Whitby Free Press, 25 Mar 1992, p. 1

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No 3 ach2, 92 6pae DisatsfedDowntown Busi- nesm Improvemnent Area (DBIA) members were unable to per- suade council to delay approving tii. DBIA'u budget. Town -operations committe. voted lut, week to a pprove the. budget and send it téo council, despît. a r.quest for delay. elegation spokesperson Patri- ca Perkins told conilséhe had the. support of more than 100 DBIA, members in making her presentation. 5h. said the. 1992 budget pro posai les a <prernature docuent' -premature becaus. the. DBIA board iiasnt presented It to al membmrs ist called a> mem- bership meeting to diseus it and hasn't allowed members to vote on it. 5h. asked coundil te dela >approvai. until the. DBIA boar tauathe budget te a member- ship meetingl and receives'their approval, "thereby allowing thern te comte back te you with a non-controversial proposai. that has been prperlysaànctonedY» A heate exchange followed between Perkins and M ayo Tom Edwards over Perkins' rght te refer quetions from Councillor John osta te tthe, two other members ofiier delegation. At on.rjpoit Edwards threa- tened the checamiber after' a large number, of people sup- porting Perkins intei)ected in the argument. Whitby Chamber fCom- merc'sDeegat àonIii.DBIA- board, BobS8 , erad council a îd.peitMo from ,DBIA Pr.- sidentSeanHogue urgLng coun- cil te puthe. budget. Hogu. called thé. DBIA budget "prgrssveyet fiscaly respon- ible,'noting it has not increas.d since 1990. lie admitted changes in the. DBIA -are necessary and said the board islà r.ard te work diii- 1.ntly' with MDBJAmembers te. sgecuire the. future of the. down- tewn commercial area.' Stanley added that a neral membersip meeting will beheld, in April te present thi. buet and 'discues -board .plans 'S.ve will also b. looking for iput from membersagaiîn, nhow te best allocate thesfndaw Stanley said the. board reques- ted mnput from members im the January and February issues of the. DB- newsletter, but recel- ved litti. respns. 'W.feel. iVs time te pass this bdget so work on the. BIA can Wrce. e welcome and look te ail suggstons and input.we receive from tiie mem- bership... we are interested in listening teail members.' Stanley- assured, councullors that passig the. budget doesnt clos e door on changes that would b. suggested by the mem- b.rsbip at the. general meeting. Thi. bet was approved biy a record.d vote of 6-1, witii only Councillor Ross Batten voting =*attensaid. disgruntl.d mem- bers want te make sure tiie board is spending mon. i their best interest and thatthebudget should b. delayed until tiiey can do that. Battenchalleng.d ail disident members te go te the DBIA general meeting with a Positive attitude and give poitive inpu "yuenot going te attractbui ness te downtewn Whitby if you're battling- and figUig SEE PAGE 2 HABRY and Joy Thompion of. Whitby -wIH b. among those slling daffodil at varlous locations in the Whitby-Oshawa area as part of the April 2-4 Daffodil Festival, spon- sored by Beta Sigma Phi, to rais. fumds for the Cans4diau Cancer Socety. Organiers havre 10 bunches of daffodils to sel!, at a ýolt of $3 for a bunch of eight.' More volunteers are needed to as"iàI saes Cal! 725-1166. Froe Pr.%m photo Whiby alery stud. calis for>3 miliondolla *h t yArts Increorted ia hintebuild .a 10000sq.ft adl' twon4tte Station Gaileiy.ý The' expansion wouldbn gery saoe ta14,000 feet and ould ot a littie ov.r *3,O00000 - Whitby Arts wants the Town te a a liUttie, 1ove r *1,000,000 of that wt$ 350,000 te corne from industzy and the. communuty.1 It iiopes te geêt $1,000,000 from tii. Province and *700,000 from tii Fderai Gov.rnment A f.aaliity study completed I November, 1991 and rs- ted te Whitby Council ý,onda ngt lay out the. reasons for ti. Consultant NancyHushin, who did the. study, sys more storage space is needed te houa. thiegallerys 180 work collection, whié lasgrowing by 10 works a year. A proj.cted 61 percent icreas. i tii. population of Whitby over the. next ten- y.ars mùeana ýti. .xisting galery ."will be more than burstigat its sesms'ifi-t's not expsued says Hushin. Tii. addition would 'include two studios for expaud.d use byI school children, 'gr.atly in- creas.d" exhibition spac*, a much largergalery .wititwo, floors san reaI office, for graller director Linda Paulocâlk ». Hurài says it would bô n'ice te, have the expansion-fiihed.by 1995 - "w. can tiiink of no bitter way té celebrate .25, yersof of inviolvement M- Whitb y thanwith thi ..of thi. xpanded G e> Hsiibin says the. gallery is v.ry well used by the. cornmuity. A 300. person, randomi tel. piione survey Hushin says she conducted, found 78'percent of people caled wer. <'fullyaware of thý gale75' sud.8percentha Il Wigy prop.t-Commit- tee Chair. Bruc unt says tii. board w-ntebrea4y ,te.meet the "ilaarts 1neqis Of, -an ezpandiiig Whitby lin-the. 2lst century Hunt isays Whitby Artos await- n for fuindin eb approv.d b.~~~ aetkn erject beyond the. study sta-ge. "I "Wouldn't lire te.leaveyo ncsrly- with the. imPression .that 'w,'re her. for *1,00,000 temorrow- that would b. delightful if you want te-write thei- ciiequ - but 1 don't anti- . Istad e asked counci te include --the. gallery witiiti otier"sgniicntcapital, Pro0- busnes eWS i Dis ident merchants loseé bid to deélay 1992DBTA budiget Suresignsofprn See age2.. 2

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