Whitby Free Press, 25 Mar 1992, p. 20

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)'A(IE 20, WîIrrnY ME PRILE8ý MWEDNESDAY, MARC 25, 1992 HO E tosWh tb intosaentfia <Whîtby's M & M Mente mqjor atoin A teain lost in the finals of -AGES: LOCATION: DATE: TIME:.'l the. meent Belleville AA, atomn tournament. , 5 years to 20 years (1985 -.1971) Iroquois'Park Complex 500 Victoria St. W., Whitby Sat.,,March 28,ý1992 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Rosemary Theriault- 666-3636,, Maureen Linkater-6820 GEMINIGYMNASTICS SUMMEÈR PROGRAMS (For 3-l2yrs.) 110OScotia Court Whitby 853 Farewell Ave. S. Oshawa Recreationai Camp $75/wk Kindergym Camp $60 General Camp $40 1 Stretch, & Strength- Camp $14 id Teen Camp $28 j Recreational Camp- $31.50 Kindergym Camp $4 * Early Registration Special * $10 OFF CAMP PROGRAMS Register over the phone or in person. Contact Janet WVylie at 576-9517 Summer camp programs include wegekly special guests, out trips, daily cmafts, games, drama & gymnastia instutton (except for general camp). Our regular gymnasilo programs have been shorteried to one week pedods making t easier for you to plan COME 'INFORA PLEASANTLY SURPRJSING DEAL! 1992 Plymouth Sundance & Acclaim GET, 5.9% FINANCING OR 1,000 REBATE Oldest Established Chrysler Dealer hIDudrham Region Ai veNd e re us lrolht (V $630SM.Cdl $39OSud.ice $42. Aotm $525,Dynahi>, $575). Iko tax, É ocifien lxwool PT Slcre ~ odsmyno be oxacly as lkistraW. Fiomu3.9% ldgavab on solclod modelsmaxmn 48 moeitinoanio untoe.&C.' Eg. 1 0,0M0 ai 3.9% ltnancbIg ovoe 48 motipymL- $22534, GOB * 816.32.Rete on ooed modula orehiymxioaseod tadeaior. 89.0W lnamdog ond robaos cann obeod. Seo doi eà dli MACITSHCRYLR LMOTLD ýIN 'DURHAM wff THE WHITIBY MINOR LACROSSE ASSOCIATION LAST OFFICIAI REGISTRATION M MuMr 27 6.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. Iroquois Park Soi Mur 28 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. troquais Park After mur 28, you cou register ut: Noe Ployer Clinics Rap Toai Tyu PoigJohn Mwdoaon ai 401-9930r NEW PLAYER'l CLINCS' Amil I 5.00p». - 6.00p.m. Year hm 6, 87, 88 Socoer GIyý Ap1 6.00p.m. - 7.00p.M. Year hem 83, 84, 85 Somr (ly Arl4 6.00p.m. - 7100P.m. Year hem 81, 82 Secoer City Apn 4 7.00p.m. - 8.OOp.m. Year hem 80 and eider Souor City Apl8 6.OOp.m. - 7.00p.mn Year hm 6, *87, 88 SroeMln Aplt 8 7.00p.m. - 8.00p.m. Year hemn 83, 84, 85 Breekln Aptil 10 l.OOp.m. - 8.OOp.m. Year hemi 81, 82 Breekilu Apri 10 8.00p.m. - 9.OOp.m. Year hem 82 and eider Breaicin F« imore informatifon ccli 404-8938 Wbitl ywon' the -first gaine against ingsLnr53. N ýtý wasNiagaFalls AA' and si ygaining tounament fomolkte away with an 841 < tb went on te tth. over= carbor a71vitr undef iiidound oi l~ Once agai, Whitby played w great- entiiusiasm,, pinpoint passingand*,Ifstskatiad came out en to8.1. ,fn out of six.tournaments. Their oppoeets ,once again wer < ~Wh Witby dominating play throulghonutthe gaine, outsiiotng thimr opnents 46-25, the. scor wae deadlocked after two periods at 2-2.' Whitby didn't, let up for the. third sither as, they outahot their opponenta 19-4 ini t"sframe, but couldn't get' -on.eLby the. hot KW M mltëndr,,who nabbed 1 bonm fo thegain. as Whitbycmeot nti.W=9n end ofa S5-2 sc oe.t h Kingstnputc.m in ti.h empty net. Jstn lbrry wa awarded pIaye MVP for WMitby in tie,.«ch p onhp gaine. Outstanding in gas were Ciiuck Col.. and Phillhp Greeneni whIo pro e-e tii. aiù , witii -excellet v.ini ail fvegaines.' Scoing 'for' thei.tournment came off the sticks of Justin Terryp seven goals, six assists; Tween Bs thirÉd- in Ajax tournament tBy's Dodd & Souter tween tiey Claye to that teawns lowest B ringete teincompleted -a score otecompetition. reet orament in Ajax witii a But WhitIîy could net 2-2 record. capitaliz. on their socring S WhitLby .faced tie. strongest epportunit i n the frgt 'two teami frst in tins tournamentanes and dd rnet quai r or tdu toig 6-t Lindsay and 4-2 te fnl Inishing third n the. Ennismre .. five-teai group. In their third qame, Wuty Scoring for Whitby were: Annie playdti atAa ei n Henderson, three goals six 00 7O assiste; Ainsley Hunt, two goals Tii.fourtii gaine saw Wity three assitg; %TamraWiesiolek, beit anNAax petite teain 6-1. four goals, one*asmis#' Lisa Coolie Sain Siieppardloset her -Corcoran, on, goal, four assiste;, chance at a second