Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 25

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WHITB FREE PRESS, WEDNEIgDAY, APRIL 1, IM9, PAME25 Season*s tournament record outstanding Atm claïm conslatons i 'nNaar al Whitby's M & M Meats major atom A team were consolation champions at a recent tournament. For thi.mason, Whitby entered moen teurneys, were four times champions, consolation champs once, finalits once, with an overall teurnament record of 25 wins, four losses and one tie. The latest teurnament was in Niagara -Fail, and the. team faced the hoet team in their flrst game and came out on top 5-2. 7 The. next hurdle was Oakville AA and VWhitby respondod once again with a 4-2 win. Ths~u the team in the. sem-fio.Their next opponent was AA Richiond HRIl. Whitby showed a deternmined eýffort, getting ahead 2-0, but ran out of gas te osee6-20 Noit Up was AA Bowma nville in the semi-finals. Once again a great effort by -ail had Whitby outplay 'and outshoot, their opponents buit come out on- the wrong end of a 5-1 score. This put ,Whitby in, the consolation ch .npionship gaine against AA Sarna. It looked bad for Whitby as they were down by a 3-0 score in'. the firat four minutes of the game. But they nover gave up and the grmo completely turned around as Whitby wont ,ahead,5-3 *by the third .period. 'And without some excellent goaltending by the. Sarnia goaltender, Whitby could have been ahoad by at loasttre or four goals. But tii. Sarnia tear nenver lot up, and roared back te tie the score at r>5 te force overtime. It didn't«take long forWhitby te grab the. win. They cmltl dominated ,thé. êvertime, w. Brant Flaherty with excllent assfoi eMacDonald and PaulChornobay put it by the Sarnia netminder te capture -the consolation, championaiiip for whitby. Ovorali teurnament' scoring for Whitby:.Flaherty three goals, six assista; MacDonald four goals, four assista; Justin Torry, *four goals, two assiste; Derek Ackford, two goals, two assists; Chornobay, four asista; Shane Neil, one goal, two assista; Stacy Bromner, three assista; Mathow Smith, two goals; Paul Heinrich,, one goal, one assist; Josh Houther, one goal, and with one assist each were Miko Orviss, Sammie The Whitby minor novice selecta, sponsored by James Dick Aggregate, recently- playod a close gaine against the. Oshawa B.d Wings that ended in a 1-1 die. Although Whitby had their chances; they couldn't cash in their shota te pick up the win. Nick Verkuyl scored the. lone goal Tops in Thornhill FROM PAGE 22 featured two uncieteated teanis, Whitby and Agincourt. Ini a low-scoring gaine, Whitby edged Agincourt 2-1. Defencemen Bob Middieten, Danny Lynch, Ryan Jamieson, Chris Velacich, Graham and Dickson played a solid gaine in support <f co-goalies Scott Thompson and Erie Carter, who came up with an excellent gaine. Tim Fonnessey earned tii. MVP 'award 'as ho scored both goals for Whitby. .Othor teamn members include Mike Mclvor, Paul Matusiak and .Mark Thompson. Scheepers and Ryan McArthur. The teain also completed their consolation round playoffa with a £rst-place finish as they wont undofeated with six wins and one ti. in the. round-robin format, defieatin Pickering, Ajax, StufIe and Uxbnidge. Playoff scoring w.as by Jerry, five goals, nine assista; Neil six gol, four assista; Hleinnich, five gol, four assists; Smith, two goals, eigiit assista; Ackford, one goal, seven assista; Flaherty, three goals, four' assista;, with help from Chris and NickHeadley. Simpson Whitby was left high and dry in their next gaine againat Little Britain with a final score of 4-1. Again, Verkujyl picked up tiie only goal with tii. help of urtis iAndeil and Sean Keay. Breaking their slump, WVhitby came back flghting againat Thornliill,' popping in tire., goals in the. firat period alone. Thornhils spark came too littie, too late, and WVhitby held the iead te, win 5-3. Verkuyl was the firat te, score again, with a pair oif goals going te, Headloy. Simpson and Justin Potter picked up the other goals. Simpson collected a Mar <of asssta wlth othors goeng te Verkuyl, Scott Beetham, Matt Graham and Bonnie Bobertson. The. defensive tearn, led by goaltenders Patrick Derrane and Matt Bedshaw, have .