Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 20

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PAGEZ 20, WH1TBPMEEPRMS, WENFaDAY, AFIL 1, 1992 Chate pesentation heldý for Octago n Clu'b On Thursday, March 26 the. Octagon Club of Brookiin P.d its official charter presentation and officer induction nlght. Tii. Optimlst Lt. Governor Central Ontario District ;f Optinlt IntrnatIonl and OptWmit youth chair Brian Wick were on hand hi upeak about the. potive future the. hlgh ochool stdnta wilU have as members of the. secod Octagon- club li Durham Reglon.- Brookiin Optimist president Grant Milluoon pr.enpted the charter cerifcate hi <)ctagon charter presideht Brock Heron'of BrookMl. octegon club oEffl were thèn sworn i as charter members anzd preuented wlth -certifictes mdcating their respetive offces O0ýPEN HOUSE M MR S Sat. Apr. 4th ý- Sun. Apr. 5th7 10:00 arn - 5:00 pm EASTER &'SPRING OPE N HOU0Ãœ ,S E SJust for you this Easter we've hand-made a good selection of outslde -door accenits iii aprlng colours. You wiIl find a varlety of enchanhlng plceure frames, hooked rugs & tinware along with our popular swags. Please corne &enjoy a Srelaxed shoppi ng atrnoaphere. r 76 WINCHESTER ROAD BROOKUIN 655-3059 ACROSS FROM ARENA PEDICARE QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL F IN YOUR HOME 0 Nails cut, filed and thinn Ab Corns and callouses renr 4b Diabetic care provided For appointment cali: 666-9882 Ka "OOTCARE ed noved ,aren L. Brady RN. Christa Kaing wi01 serve as secrtaiy Brandon Spanger as ftreaurer Steve Webb as vice-preuident eand directors are Genny Kin& Rey Pato and Leanfie Swain. Somieof the officers wll attend a four-day workshop at Terry FPm Centre' in Ottawa, hi develop their leadership siilse and develop long-rang plans for tihe club. So fer, the Octagon members have been worklng togther on a =strate ' to convince> Whitby ccil hi provide .pTublic trnotton ilom rooklln h The membershope hi invite Wilim Gryli, Town superintendentu oftrnsotataU% hi a club meeting hi explai the challeng they have ahead. The. Octagon members woud 11k. hi hold a fundraising danc in Bokh.but o fez thoey have been unalehobtain flacilitefo a reasonable pric. Anlother' prQject the youth mmbersare. wor ogn -,in a d6dl dro-incentre. The. cntre uodb upervlsd by volunteer aduit chaperons during _ »opn Again,. sutable locatio n l being ogt after. <If anyone from the, commùunity hean ym mç% a,_tg sOUit vice-presdent -Brian Banquet wraps up learnutouski progrm A- banquet at Dagmar<Ski Rtesort i Ashburn wrapped Up 10 weeks of sikiing for the 25 children i the Optimist 'Club of Brookiins Learn to Ski irogrm. Tiheporan which ran Saturdaynitsfo 5:30 to 10 p.m., included sixweeks, of instructional ski lessons lI order ,to Ã"qualit for selection in the program this year, youth aged 8 to 13 had to <ission on the Water' will b. presented at Burns Presbyterian Uhurch, Ashburn on Sunday, April 5. Tlhe show with Barb and Bill Watts of ûeavenbound Minis- tries, will start at 8 p.m., follow- acdessert teamat 7p. or more information oeil 655- 4501 or 65"-084. m mmm mmmm mmqm II h I PEPPERuonI *dodo o pprg vey e 5 ah altxincluded) * Pick uponi . p ires . 30/92. One cou@2n LDr rson or visit. I IER NTFO I' Ilas 0 f Pc»pPza I Ia write a letter explaining whythey should .b. selected from -tii.40 epplicants. None of the aplica't elected had ever skhed beore the pagm begam O)ptimist members Maàrg Kainay, Rick ,Gaidychuk, Rbr Baker, lCeithWick andErueiin Wickattnd. eeh week te help thi. students develop ski«ng mklis Hobbyi sts wanted- for show Durham Region hobbyists cen participate in the second annual Country Craft and Collectibies Sale li Brooklin June 6 and 7. The. sale is p art of the Brookiin Spring Pair. Fair board members ar eking topquality entrants froÃ"m tii. region to rent space .to display their items at the'sale. For more informaâtion cal Lià at 655-4752 or 985-9251. 7-ýý Library progr ams soon begin. A « Sp 'mgPresohool' wil ha held for children hatween the. of3-1/2 and 5 on Nrenesdays, 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Ther. will b.six semsso, beginning April 8 and .nding May 13. Registration will hagin April i. '%iy Tots Stou'yime' for chfidren aged 2 and 3 will b. held on Tuesdys, 10:30 te la. starting Ai 14, running for four -w.. s until Ma 5. Registration.wMllbeginApri1.i Every Saturday, 10:30 hi 11:30 a.m., ther. i. the. Brooklin Libray Chiidren'ls Club for children aged 4 and older. Ther, are stories, crafts, gae > anid' movies. No registration. For more information cail the Brçokiin branca6539.~ .4. With this coupon Valid 7 daysa week 4pm, when you buy TWO ' " to 1lOpm at the Whitby entrees at the va u location. Not valid' Whitby Golden owith any other Griddle Family specials, Restaurant, the promotional lesser priceda * offers, coupons or *',discounts, entreeis Free! $ 5 Coupon expires GYOLDEN î May l7th, 1992. G~MDL~EAt a tasty price!

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