Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 5

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PAGE 5 FROM PAGE 1 reserve a copy of the agenda on Mondays if they cali the Town office. "'I can'tconceivably undersjtand why -were going to throw money at a prebl1ern that really dos not enust,» hosaid., Battensaid agendas are diffi-' cuit te, understand as written and people need and should corne to committee meetings to obtain more information and te s questions. "This council has nover over stopped people from gtting the agendas ahoad cf time,he said. our governiùent bore in Whitby as open and as accessible te the public as posa e lesaid. Lenfied saiâ people who work eu-t cf town may net always have the time -to pick -u, an agenda on Mondays and will now have- the opportuinity to road i t over the weekenfd. "I. weuld welcome as much C ubic input as jeeopIe are willing e ocost to have a copy of the agenda in the library will b. small and worthwhile if people road them te bocome more infor- med bofore meetings. "This is the way it used tobe until about il years ago," said Edwards. The agendas may not always ho g aale ,on Fridys, lho said, but the motion «wilI indicate that This Is Just Hai The Idea Behmnd Clearance Sale UpI ToI OFF The Other Haif Is Selection, Value And A ighly Professionàl Staff. Aûiother season, another sale. We've got to make room for new arrivais and the winner is you. Prices have neyer been lower... slashed we're tryinq te provide the acces- sibility which is tantamount te being accessible on ail occasions." Mitchell said people sheuld ho enceuraged te corne te comnittee meetings where their efforts are most effective. "I would like te see semething put in the front, an. explanatery page that sets eut hew our pro., cess works,» ho said. 1Brunelle said hie biggest fearn was that'certain people will use the weekend te make telophone calle and select phrases from the agendas te, croate interest in certain issues and involve people «before they know the ful off'ect of it al.n Nevertheless, ho said the new idea should be'given a.fuli year te, see if it can make a difference. Doltra said ho couldn't sup- port the motion because only a few people use the agendas regu- larly. «Fer three years 1 sat eutý there and 99 per cent cf the people, if net more, that come te meetings cf the Town cf Whitby have ant issue that deals with them directly,"he said. People should try te return agendias once finished with them smnce the cle rk's department reuses them and this helps keep coste down, ho said. Drunun said the new idea will net help croate a more opon government. "And thisi is not gonna' allow, in rny opinion, any more froedomn than there is new just cause more expense, thats aIl it's gonna do,» ho said. Batten said the current system works well and people can even SOMERSETr.m- WINDODRESSINGS, We're On The Moue- To Serve You Better!" Somnerset Wlndow' Dressings is proud to anriaunce our new Complete In-Home-Service! We specliIze ln:; venetians, verticals, drapery, California shutters, bedspreads and co-ordlnated accessorlesl And we corne direct to your door. Cali us to bring our extensive line of tvindow coverings and ideas right into your home! Fors*e.thoe service doRE-elvr-. Cal Bnne a 40-35 Con nà dJOHN BROU WER LOUISE DEMMER PAT MILLS NORM MIL Co ei n elknown throughout te sGonoral Managor, Louls a e'of theoade As Landscape esg £ Durham Rogion for award always on the gol.She is entrSe ith Nis 27 years Consultant, Norm cari help with ineet our team Of innir andscape projects. rocognizod amound die garden gardening oxporlence. ho roally any landscaMrlgojects you Jonrouwer and his wifo contre and over the past 13, knows his stuff. Pat says, If u have plannod. m has 2 flSaJly, would liko to welcomo you years has helpod the Brouwer'à can't boat them, join, Uhom eu,>'ars exporienco n landap prfsin i! to thoir gardon and landscaping devolop thoir droam. dsii and Installation arnd wilI LILil LÂ JOHN BIROUWER GARDEN Mon.-FrL E AND LANDSCAPJNG CENTRE 9Sm-TJ 401 ém 650 Lakeridge Road South, Ajax, Ontario LiS 4S7 8am-6pm Sunday a,,W v2a"I TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680 9am-5pm A new spirit Of giving A national progranoro encourage giving and volunteering In-store Financing Available

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