Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 17

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______ ______ ______ ______ _____WHITY ,FlE PRESS, WEDNESDAYAPRIL 1,1992, PAG1Rl7, __________A HOME DESIGN AND IMPROVE MEN T FEA TURE Enhancing thec eilings in your home This article ia prouided by local rwaltoea and the Ontunot Real Est ate Association (OREA4)/fS the benefit of consumera lin thereai estate market. 1Aide ,.from checlns periodicaily --for cacks cobwebe, lhow often do you look at your ceilinga? Usu¶U taken for ganted, ceýilng tondto be tho [east-noticed area of any rcom. However, thycan provide 1a whtri i are priclal wn- h y r pintod in an accenàt colour, or -flnishod with wood. Thesmeoffects draw the oye upwards, making tbe room seetn taller and often laffr. Doponding on -te 'ffoct you want to -achiove, you ca'n do marvellous tliing to tiie visue dimensions of a rom sqiply býr changing the coýour or texture or the ceiling. There are many othei waystoiehance ceiig as well, 13c asskylights, peia lghting cen fans or even ceiling f you re, thinking of dramatically changing the. ceiling in one of your rooms, it may also b. a good time 'te, consider installig extra insulation -- particularly if you have an oldor homef.' And, if noise is a problem in your home, you may want te' think about instaiing acoustical tules ini rooms that tend te b. noisy -- such as workrooms or entertainment areas. Consider options Before you embark on any particular plan, take a gcod look at te rom ou wnt o cane and think carefully about the effect you want te croate. Do you want te invoke a large, open and airy feeling, or do you want the room te ho more orfa c ok? Texture and colour play an important part in creating your special effect. Wood, for instance, works well on coilings, but ie not always considered as an option, perhaps because it tends te be a littie more expensve. However, when installed on a ceiling, wooden planldng can liven up a room immensely, giving it a cosier, more oarthy appearance -- particularly if you have simple, country decor. Another popular idea is te expose existing ceiling beams - a technique that works .well in rooms that are accented with large amounts of wooden furnituro and antiques. Victorien touch .As more and more cosuumers get caught up iu Victoriana, pressed metal ceiling- panels - often referred te, as -tin - are becolm n a ppular option. Light4iht and<>relatively easy te, inbstailthese' panolsare stamped with various patterns& This inaloa perféct way tecover up a damaged cdig Other optima Skylights are anothor option te consider, if youre happy with an oxisting ceiling but want te liven it up by bringing in more light. -Lighting can also ho a key olement .lin drawing -more attention teyour coiliug's, as well as onhancing the oveml effect of your room.. , Coiling fans are another popular* option. These units are, often' combinod with lights te serve a dual puroe- providing light and cicî tn air. Coiling murai are yet another option. If you are a budding artist, or you know someowh o i, this is.somothing you may waut to, cousider, especially if you want ta crate a very distinct and unique look, Whatever choice you decide te mnake, ho sure te use- your imagin-atio and don't ho afraid of trying otnow ideas. Consuit design ubictons and -experts for more infrmton and ideas. Feel cramped? Expand youriving space FROM PAGE 16 rcoms without- tho bothor of having te build anextension. And ail hasics are alread in place.. 1Before you start makiW plans, howevor, cc1k wtiyour municipality to es..about restritions and permits. Most prect. roquire a permit. Make sur yo exloe this carefuly hofore poceng with any work. Basent. and attice Your basement ta a veritable goidmine' for expanion. This is ueually the. first part of a houes homeowners look te when conedorlng expansion. Base- monts are pepular areas for family roomg, hobby roome *ztrw=ineutareas, spae rooms, even li&mioffices. Whon ineulated and moisture- proofed, basement rooms provide unique hideawa frm the man activity centres of your home. If your basement is alreaýdy finished and you stiil require more rom, you- may want te consider renovating your attic. Dopendung on tlieir sie, attics can aloo provide extr a sc for a busy growing houeehold.