W~TY FEEPRESSÉ WED Y, APRIL 29,199on PAG13--a Y NANDRAIL COMPANY -Vet.cIinic'holds open house for 35 tha'nniversary M"aKt Animal Clie ic celebrating ita 3SMhannlversary of patice in uramRegion. Dr. andMrs. )Campbeil Macay began the practice la 1957 at the current location on Dundas St. E. la Whitby. Currently, the practice i. directed by their- son, Dr. ToIdk kofAnimbE.lt te, celebrate 35 years la practice, the staff will hast an open bouse on Saturday, May 2. Freai 2 .te 6 p.m., there wiil be gded tours lectures' and dmonstrations. Refresilments for the human visitors and pet -food; samples for thelr companions at home will be prvdd 'MacKay Animai Cilnic s one of Canadae '.-arge-tand moot modemn private veterinar hospitals," says Clayton Macay. It has f ve staff veterinarians and three other specalists who do referrai work from the- location. Speclalty work in done on a referral basis la derateogy, surgery, internai medicine, ultrasonography, - animal bebavicur and veterinary dentistry. Dr. James Anthony (dentistry) and ' Dr. Water Inigwersen (internal medicine) carry the distinction cf being among the veiy few board certified specalista la Canada. Tours are limited te "-juat pepe" tis time because the hoptal wlll be la service la seme areas to actuaily demon*arete procedures including ge 1 Everyone ia welcome, whether they are, pet owners or not. Need someone to watch the kida for a few heurs while you go shoppingor ungnp errands? A new Wlty business may be the answer. 'Mom's Day Outf is, a short- termi day care, says owner Wendy Dal teagnis fe "Most o h gJce fe nothing lèes than three fuli days a week; for somebody that's look- ing for something less than that and something occasional, ]Pm herel» Daly looks after children n lier well-equipped home -- "we have a lot of activities here, tons of toys a backyard with a sandbox and swingset and ail kinds of outdoor «Iq have a six year old and a two year oid, ones a boy and ones a girl so- we have just about everytIing for either.» -SER PAGE 14 The .Escalator Handrail Company of Oshawa bas huit a new branch plant'*i the Iowa-bllinol Quad-Cities area of the United States . This is the second Amierican brnceh plant for this Canadian fira. Ron Bail, preuident and chief executive officer, believes he bas deveioped the -wlnln formula te gain acces. helucrative American market. The wucceu cof their first American branch i Buffal, N. rontdthe powing Canadian. oeayto continu, expansion by iocating in the Quad -Olties as weil. The Quad, Giti e. is located on the Ms818,î Pver ax Mi. 'and comprises>sone 14 American commÃœnities thaï; include Davenpoet a nd Bettendorf, Iowa and Moliae, Rock Island -and East Moline Illinois. Th0 Quad City -Deveiçpment Group facilitates aad co-ordinates developaient la this ,area, of Illinols and« Iowa, which encompasses a population of nearly 400,000,peeple.-- The organiza ,tion heiped« Bali cut red tape and provided prompt action on questions of funding, land assembly, skilled labour, management personnel, leasing and government assistance. Located in Aznerica'sin rdûstrial heartland, the Quad Olties is on U.S. Interstate 80, and is part of an excellent transportation network. The Quad Cities lias a skilled labour force of nearly 200,000 werkers, boasts a competitive wage structure and a well-established manufacturlng base. Bail found the banIng cliinate, as weil as the overall business attitude,, very attractive, as dld several other Canadian cepnes who have opened branh plantse ite ae recently. He conxnended the co-operation of the local munI- cipalstate and federal officiaIs who facflitated the moive with helpful ace 'and valuable intervention. MW. expect we are breakting new ground, literaliy and figurativ lyl onting the way for Canyaiafirm t. simiiarly_ taeadvancatge of til new market,O Bail says. 1William -D. Little Marketing & 'Motivation Ltd. cf Whltby la< the officiai Canadian'contact for the Quad City Development Group., John Gardner, presideat of the Development Group, salid la welcoig the Escalator HandrilCem py,"This move la sigifiantandpèrhaps indicates a trade pattera for, the future SEE PAGE 15 Did you know that most people spend more time planning their annual vcto than planning their financial future? If this is a, worry to you then eall me for an overview of your financial health..., Included in our discussion will be: - Flnaclal concept Cail me now for an' overview of your financial health! DEREK DUTKAServing the1 Whilby - Oshawa Area ci- f ~ ,'iI 'f . ",9 ýWOýJn fx~i OMjf4Ye >I . .. . 4- -OkN3- , .MI.~r ....... . Jm.. .~ 'Local firm apstehg potentia ..mre Your Financial Health Drek Du tkaà VoIa"tiIlity of stocks," To Borpoplethe word <tock niarket' are as popular as a' skunk in a foal Ubuquet. Memnories 'of 1987's 'Black'Monday' ar estili fresh, and everyone bas a story of hdw they, or someone they k=now, st rnoneybecause they soid 'out during o .immeditifollowing the crash.> Thywere- victims c f. market voiatility, the instability- of the market No market goes Up rdown forever The market, Merely responds toe many nflunces such -as changes in tax laws or Whntemarket crashed in. October 1987, many inve store. panicked and cashed in theïr iaivestments. Many had bought stocks atthe height of the market,,attreçtçd, by rates of return that far e xceeded ,conservtive iJnvestments such as ý..term deposimý'tsand guà r'anteed'investinnt certificates. However, when. the market fell, they baiied out. Some soid immediately; others waited until they had recouped their bosses. These investors laeked two characteristics that are esseatial for succesaful investing in the stock market, either directly or through mxutual- funds. Thése are. ntience and discipline. Investors who persevered, disicovered t6Ãte market recovered most of its losses withln a year. Those astute enough. to buy when panic-stricken investors were fleeing, earned annual rates of return of 15 per cent. Some investment.s, such as the-Trimark Fund,-earned almostdouble that amount. Despite the market's ability to recover its losses, Most people still regard stocks as too risky, too speculative a proposition.,0f- stocks, treasury bills and bonds, these peopie consider stocks te be the riskiest because the voiatility of roturns on, stocks, measured on a short-term basis,- I. high relative te T-bis and bonds. In the short terzn, stocks can earn more or less than cash der osits. You cannot predict how successful your investment wilb.. But over the long term, stocks bocome much lesa risky. Research, shows that during periods of five or tenyears, stocks Will outpefr T-buis and bonds. Volatility is hardly an issue.1 If you suifer from stockmarket phobia, lt's time ,te gve stocks a dloser look. If you are like most ,inveéstors and, lac k thetime and discipline te manage your own portfolio, consider mutual funds. They are managed'profiessionaliy, are diversified and you are able te sell them and -get your money back whenever you like. Durlng the long term, weil-managed equity fundé such as those of Trimark Investment Management Inc., have slgnificantly outperformed' more conservative investment vehicies such'as treasuWy bils, and guaranateed, lnves;tment certificates. Try them and make the most of you'r lnvestment. 416-434-61191 -9mýk- - ý 'NtcqLniwe - 1- ý