-,-,been wOInhard al season. They are Mic=fe James Atkçins, Beothain, John Gilard, Adain Hurnt Gregory Tsaglis and Allan Watson. Scheepors, two goals, three assiste; MacDonald, one goal, four assiste; Orvis, four goals; McArthur, one goal, three assista; Chornobay ana Huother, eauh Kingston defeatod Wity4-2 in the fifth and.deciding game of a quarter-final mseor the Eastern Ontario major, midgot AAA hockey championship. Whitby won the firt game of the monoès 5-3 on March 11. Kingston thon won 4-3 to tie the series,. Whitb won 3-2 on March 15 bofore Kingston foroed a fifth game with a 2-1 win on March 21. Kingston was to play Rich- mond Hill to determmne the Eas- tern Ontario champion. Whitby ýhad previously bast to Oshawa ini the Ontario play- downs. Oshawa oventually won the Ontario title. Sikating club annualmeeting on April 9 The Whitby ]Figure Skating Club will hold it. annual genoral meeting at the municipal building meeting ha on TIhursdy, Ari 9, at 8 p.m. An éeoction oif the - 1992/3 executive will take place. Tii. minutes -of- the sat annual general meeting will b. aprved, andreotwill berea the 1991-9 ul eneral meeting executivo.1 AUl adult members, honourary members, and parenta/guardians <if skaters are encoufraged te- attend. with two. goals, one a"eit;* and Bremner, one asst. Whitby finished their season with an excellent overail record oif 62 win% 21 losses and fivo ties. STUDENTS AT Father Leo J. Austin Searate School blow into« bage at a LungAsoitn non-smoking demnonstration. A special mabie measures how much carbon dioxnde is in their expfred breath, whlch indicates how much carbon dioxide is in the blood. The association offers atudents a chance, to sigu lgp for a smokiýig cessation Program. - i' L.L~~ ~gto byMmYX B.mor, wàur iTe 17 'Healthy Sexuality' Forums on self-responsibili.ty Marion Balla, co-director oif tii. Adlenian Centre for Counselling and Education âi, Ottawa, wiil discus 'Making Decisions Ros- ponsibly' at Henry Street High &chool on Tuesday, April 7, start- Bv Meranda Waters Deapite sine recent snowflur- ries, proof that sp ring is right around the. corner lies within the. walls <of Henry Street High School. Sports teams that just wouidn't be the same if they did not play in deep, cold mud, are poppingup everywhere. Both Trla' and boys' soccer teain and Ubyteain practices are *already underway. The girls' field lacrosse team and the track and field teazu are ais. beginning their training te, make tlus year their beat yot. Other' now, mud-free sports include the. boys' indoor soccer teain and the. guym' wroatling .team. Good luck te ail the new teams, I hope thi turna out te b. a rewarding Besson. Mak-ing the best out. of their season i.the.mixed v4iieyball team that recen ade it te the -lations. eiw*Jppu ingt 1:30 p.m. Te presontation, for grade 9 and 10 students from Durhami Rgion schools, was organized by te Human Sexuality Awareness Committe. of DurlimRefion. On the final day of tiie highly acclairned Spirit Week, the coin drive held te coliect money for Mark Woitzik raised an aznazing $200. And please remember té Y, A oýrilab isthestdate for erù',sast regular dance oif 'Healthy Sexuality -- Choices for Today and Tomoàrrow'is tuis year's. theme oif the awarenesm comnmtte. Whle the presentation at Henry is for studenta only Balla~ wiil make a presentation lior the generai public on Tuesday Apil 7, 7:30 p.m., at the. Michael Sa= Building, King St. W., Oshawa. Her presentation will b. 'Ini- fluencing, teens Towards Self- Repniility.' Balla discusses issues oif drugs and alcohol career planninýg, family, builing solf-èsteem ini the. teen years and school-related problIems. TRAAGR CASTLE SCHOO ~!M [L- By Leah SUlta-Khan er'joyed b ail participants and T7rafalgar Castie studenta proved to b. a lot if fun. have adjusted once more te, the From 8 a.m. te Fniday te 2 routine oif atudies and sports. r.. Saturday was the Thirty On Tuesday at the genera Famine which is organized ailembly, the principa wecomed -by Wrld Vision Canada te rais. students and faculty members money for third world countries. and outlined the curriculum 'of Forty students of Trafalgargo activities. and functions for the friends and famfiy -teo nRso-r reat of the term. them for the. 30 hours the. fasted. Already there, have been -TIi. Student, Fellowahxip <i f bouse competitions i floorTagr helped te arrangethus Seleets tic 1-1 1 HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL i, ý 1

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