Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 32

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- - --.-.- -.-.- -.- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - e e S2,N.11 pi lolsDa, 92pg ïd M r Ib fhePrice Edwsird Island ls finafly going to be moved. Durham Region>. Chairman *Gary Herrema ahocked. just about.everyone with the surpris anoncmnt late Tçesday that the. rogion i. uin hdecei 01 fii17 for use asits new fo eadquarters. "eii. Brits bave the royal t iane- lt'a hih tme eha - égin gta a world clas.ahi, toc' errema com- metd r sa VIP tour by fashhl t cf thePEI late Tues- dayafternoon. % .ayu, the oid hulk wil be' immediately trans te Art Robùànson's Auto'Wreckmng ydusing awoelot cf l1st railber ownBrock- St., just k they did in the old day.. Robinson will be responsilble for' completeiy refurbisbing the PE4 usmng only materials fromi 4 "It'sal-My ides,»sasH- rema. <'What btter way 91 0w- bis acrap jiarg commitmnte rocydling and the environmnt? Lamsoee building a satel- lite operation at Robinson'.yr to me t down steel for use in the to d~inson will also rebuild the inaide of -the séhip, which ho promiseste turn inte a Mfotn aace don. completeiy ier 'M elewildo everyhn, enthsésbinson. "Mis lathe beut idea lNy had yet for the' PEI, and itre going e work.' Robinson. aays ho'.hired for- mer WihitbyXyor Bob Attersle~y te supervise'. roect.«W alwaashadaasoie spot for-tho: PEIý-hjust nover admnittedîit in <'W're going te make all the chairs, sofas snd beds out of old car seats and the carpeting fr-om floor mata. «Wre us*g headlight4s for ail the interior lgting and tail- light and b gtsin the firat clam dinung rcom and disco te give a different iook." Robinson sayas this is going te b. somB <piush boat' Ho says thereil hoý cigarette CREWS ARE 4ALREADY hard. at work thon hoist the old ferry_ on to remodving heavy equipment from on which wiil be used to roil it to the PEL Thr-ee massive cranos wiil Auto Wreckers. igtrin every room and si traysl built into the chairs. 1Esch room wMil aso bave us own sound system <min radio) and speedometer - ««that way you can tell how fast we're moving snd bow far you've travelled.' Electricai power for ail those a cessries won't ho a probiem, sys-Robinson. <Tv. already got the geeraters - ust h ave te get thoe PCB. back. To keep cootsdown Robinson wiii be, using some 5b0 old car snd truck engines te mun the generatersand Jpower the. ship. <'We're -hooqkng them up by welingtogeterold drive ah tbwling hemte the pro- «newe get them tuned g it'l ho tth. fasteat yacht around. Thousands of tires wiil h in- WHJTBY, home. to- a huge population of Canada geese, has officially been declared -a 'Nuclear-fre, goose protection zone.! There will b. 'Feed the geese and 'Stop for geese cosn street' signe posted at aporaelocations. flated sud placdi*the hultO' give ami.PEf xta buoyancy. ýHerrema,.ays the ro«jon. wiii ,ey oblnSon $1 for the-PEI, but .t llprobably ceat a- couple hundred. tbousand te refiîrblah Art's it. Art says be11 givo us a real demi if we lot hlm park anothor old boat down on the.WIMtby waterfront.' Herrema ays the now head- quartera will save the region Sweepstakes win'ner! Whitby ha. won the grand f> rie in the Budget Sweepstakes More than ten million munici- palitios enter the BS draw every year for a chance te win a payout oqual to their town or city's annual budget. .A special closed counicil meet- ing was called yesterday te figure out what te do with the $38 million winfall. Mayor Tom Edwards satys sug- gestions range from building a now town headquarters te buy- ing a retreat centre in Belleville or a winter tewn office and retreat centre iFlorida. «Someone 'jven suggested cut- ting taxes,» saîys EdwardEs «but council agreed that wo should spend the money unmediately. instoad to sftimalate the economy.» The public has been asked for, ides. on what to do with the. winfail. Edwards says council will make the final decision next month at a special 'working budget session' in Bermuda. «Sinco we're handling 76 mii- lion dollars this year instead. of just 38 million, it's more imnpor- tant that ever that we go sorne- wbere 'without interruptions te hammer out bow hoat te, spend Edwards quickly silenced pres charges that council wspoig on anether 'Blleviile-stle jun- ket by suggesting local press accompany councîl on the trip, ail expenses paid.dad vn etdtk Edwads vonsugge8e tf c mngalong a femmersj cf the public -«20 or 30 maybe; that way nobody can accuse us cf net getting public iput.» Edwards says council haan't yet docided bow ion g councillors Wili spend in Bermuda. "We've left it open for now. Personaily I feol wo Rhouid talc. two weeks or a month - after ail, look at wbat we accomplished in Belleville in just two days.» Councilior Don Mitchell says ho bas a lot cf reservations about the trip «but they're making me go.» SEE PAGE 99 onalCoueilorswon't can ,pick loim p. 8hud-make m-camera esions a whole. lot Hreaantici ateu going.on "'round the world grd issions' with the yacht, unofficially dub- bed the S.S. HERR-tUM. <'What botter way to ontice manufacturera to seitup hop Mi Durham, than show tem Our r onai cuncl at work? ef they have -any questions, the entirestaff wili eright thore to answer them.n Herrema says Whitby Council has already chartered the craft SEE PAGE 99 Daylight Saving reveàrsed In a surprise annouÉnce ment, the Ministry of the Environment has announced that Daylight Saving Time bas been changed into Daylgt Avoidance Timàe (DAT). Itadof the usu"spring foward" which wasascheduled for thia weekend, dlocks ;wiI.put back two hours. Due to the. thinning of the ozone layeor, the Ministry has concludd that people will bave to "ty indloors more. kRelamng on your patio or beside your pool is -hazardous to,: your health and must be discuraged during daylight hours", said SEE PAGE 99 Finish these stories see page 4 (really)

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