Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 6

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PAOE 6, WIiTY FM EPESS, WEDNESDAY, AMMI15, 199 The9 only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whitby residents! Pub'lished every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brock St. N.., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Andeirson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351 Trees destroyed To the Editor: Capy af letter ta Ruth Grier, Minister af the Enviranment. Dean Minister: Please review the enclosed phatographs as an example of hawa lcal municipality is destroying its residents' environment. This la a street in an estabiished residential area ai k Whitby which has recently been defaced by the Tawn's street clearing crew. The trees an Carter Ores., now unrecag nizable as ta particular species, will mature Into telegraph pales. They will no langer contribute ta the reductian af the greenhouse effect, the cleanlng af the air through phatasynthesis (t takes 60 trees ta, replace the axygen used by each, urban dweller) or provide shade. A mature tres pro duces the coalin effect af 10 raom-size air condtiners running9 20 hours per day. Trees pravidie shefter far sangbirds, provide windbrsaks, retain maîsture, cantrol erasion and look beasutiful. This kind ai clearin is nat necessary. The area, residents -are nat advised that such prunlng is ta take place and have no means af stopping it -- the branches af the trees are chopped off' almast ta rof level. What were nicely maturing neiçlhbourhaads now look like something tram outenspace and will nover, neyer look like the green shady residential nelghbourhoads we grew up WRth. Our children wilI setewer and tewer mature trees. When the big aId speolmens are gane, there will be nane ta replace them. R l18 heartbreaking 'ta watch aver many years young trees blossom Inta fuît grown beautiful specimens, then ta ta see themn r destrayed by the very people wha planted them. There la absoluteîy na reason for this kind ai destruction, certainly na 'aeraplanes' anr'tour buses' travel these residential streets, instances whlch, perhaps, cauld warrant such severe clearance. 1 have noticed that the trees alan Brack St, the main route intoWýhitby tram the 401 highway, have not been s0 severely pruned. R makes na sense ta me why such a street in this quiet residential aiea should be the subject for such severe pruning by the clearance crew. Ignore previaus compla residents on the subj e clearances (several camplained bitt 'erly clearances an Frost.Dr. it sent out its parks pacify those who camp thon Rt continued ta sti accordance with is ma As Minister ai the E 1 would appreciate yoi this matter and your a ensuring that the Tovw develapo an 'environr Palicy' and the reviz Ictistreet cdeana wthout delay. The Tow need guidance in thisr Want prot or solutioi To the Editor: 1 plckod up yaur Peç 1 noticed pal prabtems Thé news pretty much thé saeé can remombur. W. economic viowpoir enviranmentel viewp crime reports and th stadies, mixed with baance ai entertainmq and advertisements. A reg ular suppl Pneciseby tormutat ed information does -a gr keeplng saciety f bowir down thé river' ta g Obviausly, the wantd ha. but the solutions ai4 abviaus. The question i warId went problems ai Whed wouId heppen tc industry'fnobody had What'ss goad forthe E bad tonrthéenvinanmen versa. Since the quaity dopénda on thé enviroi could say that thé econu tan ile. But aincé we économy of somne sort, figure thai the solution1 creato an ecanamny that' h. This couId bu, doné ift h wasn't for thé fact tI who have economic pc thinga to stay thé way tù they wilb continué the wa t have a young trée outside my golhg. Lice the sang-s' hous, pientod by the Town Wt wrong antidote is likea quité an éxpense, and 1 have ta thé throetu. tive whth thé knowtedge that à is What we havé ti condemned and wibl nover see decroase economic cc naturel maturhty. Everybody wants and co-operate towardsî trees plented. goal. About the onby thl The Town ai Whitby intorms figuré aut is haw ta gat us that it is very expansive ta, plant wlth anyoné élsé wha n trees, yet ht continues ta planlt favaur ai this, whthout ael thém Mlog its streets to bautily by thosé who m thé énviranmént- Ater atlowing the-~ Thanlks. editor. Aav trees to maturé ton 10 ysars or sa, day. thé »Town thén cus them back dawn ta seing sizé. si The Town af Whâby did not ýaints tramlits act Of Street d citizens about the rlast year -- fareman ta plained), and reet clear ln idate. Whitby's teenagers flot wanted*,(part 1 By Stophon G. Leahy IIVIIUIIIIUII, Not long ega a btter ln this un views an newspaper related the stary af an issistance in environmentaily cancerned citizen ni ai Whtby who had askod a teenager not ta* 'montai tree litter and was venbaily ebused for lsn ai ts' his trouble. Without doubt, some af ~I1c~>Oicy the latter writer's anger is due ta vnovsasly the tact that those who are ta matter. inherit the- earth aiter us aie Sumn Faîr frequsntly unlnterested ln taking Whltby -proper careaof . euishv dons a pon caretaking job aurseilve% but meny are now id >ems leest trying ta talcs proper cane. Vêt when we try ta a oer advics ta ri? ths ne4t generation, .aur wth scorn and disdaln, f flot angsr and hale. Was the wnter ai the letton menioned ebove 'sirnply per recently. experienclng a case ai 'typicai still have teenager rebellousnesa? Ths has been verbal abuse may have béen but as lang as 1 thé littering may bu somothing heer the mare. Woud.ts teenager have ts, the thrown the trash an thé ground If oints, the thsre* were no adufts around? 