent penalty kIlling. Team meinhera are Sand Forsy, Michael lÇoeiw -dam Vellacich, Bryan Mantlpe, Matt Taylor, Billy Deir, Dane Dainard, Bon Stanton, Witrik, Kubrinaki, Hircock,- Brandon McBride, Peel Gawne, Hinlcson and Wailes. The teai will meet Markham in their next series. Markham late in the third period. WhiMty led the gaine by three goals early in the firat penod but Markhanx ra]lied fiom behind. Marksmen for Whitby included a pair of goals from Matthews with singles from Andrew Greenen, Greg Johnston and Jef Pichut. Nathan Cotter had a pair of assista with a single credited te VonEschscholtz. .In other exhibition action, Whitby and Vaughan AA tied 6-6. Nathan Cotter began the scoring tally followed by VonEschacholtz, Reid, Ryan McMichaol and Farrow. Assisting this offensive tally were Justin Giles, Cotter, Johnston, Pichut and VénEschscholtz. Ini a recent major novice tournament in Cobourg, Whitby had a wn tie and bas. In, te rt gaie against Meadowvale, Whitby suffered a 2-1 bas. Michael Laffey in net for Whitby was awarded gaine MVP and ]Reid was the lone marksmaù for the club. The seconid gaine saw Whitby thump Agincourt 7-3 and recnirzed VonEaichscholtz as with MatthewsjI was succesaful wiha hat trick and Farrow tallied one goal and four assista. Other markera went te Johnston, Turcotte and Reid. Assista were also credited te, Kyle I.mkilde, Greenen and vonEschscholtz- The third garne saw Wihitby tde Port Hope 2-2, preventing Whitby from advancing into playoff action. Gaine MVP was awarded te Farrw. Whitby goals were credited to, Matthews and- VonEschscholtz assaisted by Justin Giles and Farrw. A strong defence of PIchut, Harrison, Tommy Ricica, Justin Giles and Greenen played auperbly, enabling Wlty to overachieve at thia level 'of hockey. I..Tween...........gh..I oppp~~siinnB ri Whitby Lioness tween A teain bot four gaines in the Barrie tournament March 13 and 14. Whitbhy lbt their opening gaine against Barrie 8-4. Nicole Prout scored two goals, singles te Kàm Vanderlip and Kristine Johnson. The goals were assisted by Angela Poland, Amanda Wheelans, Kistine Saper, Tamara-Wiesiolek and Vanderlip. Saturday morning Whitby was defeated by Kingston 8-3. WMhy goals were scored by Vanderlip, Calle Corneal and Wiesiolek.* Assista were by Poland (two), Vanderlip, Soper and .- -. .... - - -. "s - ;-1--:.. - "'-"w Crime Stoppera and Durham Regional Police are continuing' to ask for the public's help ini solving some of the break, enter and theftà that are occumrng in ail areas of our refion During the day of Thurseday, Dec. 26, two buiness ini Harwood- Mail, Njax were forcibly entered by removingaà glass' panel from the West entrance mail door. Once -inside, -Penn Centre Restaurant and Strut clothing store were victimized. Stolen from the clothing store was a, smali .quantity of cash and fromthe restaurant a large qua ntity-of cigarets, cases ofliquor and some cash., Break and entera continue te cost us hundreds of thousanda < of dollars' every year and are an ongoing problem for the community. Do'you knowwho committed the above break and enter? Crime' Stopperwill pay up to $1,000 in cash'for information leadingto the arrest of persons involved. Do you have an y tips regarding any other criniinal offences? gf o, cail Crime Stoppera. ,Similar cash rewards will be paid for information leadinig'te an arrest inany serious crime. The, Durhiam Regiona Crime Stoppera hotline is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS), and is open 24 hours per day, seven days -a week. The phone number can be dialed from most areas of the region free of ch~e If this number is long distanc, y ou can callcollect or cali ogh your local Durham Regional Police nuznber and ask for, Crime Stoppr. 'els will neyer be traced or recorded. You will flot be rerdate identi1fr youraelf or have te go te court. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham - -- -- --- - - -- E CoId Weather's here and I Cracked Win dshields ru neasily I I 4) 't i y j 'j Accidient or TraIfic Ticket? CALL THE TRAFFIC TICKET SPECIAUSTS Lot us take the fear out of going to court by going for you. SERVING DURHAM REGION FOR OVER 5 YEARS FREE CONSULTATION - LOW COST REPRESENTATION It doesn't cost you arything ta talk ta us...It might cost you plenty if you don't. ~~43O-8845 -71Rossland Rd.E. 1

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