Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 24

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as lolqg eL '81 J A YACYaliw 188RWam Yw?'I PAGE 24, WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL .15, 1992 Nýewspaper Recycle Bin - - no more clutter in living, room erecycle- attached twine dispenser esolid-pine- easy to % > iassemble ecornes in illustrated gift box Moneyback Guarantee if flot satisfied! Just $35.,00 plus S&H. >ORDER NOW', Cail TOLL FREE 1-800-463-2587 24 HoursI 7 Days/Week - Ask for Dept. 98 2 0OF NEW ENROLMENTS, NOW Leam. to Danoe for the Parties IF YÃ"U HAD RECEl VED THIS AD I N YOUR MAILBOX YOU WOULD HAVE THROWN 71% 0F ITAWAY. That's;easittyway of stating what is a documented fact. 75%/c of al advertising:mÉaili meets a sad end. In the trash can! 0f the 25% that we -keep, rOit. we don't even read at that tirne. We set it aside, to corne backt Or to forget about completely. Three tuà,s s many people would prefer to receive their price and cost infornpton in their newspaper. There, it's ail togeier iii one neat pack r opet n eady-for comparison. When people turn te their pachetu tee with interest. Which means that's wherc your advetitgmesg eds twbe. With aitheý èhoces available, it's difficuit deciding how.best to ad-. vertise your-business. But eVerything becomes a littie sinper when, you rememrà Çrone mie... WHFTBY GFNERAL Hospital Auxîli- to outpatients and people Iin the ai>! recentiylauce its volunteer, emergency waitlng aiea, were (from emergency support services (VESS) f) team, co-leader Mary Chartier, program. On hand for the official nurse manage Kathy Bruce andI kick-off of the program, that aiems to team co-leader Bette Sharp. provide emotional support and cars Photo byMork ferWhltby Fr..Prose Hospital Watch program begun in Durham Region Durhamn Reion hospitals kicked off the. Duham egion Hospital Watch program on April 10 ithe~ council chambers of the. Whitby municipal bufidinç Borrowil¶ fhom the. Neghbour- hood Watc concept, Hosptal Watch ig, a strategy aimed at reducing 'crime, -improving -tafety aud heightening boa prevention awareness wi theti hospital enyironment.1 Tih. Durham Region Hospital Watch prorahas been created tiirogh ti ciaborated efforts of the hý tas throughout the. Regi on ofD unham and the staff of tii. Durham Regional Polic Service. Tii. six participating hoepitals include Ajax & PïckernGnra Hoefital, ComnmuntyMemorial Hospital in Port Perry, Cottage Hospital iu Uxbridge, Mernorial HoSpital iu Bownanville, Oshiawa,. General Hospital and Whitby General Hospital. ,« Altho hi ehiihospital is respnidbie for the. daily function cf the program within acii individual organization, the. mandate cf the. program is the. same for al -- a consistent crime prevention philosophy. that reinforces the. goal ofcrime prevention throughout ail As tii. incidence cf crime. iu hospitals la net high, considering the. number ofidividuals tiiat corne and go on a daily basis, tii. goal' of the. Hospital Watcii pormi. ta bring it even lower. Hoptals are organizations Walk-a-thon to raise money for First Classfud Tii. furth anual Wiiitby General Hospital 'Walk-a-thon' wiII b. iield on Sunday, May 3. Tii. fundraising event i. part of, tii. hospital,çempboyees' fiv.- year1 comnutment te tii. Firat Class camplgt Almostp$2 00'was ralsed from the. last three walk-a-tiiona.' Participationi the walc-a- thon is open te ev. yon.. Pledge sheets are, valbe om the hospital's reception area. Starting time for tuis year's event ia 10, a.m. The walk-a-tiien will begin aud end. at the. hoapi- tal. public, and this aspec-t makes these facilities morevinerable to' cmebecause'.individuals can travel freelythroughout;,1<the building. Therefore, the program. eouages staffpatients -and visitors to become the eyes and ears,'of 'the hosptal and insd doing,, help to reuce the. number of crimes of opportunity. ,..Initiated ithe >Hamiltoe4 Wentworth Region in the fail'of 1987, the Hospital, Watch- program bas received widespread recognition and- endorsernent throughout the -province and was awarded the Ontario Solicitor General'sa ward for crime -prevention in 1988.' The month cf' April .is' <Parkinson -Awaress Mnh throughout Canada; Oshawa -and. Wihitby have also declared April, as.'Parkinson Month. The. local echapter meets -the first Monday of-the month at -St. mariés United 'Church a't tii. corner of Coiborne and ý,Centre Bts. .minWhitby,at,7:30 p'.m. The. agenda' coS'i"sts of a, general meetig a s"cal part and a guest Acivities f or the. month of April include placing,.donation bStes ni various locations. The mornes- will b. donated ,for research. :-Books, relating -,to the Parkinson disease will b. donated to libraries in Dunhamn Region.. Parldnson' disease is a neurologcal disorder of late 1f. and- resul teain 'a"'-chemical imbalance mi the, brain.' Symptomeas'.May include resting tremor, m uscle rim'gidity, slowness 'of movemeént, difficulty of balance aud walking and a reduction of the voice Volume'. It affects ml.sud. females moetly after age- 55. There' are cases as yong asag 35' This -dise i neith rjiditrnor Ther are approxmale ly 70,000 ,cases iu Canada. Treatment in available to contr-ol thesyjmptornls of this progresive disrder-. Treatment dàes no hait E9arly f rteatment 'diagnoses and treatment are importan~t. "You'm Great!" Cal us and We NANA wash ypur diapem!l Personalized service from $1 0.95 per week Add a second child for as littie,,as>,$3.00 more ~ S Ouramsine1989 (416)4304008

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