shutout witii Tania Cainpeau, six goals; Brea leM than two minutes ta play. Bligiit two goals; Luanne Whitby played extremely wefl MàFçLnzi,, two assists; Lindsay defenudvely- tiroughout the. Mâllad,ý two assistg; Laura tournainent lmiting >every teain Crawford, on. asost. Whitby soccer te«ý.am ousàted in semi-final* WhiitbY's under-13 boys rep soccer, teain reached the semi-finals at a .ane-day tounment on Marcii 17 at Soccer World in Ancaster., hIthe. first gaine, Whitby on od vry controlled uri)tn5-O. Fullbacks Shaun ranY, Resu Dunn and *Jason Brow played a solid defensive gaine in support of goaltender B annCedar. »Whitby g oal-scorers *were Jonathan vanderVen (2), Neil ,Gladstone Jasn Schleiffer and Murray Màaregiano.. In the second game, Whitby ,pa: avery strong, offensive c erng teain. In a tougii gaine, Pickering defeatedý Whitby 3-1. Gladstone and Aaron Nichoils played a strong gaine athaliback. Sean Sorensen recorded Whitby's niarker. I gaine three, Whit1y blanked Soccer World Ancaster 12-0. Cedar *recorded his second shutout, witii guest player Rtainey playing a strong. supportive rôie. on fullback. Goals were,.scored by Sorensen (3), Marciiegiano (3)v Gladstone (2)j, Duncan < 2) and Niciiolla (2). In the, semi-finals, Whitby played a sEtrong Mt. Hamilton teain holding thein to a 1-1 tie for meat of tiie gaine before Whitby-, succuinbed te a 4-1 defeat. The strong duo of Rainey and Duncan supported. Cedar Who eayed an mnpressive gaine for Sorensen, scored Wbitby's Selee tsedged',in Lieonto' Whitby innornovice selects, sposMrd by James Dick, grtes, saw Fbuaend on a low note,loszngthieîrlast two gana gaintHU mber Valley and tiie Oshawa Black Hawks by scores of 3-1 and 3-O respectiv.ly. Scoring Whitby's only goal was Allan Watson. However, Marcii brought higier siitsaidhigiierSoing witii two wns againat Bowmanville by msoe of 4-2 and A pair of goals in thiefirst, gaine were. credited ta Shan. Heay, witii otiiers gng ta, Nick' Verkuyl and Mattiiew Graham. Nicholas -Headley had three assists, wii a Erging te V.rkuyland *lsÇ"te Ronue- Robertson and Healy. < A -pair of goals in thi econd game went te V erkuyl, witii singles going te Robertson, Justin Poftte and Héadley. Grzahain picked up three amists witii a pair going te Rdbertaon and singles ta Headley, Watsoeu and John Gfflard. l.minor novice select. re.ty paricipatedin the. Cnalio n msietournment in Oshawa. They w.re soundly beaten in their firat gaine by the. Markhain Thunders byv a scrýet f5-. Whitby bounc.d back in their seod am with a 4-2 victory ovr shwa Black IHawks. Verkuyl had *a hat tLick,4 with tiie other goal gaing ta Chris Simpoon. ean Keay and Patter a aPairCf asia with otiiers S2 go Headleys akmn and A winwas needed intith ird gaine In '"dr ta advance to the. finals. How.ver, Whitby' bot a -close ,battl.with Osiiwa 'Red Wing ~y ascof< 2-1. Patter pocketodtu«o*yunassistsd goal. 1The. Iaaltonding teain cf Matthew Redshw and. .Patriick Duran.Iý was astounding for Whitby through6ut the. tournament. SA SOTBALLASSOCIATION GENERAL REGISTRATION Whbitby select hockey NINORATON q @uI1wKhm àmaah8 Wldtby àmnGub"s lm" id WbIa~ O 4hbrnwa Simula GOULDB4G PARK WURKÀIIqT Manh 15 Wbttb1~8~Î1dlnwhgk I O 8 NWag.. Wbitby 0- , uAlmm O 1hifl 3ra LNHluiWlq BrantFiahet four gouls., eight ~it;Mike Ovsfour -goal%~ f=ourai= ;Paul Helnrichtwc goals, six asssts Shane Nei, five goals, two assists, DerSk Ackfoed, dn.goadisaista; Neil ZMa oad, three < als, three aèOisti; Mathew Srami&two goals, forasmits;JoshHehr w Brenrand Sammie Sche.poers, two >assista eah. Whitby ruhed froenBelleville to Pickering.for a lay" 1off consoation round e. vfth ail bleg t- y layer MIght othave muh lCrin th.m, the oneagain sowedý true grit as they sktdpas archrival Plckering &-3. STe'"yland Scheeper led tii. Flherty, Neil and IJanrich one ëlea h. Chornolae and auist . ch pped in wt n Whitby baswon fow cf thesix 'tournamenta they have entened tis year. Whitby men's hockey oeffJam aSCL ,.Eh àfiag.Jua.d Dm lM=& l Tom&WI Cm Orni ekoer Guy ,It Do.WIl Bob Mmnat8 BonDob Dos M.CU8 oWl"r Mw ar" 2 lkluuIf * fii;Nop JIMudqTm 0Wun DoIVombyL8EqBT Fi A, P Oa1 b S 0 aos GLmT2'0 14as >1o 7 <2 1J2 0 15.2 3 0 0a3 17 7oou CWLM 21L018 4' DrnUdOMCbqios- 81:1O184 I5' At& torlqf. .1 2 0 18 2il 2 Bloy'MLunoepo1 0 1" 12517 1 -3

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