Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 4

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DurhampubliC sehol0 ad'nxt bud get esonMrh25 Tinext'budge ee<g f noTe finance comznittee is Addiçg to this year's ,DurhaniIBoard of Educatioe sdveolgthe 1992 budge o elbrtons i i.prSvffl scheduled fer March 25, 7&pm. n aprvay the board in Auril. transe payments to education of 4,the boardrom at the Dra The firat draft ofthe,^budget onlyon,. per cent for,,1992 'and ..... ... ..boardIs, administrative facility, presentod in Januar. idicae topr etfoeahfte P.P4 ~~555 Roesand Rd. W.,' Oshawa. an il Per cn nraei olwn w years, as-aznnmced Members Of the Public are e cediu ent over te 1991irecently.' JL I 'F ! m ecurgd tattend in order to budget. or anaere 22 per- cent Athough. the, transfer 158 Brock St. N. (Pearson Lanes) Whitby 666-5092 1 a »M. a 9% a impm 0 a- Mon.& Tues only 5 pm - 8 pm Only $3,95, Fettueine Alfredo or, Spaghetti & Meat ýSauce Add a side order of mushrooms, garlic bread or caesar salad for only $ 1.50.. 1 RegularMenu'available WE'RE MOVINO MARCH 3th/92 Across the streetto 103 Dundas St. W. Next to the Bank of Montreal To service our customers better. MOVING SALE COMPLETE COMPUTER SYSTEM *386 DX - 25 MHz. -040 MEG HARD DRIVE .14" VGA COLOUR MONITOR miMe% RAM *101 ENHANCE KEYBOARD - MS -DOS5.0 Sale Price 1 Only $12 99. O 1With This Ad Receive FREE'80 Me g hardl drive upgrade (Retai[-value $150.00) HORIZON COMPUTERSI 128 Dundas St. W., Whitby hORIZONSaturday until 6pm te serve you botter .$6475.1 Looh Lseo Teluxurious wood tones... the breathtaking luster- only Iarden týkes the time to hand-finish your furnitü r e qi.f4te so refnarkably.- And now Rousseau Heri ~e Hoii4e is proud to introduce "The Prelud'e 3edroom'Î fromn 1-arden. Hand-crafted in solid4 cherry, the bedroorn includes a queen bed (with wood rails), chest, dresser, mirror & two niglit stands. And right now we are featuring it at only $6475. There's neyer been a better Urne to invest in Harden Quality. "The Prelude Collection" - tradiioônal value... untraditionally'priced. 1 USt ore Hours: Qiosed Monday Tues.-Iburs. £~U&$SA 10.00-6:00 ~~VcEr« W HERAGE1.UE mte St.90-5:30,2 216 Mary Street, East, Whitby 668-3483, Toronto Line 686-0061 In-store Finandnig Available UAUL e ore uura aut thU çe budget process. increase over the 1991 local mriii rate. -S-RE PAGE 5 i .................................... Priorities out -of.ýwhack? To the. Editor Isn't it interesting that the Durham. Board of Education can get the go-ahead te spend $32 million on a new adiitration palac i ýthese despérate écnmetixnes <an.amount that will Most likely b. far exceeded before compietion), while our Town councilY cannot ifind enough cash in the treasury -te, continue the employent of 12 Town staff, whoprbaly have by now received termination notices? The good folk being laid off could possibly wind up on UIC and/or welfare through no fault of their own - the money te sustain them coming from us, the same tapyrfor them te, do nothing. Dowe not hveour priorities a littie out of whack? May I dare te, ask if the Durham board has plans te, reduce their staff aise, or do they have access,'to an unliniited source of funds net available'te, our municipality If they are short of space, how about supplying them with a few portables. After ail they'seem te consider them quite suitable for students te, be educated in. They say they have communication problems because Sie 16, Erly Bsrd s a i g g a they are operating a n different locations -have theynet heard of'. fax machines andAtii telephonie with conference-cail capability, costing ýa lot' less than ý$32 ,ifflion. MY company jis baaed in' eastrn Ontaie, with representatives i. Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Qkuebec City, and we have excellent- communication - it's just a matter of organization.1 It is 4nexcusable that the go-ahead should -have been given te spend $32 illion,,,ôi such a project at ti*iergrlessofd when the project -was iitiated Jncidentally 'dees this "figure include moving' expenses, or are theyâetra? Sucif* arrangements can b. cancelled.,if the -desire ýis there despite tii. politicianls arguments te thge contrary, for, their varieus it ;would appear that the echol bordbureaucrats are more 'important, than the peepWle who ýactually do the necessary, worký at -the municipal- level. I agree n hi ts instance .with Premier 1'Bob *Ras when h. recently intimated* that . the matter of regional governmnt must come under, scrutiiy .for its> relevance te today's needs. I feel, along with as great numiber of' other taxpae in t" and other a.gons r athis is a very coely andý uneesary levlel c',-f government w. ceuld get ý,along very well wi*thout.,Fouri' levels of government for the, size ;of .our ulation ludicrous,' it is Let's return -authority te our, local municipal couâcils where we are heard and let he/she who pays the pprcail the tune. John D.Townsengl Whitby Students showmore courage than parents To the e<itoe If you are a taxpayer for the Durham Regional Roman Catholic Separate School Board, talc. the time te, read this* letter. In the last three months, the, board bas proposed te the teacheri? association an offer that would have effectively amountpd te a direct 5.6 par cent increase n thlefirst, year, compounded by a ment .increase of 2.6 par cent réec eived by over 60 par cent ;of the,.teachers. 1 Tom Oldman, chairperson .of, the board, had indicated that this, offer, as it stood in early.January, would resuiti a 17 par cent tax increase. This was prier te tth. provincial government announce-' ment' that ail- achool funding increases would b. held te- one par cent. This can only increase the 17 per cent tax rais. that was originally necessary. The. teachers are asking for nine per cent plus menit increases (double- digit). .In- the ,last few weekis, the teacher? association has chosen te empiiesiz. the reason for the work-te-rule as, being job security and teacher/pupil ratios. Undoubtely, this is due te the negative response from the public and students te their extremely high wage demande. But do net misconstrue that job security and lower teacher/pupil ratios are not related te wage increases. The. board, fixed with' lowered pincial fnigofo.prcent and wae hce-h feih a centoealZol hae o n-lcy two 101 Mary St. W. #203, Whitby, Hours: Mon. - Fr5. 9 - m --IJ L9pm4RSn.AO4.pMW. ojptions., On. would b. te lower thfe number -of 'teachers and., therefere, -increase the teacher/pupil ratio as well as threaten teachers' job security.. The. teacherd- association recognizes that an exorbitant wage increase càniôn6* b. compensated for by ate Increase or reduction in teachers.#]>y éare negotiating t. ~vn h reduction i, ,teachers b guaranteed job 8sécùrify- and lower Tehe./pui aios. y o te th>stdent, minrofte faig .second :worki-to-rule ;in three -ye as aswellf as a lengthy strike, hve shownM more courg than toaet. They ,have had two well-organized and disciplined walkouts i the recent, weeks wit the 9oe-torue. They ha ve begun te face subtie intimidation from their teachers as a resuit of these actions.- 'Teachers wll rapidly lose their position as roi. models due te these activities.. It is time for the parents >te support their chldren. If you are unhappy- with the fact that you will b. facing double-digit tax increases when inflation is 6nly' 2.5 *per cent, then contact thîe board by phone orfax. If they'feel they have publi 'Àupotte may cho ose: te a ct in our faveur. Contact the 'board at 650 Rowsland R4d W., Oshwa, Ont L1J 7C4. ee on. 576-6150, ,fax 576-O5 Canerffld txyoe 8Ki St. W. Oshawa 436-..6242. Hours.Mon ".Fd.8 O1p-m, Sat. pr~m -. n4O - pT ' t'. Li

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