1 e disester thlnk the wniter ai the letter would a délicate aunes that she wauld have donesos ont, sports wthout hesitatian. Is this girl unaware af thé ecalogical criais we allface? Given y of this the tact thé bad news is mixture ai everywhere, fram aschool ta TV, eSt job af that seems unlikely. It may bu that ng steedily sho has not been listening -- or destruction. wants ta heer thé bad news. This is problems, would bu cansistent with her ago, eo just as I'm told. is, doés thé Fienda have, advised that kids rsolutions? lose thoir braina St thé onset'ot ithe 110ws adolescence. Othens have stated prablemas? that ail kida should ga ta a spécial 3mnomny. camp St agé 12 and not return until t, and vice they aie St eest 18. SOiI athers have mono colourf ul thinga ta say ai lfIte about. teenagers. Fnam whêt nment, we parents, teachers, police and thé amy ls a newspepers say, h does appeai need an th at thy do cause a bot ai trouble. wo could And whéen not actively causlng ta Ite is ta trouble, they seem ita bu onlyr t's good ton lntérésted ln themselves and the r tiends. While this Is not true af al teenagers, there are those who very éasily bolieve there is currently an hat peaple epidemic af 'difficubt teens' getting ower Want into trouble. hey are, s6 Are parents -ta blame ton, their 3y théy are teenagers? Vos, they are, as are 3ays. *The aIl other adufts aie, whether thoy a bomnb in have children or not. Teenagers are troublesome not because ai ao do is rampaging hormones, but toaa ompethian great degree simply beceusé af the a comman saciety and culture ai which they ing 1 can't are a part. We'adufts crealéd this in contact society and culture and that [s why niqht bu in we are t arnae tan the young Yting killed adults we tind so troublésome. :not bu. Another latter writer ta thé re a gaad Whby Froe-Pressatffers agoad exemple ai this. Thé btter stades that the new mufti-million daller limon Plile Wi recreational centre has, a Whftby b= 1ttu pool suited ton klds under aged 10 ar il and an excellent titness facillty anlyfor those aýed 18 and aIder. As t.he writer ponts aut, that lbaves teenagers hanglng out ad the maIl again. Apparently, if yau exclucle camps in the far narth, the only places aur'society wants teenagers ta be Is at school d&ring the day and in the mails /aftorwards. Nether are partlcularly gaod placesta bu. Thé shartcamlngs af mail itfe aie abviausbut there are seniausprablmswith echools' as well. OurI soclety ls arganlzed sa the 't mast aio us work away tram the home and aour famlly.- Even when there Is ans parent at home by the time aur children, are age, 5 or 6 wepush them a. ut thedoor and into' schoals. Bath »af these tacts ai 'modern lue create the eosian ai the relatianshlp between chlld end paient whlch warsens as theyears goon. NC onl are schoals physicaily away tram homes,, parents hand over their vltaily important raies as teachers ta professianal educatars. Till a child goes ta achoal, they learn almost everything they need ta know tram their parents. By age 10 they, leain almast overything fram prafessional educators, and ver y few thi ngs from their.parents. Even when, parents .Want tc tae back so me ai thelr rotle ai teacher, schools do their utmost tc' meke 't difticult. A 'pratèssiona* educatar's laniguage and concepts. are specialized like any atheiî profession. Subjects taught, and especilly the way theyare taught, are compbetely changed ýevery few year. hat .parents bearned whenr theym were et schoal' has little resemblance ta tIhe, lessans today's 1 children ,receive. Eventual parents become tad bail led ta play any signIficant rale* ln their children's leemlng- processd -- other than negglng them ta, work.,harder and -do- botter. Likewise,', kids' - tind their parent's ignorance and 'out of date" ides toa much aio a commnunication hurdle .ta overcome. And since the raie of parents has shifted tram that of prime teacher tb prison guard (and ane that speeks another language et that), R is no wondsr that the teen yeers are 'troubled.' Ta bu continued - Opinons expressed ar'o those 0f thé author. -o the edi~ H(tor.. Townshowed restraeinht To the. Edîtor: t attended Whftby cauncil's récent opén forum an the 1992 budget andquit. inankly, atter an hour and. a hall, b léft feeling embarressed and dlagusted., Liké a tew aifthé people who spoke, t, too, have a concem wih thé $6.6 million capital expendituré pianned tan the new warks department iacillty. But withaut some specitic tacts concerning ha noal need St this timé, etc., 1 was reluctant to spéaic out. Certaly, ans cennot argué wih thé ogic ai counicitwhen, they Indicats that currént intérést rates and thé compétitive markat environmsnt make this as good a time as eny ta build thé facility (if R is réalty nequired). t also agrée with those who feIt that if this kind ai meetinq is heId again, the budget information must bu available ta thé public in advance. From thet paint an, R was downhitt 'and emberrassing. IV. Wallece announced that council was binging ln a budget-for 1992 that was gaing ta cost the lacet taxpayer the grand total ai $14 extra a year and, ta my astonishment, hé recelved a chorus of boas. If thons are pople.gerud ivinp, ln the réal Wonld whIo bulievé. that Rt la passible-,ion any, gavernment (includlng the bocal ý'municipal' group) -ta haId texi Increases ta, zéro twa: years ln a raw, they have tab bu smoking samfe réel stnang, stufi --1 '.' ' ' Sevéral speakers ,etter that 'councib-bashod' for thé seke aio cuncit-bashing. One spéaker was, obviously doing .nathin>9 but trying ta, score politicel brawnie points ton thé future. Hence, the reason 1 let embarressed and mare than SlIqhtly disgusted. t aét* opportunity and, as indicatod, penhepa l'm a graup ai ans, ta pensonally congratulate thé financé committee for thé effort put *into doveioping this budýet and for the obvious -. restrainý and innovetivenesa shown. If thé boardsaof éducation aid thé reglan can show the sae restreint and innovetivenose, Juat maybe wé cen avoid the increese ai mare than éight per cent Matra Taronto texpayêrs are facing. G. GaO=he

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