- When fittec with skylighta and dormers, they noed not feel small ana confling. [à If youre seriouely thinking about. tus possibilityp youil as have te cosidder how this portion Of t,'he houses will ho accessed. Obviously, you won't want te have te go through a bedroom or closet te, get te this extra living space. Also keep fire safety in mmnd when planning attic conversions, or any home improvement projocts. Bofore your embark on any particular plan, it's a good idea te, coneuit with the appropriate experts te sme what types cf options are available te you. If lack of stage space saBe orn e the main problem in your home, sud youWr faced with a restrictive budget, you may decide te merely convert your attic ito a more accessible and efficient storage ara instead cf an elaborate family room or guest suite. If you have a garage that is attached or part of your homo, you may want te consider turning this space inte extra living sapace. Garage mr generally roomy enough te croate an extra room or two -- or e ven an accessory apartmoent. Again, it'. imperative te check local building code restrictions before you start planning, te, make sur this type cf conversion is aflowed. Thon get several quotes from contractors te make sure your plans are within your budget Other idoas 1.You, -can exj>and your living space i many other ways as well. What do noveliat Harold Robbins and the Blue Jars Mike Flanagan have iu conimon? They both iiijured themselves by slipping -in their showers. Both macle the news. Robbins uearly died. Every year'in North America, tiiere are more than 300,000 wepo?«I. slip-fall accidents. Twelve thousand were fatal. In 1985 the Na- tional Safety Couneil in the United States estimated more than 120,000 inuries lu bathtubs alone. Falls account for 29% o! all home deaths - tihe #l iller lu your.home. Everycue là proue te such accidents but especallythe elderly and disabled. Slip.fall- accidents are the~ number three kier of people aged 50 and up. Bathmats and various types of appliques have al- ways beon the standard solution te the problem but these tend te get dirty and unsightly and ueed te ho replaced regulaly. Now thore is another way. Ultra-Grip is an ivisible treatment that can ho applied te any porcelain, ensimel or tii. surface. It's permanent and if's guaranteed te laut for 10 years. The. kIller in your bathtuh la tii. combination of a hard smooth surface and the. water that acts as a lubricant. Uâm-aGrlp la a microscople etching procesa that works wlth the water te produce a srata a irtualY slip proof. Ultra-Grip was invonted by a Canadien chemit in the'mid-80'slun direct respose tea serious fa. Originally conceived as a commer- For example, you could add on a smal solarium te, an exing family room or lditchen te croate additional space and bring more light inte your'home. If mqjor renovations aren't within your -budget limitations,ý coSidder visually expanding yOur living quarters, by adding skylighta or extra windows. Otnte rmal of a wall can do wondete open up a room and croate .a 'roomie?, atmos- phere. ciel product, it is uow iu wldespread use -by hotels, health clubs, hospitals, nursing homes, restaurats and other places where wet floors may be a potentiel hazard. Commercial opera- tions and employers are particularly conoerned about liability and compensation dlaims. Now through a local distributer, CALLRICH services, it 18 available te homeowners as weILl Application takes only about 15 minutes wlth enother 30 mnutes te cure' and the. coat le only $39.95 for a normai batiitub or shower. CALLICH offers discounts 4 te seniors and the. disabled. The. treatment lu no way changes the appearance of your 'tub and no special cleanlng procedures are re- quirecIt wll not wash off as -. ~it la not a coatiug. ~~h The, treatmnent aalob used on tii.- bathroom floors, tule or marbie vestibules or even on pool docks, but these applications require additional test- ing because of the. wide range ofmnanufacturers and their materlals. -If ail tues sounds a little too good te be true, Rlch Krechowlcz, owner of CALLRCH servi'ces wll happllycome te, your home te give a free no-bligation demonstration of the. product. Ultra-Grip is only ou. of the productsansd services distributed by CALLICH Services. The company describes itself as a "unique blend of unique services for home and business.", It is also a supplier and distributor for Niagara sud other energy sud water conservation devices for home and industry. (CALLRICH) protect the ones you love wuth UlItra G rip th TI-L-ILý A P R 1 L 25 PERKINS PAINTS WINDOW & WALL COVERINGS 107 BYRON ST. S WHITBYo 668-586ý Advertlsemeflt There's a- killer lin your bathroom PARA P A 1 N T S & C 0 A T 1 N G S

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