Whitby Free Press, 25 Mar 1992, p. 23

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WITBY FIREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2riy 1992,,PAGE 23 Whitby manufacturer-has more than., doubledw'ork f orces-ince.December By Marlo Boucher WEQU lhas added 76 new Jobs ini Whtb ince December and plans to coontinue tao w and expand despite the economic cli- mate. S ixty-two of the new jobs were in the plant and 14 more employees were added in, the office, for a new total of 127 WËGUdesgnaand makes a variety of custom rubber mould- ing and plastic products. Halfof its products are expo- ted outaide of Canada - theDre has been a signifiant incrase ini business on, the domestic markcet since Wegu once had 95 per cent foreign, xp= t, said PRinhard Kezchiefo eating officer with held lateeapress conference He said the company ls ship- pig maller quantities but now hs' a larger network of custo- mers in Canada, the United States, Germany, Spain and other countries. Kelz said the company. now serves 500 clients, a drastic in- crease from the 20 clients of flot so lIong ago. "We look for diversif 'inge market which is ,a avtage ur«garýecession,» he said. WEGU can tak a company ' product firom concept to comple- ton, d provides such services asdesi!n engineering, tooling developmet, materials analysis, F rottyp e testing and manu- Kelz a'd the company hafna plans ta expand its building but rather make better use of eist- W~Uwill try ta continue ta expand within the next few, years, doing it stop by sitep, he said. The company bas a lot ta offer with its product and service ta Whitby and Durham Region, he r said. The Germnan-based company tirst opened in Whitby in 1973 and recently bought ont Cardinal Rubber Manufacturing in Osh- awa, a company that was going out of business thus saving, many jobs, he saii. ' Mayor Tom Edwardse, who attended the press -conference, said the Town is delighted the# company le reaching ouit ta, get more business and eàpand des- pite the recession. X WEGU's expansion hasled té, job creation ih Whitby and "we want taô saluts this company for its efforts,» he said. owMfc OWMC award rec'ognizes top waste reducers By Chdse Stad&om luas rurcoenpany groatly redcedtohaMardous wast? If it bas, it may be eligible for OWMCés utotanding Waste Reduction Performace AwardL "Were encouraging anl comnestaapply for the award1" Smays prm co-ordinator Med Knotovcik. "We wantto-hear fram co .anes tbat demI with relavely .nall amounts cf bazardous waste, as weil as the very large gays. (Hazrdou wasts are materials that» are- regulated under the. Enviromental Protection Act and requirespca cure in their handling, storag and dispoa. Applications wil be evaluated by five '.waste mngmn expets. hey iilgive high mrsfor emplcoree commitment ta waste reduction and ideam that can be. implemented by ôtbier, companiesKostovcik aya. Last years wumer stands out on bath coumts. Snc. 1988 EsSx Specialty Products 0f &Lonnha cut hazardous waste by 97 per cent. The company, wbich makes urethane adhesives for the autpStive industry, also recyclesr much of its Sold waste. Plant manager Dennis Burgin smys its waste reductionprga la a sucesa because of omployeS involvement and willingness ta change aId ways of doinu things. escame fromin idua on the shop floor and they snowboiled," .ho says. For example, one persan1uggeted installing a device inthfe mixerta eliminate messy cleanouts. Another idea waa -ta reuse material from sampling lines instead of sending it for incineration. These' and other measure saved Essex Specialty Products more than $170,000 laat year. Provincial Enviroment Minister Ruth Grier preSented Burgin with the OWMC award, a & Iffle, at the Technology T rer Conference in Navember. At a ceremony in London, OWMC chairman and president Dr. Donald Chant presented certificates to each of the company's seven employees But the best part of winnig the award bas been the booait s iven ta the company's image says Burgin. 'Winning the aac bas greatly enhanced recognition of the company liy aur parent corporation and hy the APPlions for the 1992 Employer. in Durham Region are sending mixed signala about hiring intentions for the spring montha accoeding ta resulte of the la±est e mployment outlook survey fromn Manpower TempoaySirvices. Inannounicing resuits for the second quarter of 1992, JoAnne Prout i0*9al Manpower spokespersan, reported, "0f the area employers surveyed- about hiring plans, 19 pr cent expect ta add more workera during the Apri/May/June period and 19 per cent foreaat worforce reduction. OutstandingWasteReduction PerormnceAward must be receved by May 30. For details and an appliaton form oeil Mel Kostovcl at (416),,923-2918. Outide Torontoý oeil tail-free 1-800-268-1178. "Another 50 per cent foresee no cang incurrent, staffing levela and Il par cent are unsire 0f hiring plans." Last sprngt by compaison, the prqjections were even lesu prorming, with 10 per cent of the employers intonding ta increase the number of wekers and 24 per cent forecasting cutbacks. Job opprtunities appai: best this spin n non-durale good manufacurng, while workforce reductiona areforecaatinadurable goad manfactring and Christine Staddon -s a communications offmcr witk the Ontario Waate ,Management Corporation a rojwiaCroies agency reapona fr improig hazardous waate management in thle provinoe. Employment fluctuations are exrpected in ýconstruction, transportation/public ýutilities and services. 1On a national. basis, prospects are weil below histarical norms for this time cf year. .A totalof 18 per cent of thase interviewed said- they would add employees during, the period, but 15 par cent plan staff decreases. The resuits 0f sIiar' quartera before 1991 consistently bave -been much more.'flivourable. %rsent optimisin appears limiited ta amaler Cihies. Did you know thaàt most people spend more time planning their annual vacation than planning their financial future? If this is a worry to you then eall me for an overview of your finane il health... Included in our discussion will be: Finnclal Call me now for an overview of your financial health!'ý Concept DEREK DUTKA Serving the Whitby - Oshc, Group awaArea 416-434-6119 li fý

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